CoT set a big scam?

Well no, like I clearly stated previously: the only reason it’s allowing people to use the old versions in twist is because the current twist format allows expansions from legacy all the way to mean streets, which covers all of the reprinted cards. It will only affect twist when we have a new format that includes CoT cards but doesnt include the other specific expansions. It obviously wouldn’t have any effect on wild either, as wild allows all cards, which is why I never mentioned wild having any issue, not sure why you felt the need to bring wild into the equation.
It’s not a duels only bug, it’s an issue with the cards being considered as completely seperate cards, which at the moment, due to the expansions that are allowed in duels and twist, it is only affecting duels. It’s for the same reason the duplicate protection is not working as people say it’s supposedly working.

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i have no idea why did you mention twist and wild on your OP

core isnt in twist and legacy is and we can use core set versions of a card as long as its in the legacy set too like BGH

is the same

duels is bugged right now its been confirmed

“If a card is in a valid set in a format, ALL versions of that card will be valid for that format, so you can safely disenchant the other versions. That’s the intention. However, that is not currently working for Duels (it’s not letting you add old cards), which is a bug we’re working to fix soon”

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I did not mention wild in my OP at all, that’s what I’m saying, you brought wild into the equation… Now who’s lying? I mentioned twist because that has rotating expansions and, so should the issue not be rectified beforehand, it will also affect twist in the coming months.

And yes it may work between core and legacy but core and legacy are not CoT and the issue I’m stating here is with the new CoT reprints, which are completely different to cards that belong in both legacy and core so whether it works between core and legacy or core and any other set is completely irrelevant.

Further evidence to support my claim is correct is that the reprint cards do not complete the collections for the original sets that they’re from. They would if everything was working as you say it is, but they don’t. Why? Because they are considered completely different cards.

I’ve just read through that thread that you linked (thank you for that btw as it was quite informative, although sadly incorrect) and can see that they confirmed that recieving a card via CoT does indeed count towards owning the card (or so it’s meant to). Celestalon is more so referring to duplicates when he states this but it certainly isn’t working when it comes to set completion achievements.


not working in duels its A BUG

how is it irrelevant? core and legacy version of cards exist at the same time

and we know the fact we cant use blackrock thaurissan in duels right now is a bug !

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kudos for trying, but you’re just going to continue to get trolled and more attempts will be made to distract and pull the discussion off topic from the fact that cot and twist are a massive scam.

As you so often do. We’re used to it by now.

Stop dodging. I get “confusion” is the talking point you all are supposed to run with.

But is it POSSIBLE for your beloved company to EVER make a mistake?

Note for those paying attention, how hard and desperate these attempts are to distract from the massive scam that twist is.

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Honestly, I can see both sides, but I’d hardly call it “taking advantage of confusion” I mean it’s not like he’s trying to cause a riot so he can get people to go play something else or steal their cards. Is that just a me thing?

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It’s irrelevant because they are not the same. Just because they’ve done something right in the past does not mean that when attempting something similar (not the same), they’re going to get it right that time also. And even if they were the same scenarios, which they’re not, blizzard have shown multiple times in the past that they can mess up things which they have done both successfully and unsuccessfully numerous times before.

Maybe it is a bug, but the bug isn’t with duels, it’s with the cards and the same bug would carry over to a different twist format, given the expansions lined up similar to duels, is my point. Also in fairness, I first raised this issue on the bug report forum, only to be told that this was not a bug and the game was working fully as intended.

Yeah I’m pretty new to hearthstone forums, never really bothered coming on here 'till these posts I put on yesterday after feeling mega scammed but in the short time I’ve been on, I’ve looked at a few posts and noticed Boreas is on literally every single one and essentially does nothing but troll and bumlick blizzard. Evidently virtually all of this man’s time goes to trolling and bumlicking with 12000+ posts so honestly it’s hard to believe he really knows much in the way of how the game actually works. All of the time he spends writing on here, I spend playing and experimenting with the actual game, so I wonder who’s more knowledgable…
Also find it funny how he has nothing to say about the cards not completing the collection which is honestly the scammiest part of it all.


It takes at least 5k posts to assume there’s a Blizzard logo on the bank card, at least 10k to assume Blizzard hand crafted the wallet and everything inside.


CoT is 100% a scam outside of the new cards

the new cards are miniset, but they added all the changed cards so they could sell it in packs

which makes it a scam


When I saw cot my first thought was why are these packs instead of a mini set?


it is the same ! there are legacy set and core set version and instead of crafting the legacy version we can use the core set version of the cards
we were told thats how its intended to work with all sets including caverns

we were told thats how intended to work (by a dev)

“mess up” you mean bugs ? those happen on all games not just blizzard

no idea about your bug report we were told is a bug 9 days ago

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It’s a very similar scenario yes, I’ll give you that, but not the same. This is different in multiple ways; firstly CoT is a culmination of both reprinted and brand new cards which the core set has never experienced. Secondly both legacy and core have always been available in all modes of the game (besides legacy only of course), up until twist. So there was very little room for an error regarding which cards could be used where.
Now I’ll help you out a little since it seems you need it. The best argument you really could of made in saying it was ‘the same’ is that both the core set and CoT have taken numerous cards from a variety of different expansions which as a whole have been not allowed in certain modes and allowed specific cards from those expansions to be used in those said modes. The legacy side of things is really irrelevant and what you should of touched on is the fact that the core set has allowed multiple expansions into the core set and into modes they wouldn’t usually be in otherwise, in the same way CoT has done, but there are still some major differences in that only CoT has done so with the addition of brand new cards at the launch of the set and CoT is a set expansion where as the core set is not; core is an ever changing array of cards that are provided for free however CoT cards all have to be obtained. Finally, core set cards are not only given for free, they’re also taken away when the core set changes and those cards rotate out, so could never count towards completion of the original sets, where as CoT cards are owned cards and therefore should count towards completion. So still not the same.

