Concede all games vs priests

What a massive joke the priest class is to play against. Garanteed 2 hour game watching them sit back and clear the board a million time.

Absolute cancer and definition of anti-fun. Just concede all games vs priests right away…not worth the time when you could play 3 other games instead.


Not a wise choice, but it your call


If the priest class is a joke, what does that make the losing opponent (or more accurately, the triggered loser)?


You said it, not us :slight_smile:


The point is not winning or losing. You always lose is the point. You lose if you win because you could have played 3 actual fun games instead. You lose twice if you lose for the same reason. Anti-fun class that just drags the games endlessly are just wasting everyone’s time. Its uninspired and unfun and frankly unskilled.

So yah, even winning is not fun so conceding right away is best.


Playing Control Warrior, are we?


like about everyone, I have decks for each classes. Doesnt matter what I play. I do have a control warrior deck but I barely ever touch it because its cheese and for the same exact reason I hate playing vs priest but for some reason I find the control warrior more pleasant to play against and never feel the need to concede. My 2 least played classes are warrior and priest right now. I used to play priest a lot back when the prince guy was there and had a critter deck of some sort with little to no spells to stall games.

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I bet you can name every card that a Priest is going to play from turns 1 - 10+. In order too. We all can.


blizzard people are a joke!!! after selling a game and people having fun they think ‘oh let’s f up the game so new players can give us money’. they keep changing the cards for NO reason with NO strategy what so ever and keep asking for peoples money for a ‘FREE’ game… no more ranked or arena now… only battlegrounds witch is just random… as blizzards’ choices are…

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Quick check on Hsreplay. Rez Priest is eighth on the tier list. Top three are Mech Paly, Dragon Hunter, and Token Druid.

Since latest patch, most popular deck for each of those archetypes:

  • Rez: 12.6 minutes per game
  • Mech Pali: 5.6m
  • Dragon Hunter: 5.7m
  • Token Druid: 6.8m

It seems unlikely that people are seeing many two hour games, or even that they usually finish three non-priest games in the time it takes to finish one priest game.


I think my only annoyance with priest is with a Quest/Taunt Priest I faced yesterday. Kept summoning taunts and buffing them with the Quest reward.
Still, clobbered them as a GalaWarrior (thinking of calling it GalakAxe because of focus on axe weapons XD)

Yeah I don’t like the direction they have taken priest in the past couple years. The massive removal spells, deathrattle removal minions, resurrecting those minions, etc., Regardless if it’s top tier or not, it’s just terrible design. I hope they don’t continue that direction in the future.


Plague Of Death… nuff said.
I feel your pain… but don’t stir too much on it… the forums will eat you for even recognizing a pattern… be well.


Some priest players aren’t that good. It’s fun to beat those priests.

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Made the same points as you in many other threads, so no need to repeat, but I’ll say this:

Let’s wait and see how the new meta shapes up with the release of AoO. Hopefully it will obliterate the two most prominent Priest deck archetypes to oblivion.

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Hunter destroys Priest at the moment. When playing hunter, i am close to 80% winrate against priest in the actual meta. Just play a very fast and aggressive deck and kill them before they can control the game.

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I have beaten resurrect priest a few times but if I had to guess my win rate against it must be like 20% at best. So yeah, super annoying deck. Zero fun to play against.


its very hard to loose with rogue against all types of control / res priest feeling most comfortable going against priest. But Iam just rank 3, perhaps different on higher ranks.

for me is good to have that deck to counter hunter decks …for me isnt that fun to lose before turn 6
so i hope for more control or ways to build walls res cards included

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First, give up all hope here. This place and the hearthstone reddit are stuffed full of fanboys who would kiss Blizzards butt for a bag of crap.

Second, welcome to hearthstone. Priest has been the cancer of this game for the majority of the time. Even when it sucked, it always could highroll some annoying setup that you just lose to. Between res priest, it’s various TKO with inner fire, and other nonsense, priest is the worst class in this game. It’s normally inconsistent, it’s miserable to play against, and usually cheap when you lose to it. Couldn’t keep 100% taunt and predict if they have one of 10 best in game removals? Die. Can’t keep their cancerous board clear 100% of the time? Die. Can’t polymorph their BS cards so they get resurrected 50 times? Die again. I wish demon hunter outright replaced it.