Classic Mode is so much fun!

I’m having so much fun in Classic Mode! Every game, I feel that I have important decisions to make. Even deciding which deck to queue is so much fun. Winning is satisfying and when I lose, I think back and wonder, “What could I have done better?”

This is the Hearthstone I missed. Standard and Wild decks nowadays feel so linear and the decisions don’t seem to matter as much.

I’m so happy right now with Classic Mode!


Yes, Zoo Lock simulator is so much fun to play!


Maybe because it’s something new and so it feels refreshing.

I played one game with hunter: obviously aggro, with MILLHOUSE in it.
(I even got the achievement for millhouse, even if I was against a miracle rogue).

Needless to say that Leeroy + unleash the hounds is pretty broken :joy:

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You will get bored and frustrated with rng as everyone else did. sylvanas, rag, mind control gnome, tinkmaster, knife juggler and million other coin flips will win/lose you a game and you will get tired of it.

It’s just a few control decks desperately trying to topdeck what they need to stop the smorc aggro spam.


I prefer losing to that kind of RNG compared to losing because someone got Puzzle Box off of Solarian Prime which cast Nagrand Slam followed by Survival of the Fittest or someone burned my win condition card via Tickatus. Worlds apart, my friend.

Only met one Zoolock so far. People are playing varied decks.

I didn’t know that Millhouse Hunter was a thing. I guess it wasn’t as bad in those days when expensive spells with insane effects didn’t exist or were rarer.


Wait, I am not saying it is a thing :joy:

I wanted to build an aggro face hunter and millhouse was the best 2 drop I had.
I also think (maybe I am wrong) that there aren’t many strong spells to be played at turn 2 (like yogg box), so it isn’t as bad as it was in standard

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Biggest punishes are from Druid (Force of Nature, Savage Roar, Swipe, Wild Growth, Wrath, Mage (Arcane Intellect, Blizzard, Flamestrike), Warrior (Slam, Brawl, Shield Block), Paladin (Lay on Hands, Consecration, Avenging Wrath, Equality, Hammer of Justice).
I don’t think it’s really good in a competitive sense but if your opponent can’t punish you, then it’s a fun inclusion :slight_smile:

I am so angry they butchered Succubus and other CLASSIC cards. Classic would be just the same if the cards were truly 100% identical to what they used to be but it still is enjoyable to play sure.

To be fair, Succubus wasn’t really played in those days, was it?

not quite the point…

Have you played any games in Classic yet? If so, which decks did you try out?

I’m curious to play around with it, but I’m skeptical of the longevity of the mode. EQ1 and WoW have done classic modes now… which boil down to point in time delayed expansion rollouts. I doubt Classic mode will remain Classic/Basic only, it’ll be more a question of when the devs think the players want to revisit the next step in the chain. I just don’t really see the appeal lasting, particularly in a game like Hearthstone where balance and “solving the meta” are so highly focused. To which the only solution is to inject more variables, either in the form of either nerfs/buffs or new content.

I’m curious to see what I missed, but there’s no way I’ll spend any significant amount of time in the mode, even if I’m not hamstrung on my Classic collection like I am with Wild (having joined at the end of KOFT).

But I’m quite glad that some people are enjoying the mode… screw my opinion, play the mode that makes you happy :blush:

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Give it a try. Chess hasn’t changed in thousands of years and people still play it :wink:


That’s not a bad point, though id argue that chess is also a better balanced game in a way hearthstone… dare I say, any ccg? will never be. But I’m waiting for all the dust to settle with this Jubilee event (my term for the weird interim between 20.0 and Barrens unlock/set rotations). There seem to be several collection manager oddities, and I don’t want to deal with that while trying to learn how the cards in that mode differ from today. Like Innervate gave 2 mana and Force of Nature minions had Charge? My mind was blown watching Dekkster play a bit while I was on my lunch break.

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I really disagree. Ice Block is a dealbreaker for me. If it was Goblins vs Gnomes meta, I’d play all day long. At least we had Kezan Mystic which was neutral. Plus GvG was so much more fun than vanilla HS, in my opinion.

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I just like the fact that if the warrior has used both shield slams and executes, for example, you know he’s not going to discover more. You can make a mental note of what your opponent used and it factors into your decision making. This is far removed from playing against a reno galaxy mage where he might do anything next turn and you have no idea what he’s got.

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yeeeeeeeees!!! I like the simplicity of it all, helps me thinks about what my core set is in standard!!! :smile:

All the cards that differ between Classic and other formats are listed here:

Alternatively, you can listen to me talk about the Classic cards where I mention these differences: [Guide] What to do with your Classic cards

Classic mode just makes the bad mulligans and coin flips so much more frustrating.

If you get behind on board from start you have no chance.

It feels fresh now but very quickly it will become stale and even more repetitive than wild. Deck variety is near zero

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I disagree. I had a couple fun games just tonight. In the first, I was a Control Warrior vs. a Midrange Druid. It was really close but I lost a Brawl (67% for me to get lethal) and lost. He also got lucky and sniped my Acolyte of Pain with his Ragnaros on his turn 3 (Coin, Innervate, Innervate Rag). I had an Armorsmith in play as well so he managed a 1 in 3. I’m not complaining and I’m not salty - I’m just listing some of the reasons I lost.

The last game was me as Face Hunter vs. a Miracle Rogue. I assumed I was quite favored but my opponent had Prep - Fan of Knives - Edwin on turn 3, followed by a couple Azure Drakes, which was pretty good for him. I was fortunate to have Hunter’s Mark to take out his Edwin but later was two short of lethal so I had to put a Kill Command into a 8/4 drake and my bow charge and a dog into his Auctioneer. In the end, I found lethal via Tracking (man, what a strong card in those days when so many cards had Charge).

What really stands out for me in Classic is that I enjoy the games whether I win or lose. It may seem like a simpler format but there are many decision points in every game, which make it quite interesting.

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