CoT set a big scam?

So apparently CoT is a massive scam. CoT cards don’t count towards completion of the old sets, and the old versions arent usable in duels or twist. So basically Blizz has just released an expansion which forces us into buying/crafting two versions of the same card in ordee to play with them in twist/duels as well as complete our old sets. This is also the reason people are complaining there’s no duplicate protection, it’s because they’re considered different cards from a different set.


another one taking advantage of the small confusion we got over collection manager visibility of the cards for a bait

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This is my first CCG so I thought maybe I was misunderstanding the concept of reprints, so I looked it up. What I found was that if you have either version of the card they should both be usable in-game as if each were the same as the other, as long as the text is the same, and in this case the text is meant to be the same across both versions, so there is no reason we should be forced to have both.


For the time being you are not forced to have both versions
You can play the cards from the original set or from CoT in twist mode, you can even play both versions at the same time (1 of each)
They are considered as different cards but the duplicate protection IS working effectively. Before you get 2 of each minion of a rarity through either the original or new set, you can’t get duplicates of one you already have 2 of.
Sure the communication went poorly, there has been some issues in the system (especially about golden cards from what I read but I don’t know much for that), the whole design is not user friendly and is somewhat made to make people purchase packs, but it’s not as bad as people claim.
It is bad, but not that much.

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it bothers me hes lying about this

we can go and add a copy of a card from caverns and another copy from whispers of the old gods on the same deck!
on any mode !

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For now, but not necessarily in the future.


what i think is they did it the lazy way , because reprint’s are just copy-paste … and the feel is people are buying a copy-paste thing.
For sure was a little better thing if they elaborated it in a different way , like by placing something on the card to differentiate it or slightly changing the colors or the background … on Mean street of Gadgetzan there are card that are part of factions and so under the cost they have a blinking banner ( Grimy Goons , Kabal , Jade Lotus ) mb just placing a thing like that with CoT logo on all the reprints was a better solution and a more simple solution for players to differentiate them.

It did, until I realized that just what you do every time there’s an issue where the company is guilty of wrongdoing.

It’s exactly what’s happening, combined with the issues with cards that others have spoken about at length elsewhere, etc.

The simple fact they have done packs with cards across multiple sets for years (standard and wild packs, class packs, etc) and never had this issue show this was done on purpose to scam people. Combined with the overpriced decks and so on, this was done to make this greedy cash grab set get pushed out not even a month after titans to try and get as money money from players before they realized what was going on.

This. Was. No. Accident.


yep he lied about it
i know because i tested it myself i was able to build decks for twist wild and duels mixing caverns and original set versions of the cards

something that shouldnt be possible going by OP

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Because the only option is you are being honest about this buggy launch and everything is sunshine and unicorns.

Can you at least admit FOR ONCE that your corporate overlords might have screwed things up?

At least the possibility.


future twists will have CoT, but they may not have expansions that have the same cards as CoT, so if you dont have the cards in CoT, you are just screwed

so while for now its a lie, it wont always be

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CoT set a big scam?

I wouldn’t say that, seems more like yet another mundane cash grab.

From what I’ve heard, duplicate protection is working as announced, with some minor caveats. I’ll link this source here just in case:

:rofl: That’s this poster ‘in a nutshell’, as they say.

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No i didn’t lie about it at all. The old versions of the cards are currently not usable in duels. It will be the same in twist but obviously the current twist format includes all the expansions of the changed cards so yes, you will be able to use them in the current twist format, but any version of twist where it allows caverns of time, but not the older expansions, the old versions will not be playable.
Maybe I wasnt very clear but I assumed people would have the common sense to realise that you would be able to use the cards from expansions that are currently available in the current twist format. Twist changes every month so it won’t be long before we have the issue in twist as well.


lying again uh? because i know yuou know i complained on the day of the cavern release i got confused due to the collection manager bug they fixed later

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In regards to the duplicate protection, yes it is working across CoT packs but there is nothing stopping you from packing a card you already own from the original set before one you don’t own at all. Again, I would expect common sense would tell you that’s what I was referring to.
I have numerous duplicates myself, my friends have also said the same and I’ve seen numerous posts about it also. It is definitely happening. That video isn’t correct at all.

How am I lying? Go start a duels run and try and use any card that’s been reprinted. The old versions. It won’t show as available unless you craft it.
The reprinted cards are all from sets of mean steets or before so twist will obviously allow you to use the old versions because that’s the expansions twist currently allows! You haven’t proved me wrong by trying an old gods card in a format that allows old gods cards.

i did i made a omu deck with cthun and i was able to choose between the cavern of time and whispers versions of the cards

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Bruh… C’thun is already and has always been in duels. Try something like Emporer thaurissan or Confesser paletress, or literally any other card that isn’t already in duels. -_-

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why would i do that ? thats like trying to build adeck with meanstreet cards in standard

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Well my whole point was the old versions of the cards should be playable in place of the caverns versions, otherwise we are being forced to obtain both versions to have use of them in all formats as well as complete our collection.
And no I wouldn’t say that’s remotely similar at all, considering Thaurissan and Paletress are now both available in duels… providing you’ve got them from CoT packs or crafted the CoT versions. The old versions are not usable.

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oh you are talking about the bug

the duels only bug

then that means you tried in duels
but didnt bother trying on wild or twist ?

that would explain everything

try building a deck in twist right now and search your blaccrock emperor

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