Congratulations! Hearthstone has officially "upgraded" to a battle pass system!

Are we to assume the cost of this pass will remain the same as the current Tavern Pass, $10?

I think this is one of the interesting things about the new system rewarding packs. Most people who buy the bundles or stockpile massive amounts of gold before the expansion will have a fairly complete collection on day 1 and often enough dust to craft whatever they didn’t unpack. But if you have a complete collection on day 1, then any further packs for that expansion are pretty irrelevant to you. But if they’re releasing a miniset mid-expansion that is tied to the same actual packs, then you can just save up the extra packs from the progression system until the miniset releases and then unpack them when it comes out. I think that actually will make the packs from Ranked season completion, Tavern Brawls, the progression system etc. actually worthwhile. Right now, after a relatively short amount of time, they tend to just fuel my dust for crafting Wild cards from before I played the game regularly.

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what does this mean? what items does the paid track have that the free one doesnt?

This was the most confusing part for me - i thought there was only 1 track with its rewards…there’s 2 different tracks? 1 has more rewards? very confused here…

Aside from a boost to the amount of experience you earn, the only things that the paid track offers are cosmetics. You get a golden copy of Silas Darkmoon (the free legendary you got after the patch today for logging in), several alternate hero skins, an alternate skin for the coin, and maybe one or two other things.

The rewards for both the paid and unpaid tracks are based off of the same leveling system, so whenever you purchased the Tavern Pass (if you choose to), you’ll have immediate access to all of the rewards for the levels you’ve already gained.

Everyone gets the unpaid rewards. Those with the Tavern Pass get some extra cosmetic items.

Edit: Here’s one of the images from the reveal today, showing the first 5 levels for the new pass.

The dotted line across the middle shows the levels. There are checks for levels 1-3 because the player they’re showing has reached those levels. The items above the dotted line are from the paid track: for the first five levels, that is just the golden copy of Silas Darkmoon and one of the alternate hero portraits. The items below the dotted line are the free track: for levels 1-5 that includes a free legendary, three card packs, and a free epic. Further levels will have more and different rewards all the way up to level 50. Beyond that you just get 150g per level.


Do not forget that sets will have 25% more cards.
Undefined ammount of “more” rewards + 25% increased set size = ???

That’s usually how these things work. In my console games they have something similar and most of the rewards are just cosmetic.

Exactly, it’s pretty standard.

Folks go bonkerd and like to pretend that [whatever game they play] will only go the route of [company/game that did things horribly] while flat-out ignoring the current thriving examples of how to do stuff like this properly.

Good to see you around again!


Which is why you aren’t game designers.

Games give away free stuff to entice players. It’s extremely common. I’m not sure how you’re so convinced that the only way for a game company to make money is to make players hate the game and play it less.

Money and gold are not mutually exclusive. Particularly when your competitors are trying to eat into your market share by giving more free stuff than you are.

Oh, and they said, explicitly, that both the rate of gold acquisition and the total gold per season should stay the same or go up for all levels of play time.

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I think what a lot of folks here are syaing is simply, “We’ll believe it when we see it.” I just don’t understand why you are so hostile toward people who remain skeptical. When the April expansion comes around, we will see. If I have more than 9k gold (my typical and consistent earned gold over the course of an expansion), Blizz will have been successful (for my level of playtime), and I will commend them for that success. If not, they’re liars who deceptively and intentionally introduced a new system to hamper gold earning.

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And I’m saying I wanna see for myself if that’s really the case before I say it’s definitely better or definitely worse because taking game publishers at their word isn’t generally a good idea.

Hearthstone in particular has been a fairly stingy game in terms of what it gives away for free thus far and has been quite successful despite that so I’m wary about anything that changes the current reward structure.

My biggest concern is whether or not they treat packs or free individual cards as worth a certain amount of gold or not. My current playstyle is to complete my daily quests and buy the larger preorder for the upcoming set that results in me getting around 65 packs of the newest set from gold on the day it comes out which typically gives me almost all the cards I could ever need from that set and the dust to craft anything useful I may have missed. After that packs are worthless to me. If I go from 65 packs worth of gold on day 1 of the expansion to 50 packs worth of gold but 15 packs from older sets that’s a net loss for me because I don’t need the older cards and dust return on them isn’t great. Even if it was 50 packs worth of gold + 20-25 packs of older stuff it’s still a loss for me. After day 1 of an expansion the only thing that has any value for me is gold and not the equivalent amount of gold in packs, dust and older cards.

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No, that’s not what they’re saying. They’re saying that they’re sure the goal of this is to screw us and give us less gold.

Agnostic skepticism is one thing, but they’re claiming absolute certainty that contradicts every statement Blizzard has ever made on the subject.

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Well that’s not what I said. They’re saying gold earnings are going to be the same or better than it has been under the old system and what I’m saying is “prove it”. The numbers on this matter a lot and we haven’t seen that so all we have at this point is their very biased word that it will be better since they’d never say it’d be worse.

I wanna see if it’s actually the same or more gold or if they’re gonna start equivocating gold with dust, packs, and cards when they’re not the same and you can’t convert any of the other stuff to gold to use for future expansions. From the few sections of it they did show there’d have to be a lot more gold rewards in the sections they didn’t show than in the ones they did to make it the same or better


It’s not what I said, either, but sometimes people just read what they think something means instead of what is actually written.

You’re correct that the exact breakdown of what we get and when in the expansion we get it very much matters when comparing it to the current system.

Blizzard understanding of equal or better may not reflect the player base’s opinion on the topic.

We will know when we know, but I share your skepticism.

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They said the gold won’t be cut lower, and you get more rewarded for your time. Unless they’re lying, or the players are insanely picky about what they play, nothing would be wrong.

I’d want to see the exact phrasing they’ve used for this. For me, the day after a set releases the packs of that set are worth 0 gold to me because I’ll have everything I need from that set already. I’ll happily take them as freebies but I wouldn’t give anything to get them. If they start equivocating 100 gold and packs of an already released set because that’s how much gold it takes to get a pack then it’s a considerably worse deal for me. If the packs, cards, and dust are literally just extras thrown in on top of the ~6500 gold I accumulate between expansions then it’s a much better deal for me. Without seeing the numbers I can’t say that is definitely how it will play out.

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They gave us more flexible was to grind the 150 Gold a level after 50 right? And with achievements. Maybe it can suck for some hardcore players. But I usually only save 2000 Gold an expansion just in case of adventure or event, and use the rest on Arena and I just buy the preorder.

Yes but even here the numbers we don’t know matter. How much gold do you get between levels 1 and 50? How much experience does it take to go from 50 to 51? How much experience do you need to get from levels 1 to 50? We simply don’t know any of the answers to these questions and need to in order to assess their claim that gold earnings won’t be impacted.

Oh okay so something that’s free and the paid part being only cosmetic related is what’s going to make you retire to BG.

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You could try looking it up. It’s not exactly unknowable.

You just might be pleasantly surprised…

As others have said - we sort of have to wait to see how hard it is (or isn’t) to raise levels on the free track before we get a good sense about whether the free gold levels are the same, better, or worse. My guess is that they will probably keep things about the same … maybe marginally better. I doubt they will make it worse … but time will tell.