Just in case you’re struggling to understand the meaning behind the words ‘same’ and ‘similar’ here’s some simplified definitions:
Same: identical; not different
Similar: a resemblance; not identical.

Yes I mean bugs, I mean bugs that have been repeated, time and time again, expansion after expansion, that devs should have learnt from but don’t. And of course I’m referring to other bugs we’ve had over the years and not this exact one this discussion has been about, as this one is obviously, like I previously explained, slightly different…
Agreed. Every game and every studio has bugs but, although I do love most of the content Blizzard puts out, I can’t think of any other games studio that has repeatedly made the same mistakes and had the same repeated errors like Blizzard has done with hearthstone.


they are the same cards from different expansions you can use on y format as long as the original is allowed
same for cavern cards
and its been confirmed cavern set cards are supposed to work the same way as core set does in twist

and when it doesnt its been confirmed by dev its a bug

which bug keep repeating itself after being fixed ?

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Yes, well done, that is a similarity. Does not make them the same.

There have been numerous repeated bugs over the years; the most recent and most commonly occuring being almost every expansion there’s an issue with people being able to do early pack openings. There’s been in game combos which weren’t supposed to be a thing which have been ‘fixed’ but not fixed, there was the issue locking people out of duels runs where it wouldn’t show rewards which was ‘fixed’ but not fixed for people that actually had the problem. There’s been queuing issues that have repeated themselves. There’s been issues crafting card backs/hero skins which have repeated themselves. There’s been issues with cards not giving the appropriate amount of dust when being disenchanted. The list undoubtedly goes on. Honestly though, I’m not here to sh*t on your gods, you asked, I merely delivered, and so I’ll let you carry on repeating yourself with your mindless worshipping in another thread and I shall leave you with a quote:

“It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but its damn near impossible to win argument with a stupid person.”

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but that specifally was you main complain about the set “having to craft cards for duels and twist”
so now that you found out is a bug and that we have duplicate protection

you "shifted "your rant to make it about something completely different !

i dont know the name of the fallacy but im pretty sure there is one about changing the subject to a completely different one from the OP like this

you mentioned "winning an arugment " resorting to fallacies like this is what people do when losing an argument

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You could probably add cult like mentality to that. Which is what those who refuse to even acknowledge the potential for company wrongdoing (even when they do). These people would defend weyland-yutani if it were real.

Something the actiblizz defense force is all to familiar with, when they aren’t just outright trolling, harassing, etc. to pull the discussion off topic from the company’s wrongdoing. In this case, that cot and twist are a massive scam, a thinly disguised money grab for the company, as proven by the fact the release came less than a month after titans (STILL no mini set announcement!), it’s outrageously priced compared to the original release (one deck costs more than the entire wing of the adventures), the packs conveniently don’t work the way their other multiple expansions packs do, and the almost near complete radio silence so far.


The new CoT cards are pretty heavily power crept so as to radically disadvantage people that didn’t buy them.

It’s only an issue if you like to be competitive, but it’s also frustrating when you’re just trying to have fun and the mode goes flat pay to win.

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Gotta say, you’ve got a point here.

The mode could have been an opportunity to have some fun with older cards — but what’s the point when there are some of the notorious offenders out there?

The point is, I could have crafted some of those new OP cards (Jade Telegram, The Scarab Lord or that Warlock location — isn’t that deck even budget, by the way?), but I just don’t want to, because I don’t think it’s fun…

I’ve been having some fun when I could with Aviana druid and C’Thun because I wanted to do just that, many other decks could have been played (or played against) for the same reasons, too — had it not been pointless with all those Rogues and also discard Warlocks.

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True. You would have to buy 100+ Caverns of Time packs and 100+ Old Gods packs to even start playing competitive Twist C’Thun decks.
Mode is just a Get Rich Quick money Scheme by Blizzard.

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That “bug” in duels was never actually even fixed, they’ve just added in the old sets to duels to try and cover up their scam.

Cards still arent treat as the same card, so I still can’t use my original paletress or anub or whatever other cards from old sets as CoT cards, meaning if I want to use them I have to dilute my buckets by adding in cards from all these old expansions since they’ve now been added into duels, when most of the old cards are unplayable, essentially making the reworked cards still unplayable. So if I want to keep my buckets restricted to CoT I still have to recraft the cards I already own… These expansions weren’t in duels originally for a reason but now they’ve all quietly been added just so we can use the CoT cards we already own… eventhough that doesn’t solve the problem because they’re still not considered CoT cards and so by using them you’remega nerfing your buckets. Clearly was never actually a bug at all and I was 100% correct in saying this was a dirty money grab tactic.