Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

No that is my point exactly I made it to legend with a hunter deck that had 0 legendaries in it and I couldn’t have done it without the basic and classic set, many of those cards are leaving standard for the new core set.

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have you looked at the cards hunter is getting now? pally and hunter, imo, got the best new cards. if you’re complaining you can’t do it again using the SAME cards. just… lol. the ability is still there. it’s just different free cards you’ll be using this time.

edit: i was looking at someone elses armory. derp. here is the link to my retail wow account that shows when i got the hearthsteed FoS

https: //worldofwarcraft .com/en-us/character/us/wyrmrest-accord/dokthar/achievements/feats-of-strength/promotions

Well maybe but it would be much harder, I would only have about 50 hunter cards to choose from, I wouldn’t really be selecting what cards to make a good deck, rather than rejecting cards from making the cut, you know my collection is less than yours, I’ve made legend about 10 times now, but I don’t really care for it either.

you’re choosing to handicap yourself and are whining about it. if you have a bunch of dust then use some dust to make whatever cards you need to be able to play a deck. the game is not balanced around people refusing to do basic things like buy and craft cards to be able to hit legend with basic cards. do you realize how irrational this line of thinking is?

I’m not handicapping myself anymore than a duels player who chooses not to craft the wild cards. I simply just want to play more of the modes at some sub-par level and not be penalized for it. You cannot deny you are getting less cards, less valuable playable cards, that is simply the point. You’ll log in one day and you’ll have less cards than you had yesterday, not only because 3 sets are rotating out, but because they are butchering your basic/classic to make space for minisets so they can make more money, simply and true.

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you have tons of dust you said. i can also see from looking at your thing you can de 9437593457394573945 other cards and have THAT dust. you can use that dust to craft whatever mini set stuff that comes out. you choosing to not do that is not a matter of “so they can make more money” you’re intentionally handicapping yourself. you could make tons of cards if you wanted. you’re refusing to and are whining about “muh cash grab” from blizzard and we can all see that.

But it is not my mode of preference, I simply just want to have fun in it, today I can, after the change I cannot. Would you rather the average player has close to 50% of the cards or the average player had close to 90% of the cards?

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Why? Wild isn’t going away, none of the cards currently in wild go away, in fact, we get some new cards in wild (namely the Core Set). I’m sorry, I don’t get what you’re trying to say.

you don’t know that and cannot prove it at all yet because you haven’t tried it after the rotation. because the rotation hasn’t even happened yet. you’re crying because of what if, not because you cannot do it.

I’m not crying I’m simply saying I’ll have 150 less cards due to these changes which I disapprove of.

in standard when you play wild. you’re crying about standard basic level cards. and that you cannot be “competitive” in standard with free cards. which you don’t know if it will be that way or not. but you can also still play all those cards in the mode you actually play. essentially whining for the sake of whining. you’ve told us all plenty. i’ve told you what to do numerous times. you’re intentionally handicapping yourself and whining over free cards not giving you legend in a game mode you don’t even like to play.

have a nice night.

Well if I played these basic/classic cards in wild in legend or diamond mmr then I will get absolutely slaughtered. I want to have fun playing them too, they are simply very good cards for standard, but they do not make the cut in wild. This is how I mean by I simply do not want to play cards below my standard, I mean some you can use, but very niche.

But most of them already ARE in wild… And what’s stopping you from using the Legacy set in Wild?

The fact that you need to get over 50% winrate to diamond 5 and I need that to maintain my collection stops me from playing trash, the thing is, these cards were not trash in standard, they were good and useful cards and they are taking them away from us to give us well less.

But they aren’t taking them away, especially if you play wild. I’m sorry, I think one of us is confused on what is going on.

The Classic set is NOT being erased, it is moved to wild. All the decks you currently have in Wild, you will still have in Wild, along with the Core Set.

Blizzard doesn’t want you to be able to compete in Standard using Basic and Classic cards.
That’s why they have been systematically nerfed or removed (moved to Hall of Fame) over the years.
Finally, they are now just moving the entire sets to Wild but the difference is that there is no compensation this time.
For Standard-only players, the entire Classic set can be disenchanted for extra dust.
For Wild players, we move on. It’s just another rotation.
The people this hurts are the people who invested real money to craft Classic cards thinking they would remain in Standard forever.
I’m not one of those people but I can understand their pain. Why can’t we recognize the suffering of others?

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You are the confused one, you need to read the conversation before you make assumptions on what people are talking about then attack them.

If people feel “pain” or “suffering” over a game that states in its EULA (that you consent to before even playing) that things can change at any time. Well. Maybe games aren’t for them. And they should find some hobby that doesn’t ever change.

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I don’t think by the laws in my country a EULA that says that would affect a persons eligibility for a chargeback reversal. We have consumer laws here that state that you are entitled to a refund of a product if it doesn’t meet standards of what is promised to you and Blizzard have made a lot of promises about the classic set being all evergreen. Though I didn’t buy it, but I think it applies to a lot of other people who I believe are making legitimate complaints.

My issue is more of an issue that I don’t think I would have played this game if I had known the future of updates and changes. When I start a game, I really don’t expect they would make it harder to earn things throughout the game impacting on how much fun I have.

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just note that if you try to charge back (which you can only do if you’ve paid cash) you’ve already agreed that blizz can nuke your entire blizzard account, not just your hearthstone one.