Classic Mode is so much fun!

I can’t help but feel Classic Format will get very stale very fast - with such a limited card pool. When I complained about my entire Golden Classic Set being made useless in Standard - many players were quick to jump on me and tell me how the Classic Set was mostly full of bad cards that never saw play.

The nerfs that came in back in the day (e.g. to Leeroy) were to correct a meta that became largely unplayable and dominated by a few specific deck archetypes. How is bringing those back going to make that mode fun?

You watch - Blizzard will suddenly announce in a few months they are adding Naxxramas to the Classic Format to expand the card selection - as a way to try and milk cash from all of these new players they are trying to bring into the game now with the ‘free’ core set. I would bet money on it! They are trying to create a new generation of Hearthstone Players that they can sell all of their old adventures and content to.


I’ve played against 4 or 5 Miracle Rogues, and almost all of them did Backstab + Coin + Edwin VanCleef on turn 2 for a 6/6 VanCleef. Conceded all of those games. Impossible.

Don’t worry. That’s a rare opening for Miracle Rogue. You could always try Miracle Rogue yourself :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pardon my late response to that question.

Yes I have played a bit of classic recently.

I like playing control warrior, aggro paladin with divine favour and the well known face/aggro hunter. I tried handlock but i find that deck too hit or miss for my taste there does not seem to be a healthy middle ground with that deck imo. Either you stomp too hard with impossible to deal with taunted giants or the enemy reduces yoru health too fast due to not very many efficient healing cards in classic for warlocks.