Constant Crashing on Android Mobile

Moto E 2020
As stated in the previous thread, game is broken across all mobile platforms. Another patch has come and gone and the game is still broken. We are in for the long haul, my friends, your only recourse is to play on PC.
Blizzard: drop everything and fix this right now. Don’t delay. Fix now .

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Tried all of the Android Troubleshooting for my friend that is having this issue. She still is unable to play or spectate on cellular data, but has no issues on WiFi.

Samsung Galaxy S21
T Mobile

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I can’t believe how long this has been going on for without any solution!!!

Every battlegrounds I play freezes AT LEAST once a game, it takes so long to restart I miss at least one tavern turn per game, but that’s only if I’m actually able to rejoin. If I persist and make it to the end of a game, wherever I finish, it freezes on the last screen and I have to restart again, this happens on my Samsung phone amd my Samsung tablet, both have more than enough specs to play hearthstone…

I agree with all previous posts, it us UNPLAYABLE, I have hundreds of hours on battlegrounds alone, I play with friends on ipads and watch their smooth graphics and minimal loading times in awe, but since the last patch I even see them get booted from the app regularly at the moment, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Along with previous posters, I too will be deleting the app and not playing again, there are other games out there which will have to fill the hole left behind by hearthstone, but I refuse to deal with people telling me to “clear cache” “restart device” etc etc, admit its a problem on your end blizzard “entertainment” and fix it, read the posts, listen to the mobile community and SORT IT THE HELL OUT


Restart Hearthstone after each game.

I’m playing on mobile (Xiaomi Redmi 4a) and experiencing this. Only solution for me has been restart HS after EVERY game. Seems to only occur when playing more than one game in a row. (Linked to the duration that the app has been running??)

I am playing using a samsung galaxy j4 plus, and the game freezes about 1 per game. I have noticed it only happens when there is a animation, when the game is idle nothing happens. Sometimes the games crashes after the enemy face explodes, every time this happens the music keeps playing. I have also tried battlegrounds, the game freezes in the combat phase, I can restart the game and I usually can rejoin the game and keep playing, but I have to endure one tavern phase. Is anyone else having this issues?

Telephone Redmi 8A It’s been impossible to play for a month now, it freezes every 10-15 minutes of the game, the music plays and that’s it, reinstall it, clear the cache, nothing changes, when will it be fixed?


4th time in 2 years that the mobile HS is completely unplayable, and Blizzard has taken over a month to fix. But good thing they fixed the Cthun Recruit bug, priorities are exactly where they should be.
Blizzard, fix now. Stop work on everything else. Fix right now.

Is there a way to get some kind of crash report from the game to post here?

Same cellphone here, and exectly th same problema, game disconnects every 5 mins.

So here we are, on month #2 and patch #2, and the game is still absolutely broken and unplayable on mobile devices with 2 or less gb RAM. Broken for the 4th time in 2 years.
Fix now, Blizzard. Stop waiting, fix now.

I’m tired of this, I think I’ll drop the game. 2 months waiting for a fix and nothing. Time to download a new game for my phone.

it’s impossible to play for two months, why don’t they want to fix it? Apparently, you will also have to update the list of your games.

Is this a problem for phone with less than 2 gb of ram?

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Pretty much constant crashing since the last large patch. Android on Moto E4.
If it’s because of the 2gb of ram, it’s somewhat hilarious, since you can play mobas just fine but can’t play a card game.
From what I saw, minions don’t create issues but special effects from quest lines or spells create fps loses or outright crashes. Sometimes game starts showing the wrong card art, and that points at an impeding crash. Not connection related, it crashes constantly in adventures too.

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Any plans to fix this, devs? Can we get a blue reply that says “yes we’re working on it now”? Pretty tired of having my game crash 50% of the time and lose ranked matches because I missed 3 turns. You know precisely what percentage of players have less than 2gb RAM on their device. My phone can run Max Payne, KOTOR, Morrowind, Dead Cells, Legends of Runeterra, but it can’t run Hearthstone? C’mon

This bug ruined an otherwise stellar duels run. Even before the patch the connectivity issues on mobile were absurd.

Well I guess I’m joining the chorus. I’m just about done with the Android app. Not only is it unbelievably bloated (3 GB for an app? seriously?) it is constantly locking up and causing me to lose games.

I really wish Blizzard would hire some competent app programmers, maybe that can code in some failsafes for these situations.

Temporary solution worth considering. Downloaded a RAM boosting app on my Android last night and… the game is playable! Some events still seem to cause crashes, but it’s nowhere near as bad. Game would inevitably crash on me during pretty much any match before the RAM boost. But another effect of the RAM boost is that I can seemingly reconnect very quickly after getting disconnected, meaning that although I do have to close and open the HS app, I’m able to get back into the match before my turn timer is starting to rope quite comfortably.

Not a perfect solution by any means, but getting the job done for me. 4 wins into a Duels Run all on mobile last which would have been impossible before the RAM boost.

Coincidentally I also starting using a RAM booster this morning (on Avast Cleanup), and it seems to be working. At least, I was able to play 3 games without a freezeup (normally I’m getting one nearly every game).

My procedure is: after each game, I quit out of the app. Then I run a Quick Boost to free up memory, then re-launch the Hearthstone app.

Kind of a pain, but at least it lets me play the game without freezeups (so far).

eta: This appears to be a reliable workaround. I’ve played probably a dozen games now and only had one lockup, which occurred after my game had ended.

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Coming in to say this issue of the game crashing to my homescreen has been an issue for the last 3 months and because of this I stopped playing. Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G. Yes, I have followed the Android troubleshooting tips and there is 1 I can’t test and that’s cellular data due to being on TMobile. Before you tell me to fix it by changing my APN, just know I’m not doing that. I shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to play a game. Especially now where I can do that just to crash anyway since this issue is most likely not a data or wifi issue. Pathetic how much money HS makes and how little they can fix and in a timely manner.