Doesn’t mean you then get to make authoritative doomsaying pronouncements either.
If you’re not willing to accept what they’ve said until you see it, why are you so sure it will be wrong? If it was just nihilism you’d at least be consistent instead of a hypocrite.
I never said I was sure. I am open to being wrong. Are you?
I will be pleasantly surprised if it’s better for F2P, but not surprised if there’s a catch.
So if there is a catch, and the forum QQ erupts, I hope you have the courage to admit that you were wrong instead of trying to explain away how the change negatively impacted F2P.
If the only benefit of paying is faster reward earning, does that lead one to ask how big a bump that 10% or so really is? How grindy is the new system that one would want to pay to avoid much of it? Or it could be the opposite - that paying for the pass leads to enough increased rewards that less money is spent on packs in the shop?
Will be interesting to see actual details of the mechanics of the system.
Achievements, progression all sounds good. Tavern pass sounds like its going to be a must how much is it gonna cost? The one right now is already expensive and its not worth bunk…
Obviously Blizz has the Very Big Picture of their plans and we are getting pieces of it like a jigsaw puzzle and aren’t fortune tellers and have no clue on how much the next rotation plays into the Very Big Picture of which we can’t see. Skeptical opinions and doubts about the future are fine with me. Nothing wrong with asking questions and keeping an up-turned eyebrow. I’m hopeful things will work out in the long run but not without bumps along the way. Holding out to buy the next expac to see how much RNG bs they’ve added and hoping they’re keeping it to the minimum but pretty cool we’re getting it in November?! Hasn’t it always been December? Anyhow remember peeps, it’s just a game
“the Annhylde Alternate Warrior Hero and Card Back, three Jaina Hero Skins, three Thrall Hero Skins, and one of Hearthstone’s first-ever collectible Cosmetic Coins!”
That’s the extra cosmetics you get on the paid track along with that 10% experience boost. I think I’ll be saving up gold for this instead of BG perks just in case they offer it for gold. If cash only, I might stick to just buying BG perks.
I am inclined to agree. The test for me will be how much gold I have on hand to purchase new packs when the subsequent expansion is released. Under the current system, I typically save up around 9000 gold over the course of an expansion to be applied to new packs of the next expansion. (I also pre-purchase the $50/50 pack bundle). So over the course of the Darkmoon Fair expansion, I will continue to play the same way I’ve always played. If at the end of that expansion I have more than 9000 gold, I will be satisfied that they met the goal. If I have less, they are a bunch of liars.
You bring up an interesting point. They mentioned a min expansion release of 35 cards. So now we’re in for more investment (which I’m ok with, since I get value for it), but it will make it a lot more murky to verify if I’ll be able to earn the same amount of gold. I guess to keep my experiment controlled, I’ll have to invest real money into card packs to pick up those added 35 cards (or craft the ones I need).
But I’ll give them a fair chance. If I earn more than 9k, I’ll be happy to announce that they kept their word. But if not, I’ll be calling them out as crooks and liars. (And I’m sure the usual white knights will be out in force trying to explain it away.)
There is another option. Since the 35 card mini-expansion is supposed to be added into the Darkmoon packs when it goes live, you could just save your monthly ladder rewards — and maybe some other packs like the class packs from Book of Heroes — which should be able to give you a large portion of the new cards, thanks to the duplicate protection we now have.
That would likely allow you to get a good portion of the additional cards, but it will depend on how they do the rarity distribution for the 35 card set.
I am not sure about this that i am going to say, but i heared some where that after completing the “scripted” part of the battlepass there is an infinite grind with less value prices, until the next battlepass. Again i am not a 100% on this, but if it is true that would be a replace for the 3wins=10gold reward.
I’m skeptical that this will be more rewarding than what we have right now because it doesn’t seem like anything anyone would do but I’m watching how much gold I’ve had for the past couple expansions and am gonna play the same amount to see if I end up with roughly the same amount of packs at the start of the next set as I do this time.
It’s all a matter of the numbers put on it. How much gold is given for completing the path, how long it takes to complete the path, how much xp it takes for another level after 50