Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

I’ve made a charge back on a credit card, one time when I ordered a product and it was never shipped to my address. Maybe once again it is different in your country.

what you’re saying they could do is commit fraud.

https: //us. battle .net/support/en/article/2435

legit “charge back” will have stuff removed asap which doesn’t effect things. things from the start of the game that you’ve used for the entire time you’ve been playing a game? that’s fraud. you’re asking to be able to use something for years and then have your bank take the money away from blizzard.

There’s literally a guy on here who just spent like $200 on classic set like a month and a half ago. I think he has a good case to claim.

that’s 1 guy and he can do that and not nuke his account and then be committing fraud. most of the people who are saying things like this, including you, have had access to the cards for years. trying to “charge back” NOW would be fraud.

You assume everyone is committing fraud why? I’m not getting charge backs because I’m f2p but if you were in that circumstance I believe you could if you showed some quotes from game devs and stuff, there is proof that they intended it to be evergreen.

Bottom line, if the salesman lies about a product, the contract is void anyway or at least that is how consumer protection rights work in my country haha, once again I don’t know much about laws in America or where ever else.

no because the EULA exists. if you try to use a product for x amount of years and have gotten full use of it for x amount of years and then attempt to charge back and get money back for something you’ve used for x years will be fraud. i went through something with amazon recently where they charged me for something i had cancelled more than once. i was able to do a charge back for it though because it was within a certain window and my amazon account is fine because i talked to an amazon representative before doing the charge back and set it up for it to even happen with my bank. if you explain it to your bank the charge back won’t happen with this, unless you lie. which is… you guessed it… fraud.

There’s a difference between a lawful promise than a temporary rule. Blizzard only said “Classic, as of right now, would not go away through regular rotation.” That’s NOT IN ANY WAY a promise THAT CLASSIC WOULD NOT BE ROATATED (just not normally), not even a temporary one.
The EULA said they reserve the rights to all promises and advertisement regarding the game, and SHOULD NOT BE USED AS an evidence of fraud. If you can’t even bother to read an agreement, I’d say you’re more than misinformed.

But this guy who was claiming that he bought $200 worth 1 week before they made the statement, he did not use the product for X years, he had the product for a month and a half. I think it would be bad publicity for a company to act in such bad faith anyway, I hope he gets his money back.

he can call blizz and ask for the cards to be removed from his account because he’s within a normal window from his date of purchase for something like that. and get his money back. no one is saying HE would be committing fraud. respond to what is actually said and not just repeating yourself with off the wall tangents.

edit: i also just googled hearthstone refund and this is the first thing that came up

https: //us. forums .blizzard. com/en/blizzard/t/refund-everything-hearthstone/12058

the link in it is https ://us. battle. net/support/en/article/2485

It doesn’t concern me man, I’m just simply saying I give him my sympathies because I believe these changes are very radical. EULA’s are not necessarily binding though under certain circumstances, it has to be understandable and anyone could probably claim that the contract is above their intelligence, though sounds a little bit degrading, is legitimate.

I don’t understand why you defend this company so much though, they are taking 100 cards from you haha.

i am not defending blizz. i am defending common sense. i do it in other contexts as well. you agree to an “all sales are final” thing when you buy stuff. i’ve had to type my password in 943753894759348754 xs over the years every time i’ve purchased something from blizzard. at that point you’re confirming you’re choosing to make the purchase and are using your password to prove it wasn’t someone else doing it. just because you regret it later doesn’t mean that blizzard “owes” you anything. you decided to buy the things. you typed your password in confirming you are choosing to make the purchase. that’s just the way it is.

It’s not necessarily about regret, it is like you walk into a fruit store you ask for an apple and you walk out with some other strange red fruit that looks like an apple, but is not quite an apple and you really only just wanted an apple.

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But, see, the thing is, they haven’t made promises. The only time they said Classic would always be in Standard was in 2016 when Wild was introduced. After that, they never said that Classic would always be in Standard. Only that people would be able to use Basic and Classic cards in Standard.

no. you bought an apple. it’s still an apple now. it didn’t change from what it was.

you’re offended on others behalf over something that doesn’t even effect you as you are mostly a wild only player.

it’s a bunch of karens who are demanding to speak to blizz’s manager. they can do that. and given that all sales are final and they agreed to it at the start. and the refund things only happened when things went to HoF not rotated kills any real argument they had. the entire set is being rotated, not being HoF’d. they are regretting their choices. but that’s a them problem.

They make statements on their twitter all the time, I mean any statement from any official dev, is technically acting on behalf of the business, I know that they have made statements regarding it recently that suggest that they were going to revamp classic, but not everyone is an active reader of blizzard news.

Either way you’re taking this conversation side wards, you’re the one who brought up the EULA agreements. I just like to remind you that I don’t have any money in this game, I simply am saying they changed the game, here is my feedback, I don’t like it, you’re giving me less selection (150 less cards) but this guy sorry you’re so in love with the game, that’s okay man.

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you’re obviously more “in love with” the game than i am as you’ve been putting tons and tons of time into it over 4 years. we can all make digs btw.

if you de your useless (as anything over 2 copies of something cannot be used at all and is objectively useless) cards you could have more cards as well. which is what i’ve done. that doesn’t make me a fanboy. it’s me not being irrational and assuming a victim stance and demanding blizz to cater to me over something that doesn’t even negatively affect me.

All my duplicates are mostly common, you don’t get as much dust as you think, only enough for like 10 legendaries. I need the dust going forward anyway, you don’t know when I’m going to take a break.

legendaries aren’t the only cards that exist. you could make tons of common and rare cards. and quite a few epics with that. again you’re arguing irrationally. you talk about how you want to use basic cards to be able to hit legend. then do that? and stop whining about legendaries as per your own wants that you’ve stated multiple times, they aren’t relevant to what you want to do anyway.