Conclusions from theorycraft

Get ready for OTK heaven for the first week or two.

And if you somehow survive the OTK decks, get ready for insane value Warrior and Druid decks.

Oh yeah, and also get ready to face Gemtosser doing ridiculous damage to you.

First 2 weeks are pretty much set in stone. You won’t be enjoying much of the game until they hotfix the ridiculous combos that are about to happen.

Everyone should just play Druid and Warrior on the first 2 weeks and then go from there.


You’re missing the argument. When Druid plays Unkilliax for 9, you won’t be playing Yogg for 9 because you won’t have 9 mana.

It’s similar to what is happening right now. Yogg isn’t countering Druid’s Unkilliax because when they are at 9 and playing Unkilliax, you’re likely at 4 or 5 mana.



Maybe we can fit some hyper aggro in the mix just to not be drowned in OTKs.
There are some good packages to build that stuff too.

Rogue shadowstepping the elemental.
Sunscream decks don’t appear slow at all(had a friend try on stream).

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I think this will be similar to one of the most hated metas ever: United in Stormwind.

Where it’s nothing but OTK and Aggro. No mid-range. No Control. It’s kill or be killed by turn 6.


To be fair i kinda tired of midrange decks.

We had nothing but midrange lately.

Sure people will cry a lot but to a personal level…
I gonna have some fun before the balance changes.

It’s probably too early to tell. If that’s the case, we could end up with either a fully aggro meta, a fully OTK meta or a mix of the two during the first week. Best case scenario, aggro is very effective at countering these OTKs and control will have a chance to rise to the occasion, so we’d end up with a decent meta. Ironically, that scenario would make it very hard for those greedy druids/warriors to be much of a bother. We’ll see I guess.

Edit: also I hate control decks and I loved Stormwind so seems like a win for me lol

Well, my argument wasn’t about Druid but about Warrior mostly, which will only have access to one ramp piece. Considering their greedy deck composition, it’s possible that only Zilliax will be run as the other Taunt minion beyond 2x Travelers to fetch it, and stealing Zilliax would cripple Hydration Station.

Regarding Druid, sure, it’s possible. But if it’s as bad as people claim, it will get nerfed at the 2-week mark, so I am not stressing.

Warrior will just run yogg to steal it right back though. And with sleep under the stars they have a really dumb draw engine to make sure they have it in hand before you to boot. It can draw a ton of cards, gain lots of armor, or give em mana refresh. Its the ultimate flex card.

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Well yeah, if the stars align there is no chance of Yogg doing anything effective.

But providing best-case scenarios to tell me Yogg won’t be effective is misleading. There’s a chance Druid doesn’t draw their ramp pieces immediately. Even if they ramp beyond your Yogg turn, they might not have a good opportunity to play Zilliax. Perhaps you have no minions on the board or something similar.

Still, you can just not kill the Zilliax and let it remain on the board for a turn or two while dealing with the rest of the minions. After all, it’s only 4 damage a turn. You will slowly build up to your Yogg turn and just steal it. Of course, this will be done by someone aware of what’s happening, also known as a good player, so it being a noob killer will definitely cause it to get nerfed. However, it’s not infallible; it can be beaten if you truly want to.


The real blowouts are gonna be happening early though. When hunter drops Concierge and plays cup of muscle you could be staring down a giant minion with 15/10 stat line as early as turn 2. All it takes is coin concierge and both cup of muscles and it’s game over. And even if he only has one cup of muscle its still gonna be hard to kill a 7 health giant in one go, which opens up the opportunity for a pet parrot the next turn to generate more cup of muscles to finish the job. We’re talking ultimate early hearthstone era edwin van cleef levels of stats on turns 2 and 3 here, and almost nothing is capable of dealing with a giant of that calibur so early. Shadow word death was one of the only answers to a play like that back in the day, and it’s gone to wild. How do most classes answer something like that on curve?

Pain warlock can generate 5 or 6 tokens by turn 3 and drop aggro zilliax to buff their stat line too btw. That also feels like game over most of the time. Party fiend might be the strongest one drop in hearthstone’s history. You get 3 1/1 tokens on turn 1 alongside a free blood treant or two and just drop ticking pylon zilliax and the game is over.


I’m not saying it’s going to be easy to deal with; in fact, I believe it’s so challenging that you’re better off letting Zilliax exist on the board to disrupt your opponent’s game plan of flooding the board with resurrection.

It’s true that if they manage to hit the hand buffs on Zilliax, it can be detrimental. However, those are necessary includes to make such a play, which essentially puts all their apples in one basket. Still, I doubt this is the real problem. The good decks will probably be much faster, and this will serve as an attrition-control deck stopper.

We’ll see, I guess.
I’m not doubting that mid-game heavy decks, like perhaps Big Spell Mage or Ourobos Warlock, will definitely struggle against this.

What deck can answer a 15/10 minion on turn 3? or a 3/5, and five 2/3s and 3/4’s on 3?

I won’t speculate about decks not existing yet, but there are cards that can deal with both scenarios here.

Concierge will see a nerf I don’t doubt that. It showed its strength even in Theorycrafting with deck building restrictions.

That makes it worse, doesn’t it? If people are finding OTK combos that deal 45+ damage on turn 5 with decks that have restrictions and are clearly unoptimized, what happens exactly when the decks do get optimized?


What happens is that the decks which used to lose against the theorycrafting decks now get optimized with old cards included which might help them balance the things out

It’s what always happens - they print a few broken cards each new expansion to drive sales and then they nerf some after a few weeks and that’s when the meta stabilizes around decks whose older + new expansion cards are the best currently

With artificial deckbuilding restrictions + what we know are purposefully broken new cards, it doesn’t make sense to talk about what’s gonna be broken and what isn’t after a few weeks time.

No board, no money!!


It does not seem like a sound argument. If the deck is able to OTK turn 5 with unoptimized deck it will still be able to do the same when it gets optimized.

So yeah, cards can get nerfed two weeks after release… or they might not. It doesn’t change the fact that those cards will be busted for those two weeks. We’ve been there with Nature Shaman recently. So seems like Speaker Stomper will be necessary if unreliable lifesaver.

Guess im gonna have to run saps and speaker stompers and neophytes in my rogue deck or go hyper aggro as well

To be fair what showed strenght were the drinks.

I kinda understand why point to concierge but any other card who gave an aura discount would enable the same stuff to happen.

And would rather change the drink mechanic to not let combos like this happen than a card that will die as soon as it enters wild.

I think Melphina is right. Being able to go Concierge into playing 6 drinks for 0 mana by turn 2, if you have the Coin, is too strong.

The card needs some adjustment. It should cost more so the swing it provides doesn’t happen that early.