Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

How much did you spend on your collection?

I’m willing to bet more than 200.

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But the new set is not really much higher quality, there are some standouts, the new dragons are complete power creeps, but they could have just updated the old dragons with new buffs. Name me more than 20 new cards that you think are good, because that is about how many I counted and that’s why I’m being rather generous by saying about 60% of the new set is playable whereas maybe 50% in the old sets, but just the sheer quantity of cards led to a lot more playable decks. I’m sure some of these cards will be nerfed immediately. Like for instance the new DH epic can 2 card OTK you on turn 8, how long do you think it’ll stay like that for? Like wow if tiller was a problem then why did they create warglaives of azinoth, illidary combo for 33 damage.

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these are my cards

https: //hsreplay .net/collection/1/90885941/

when i click the thing it shows i have 228/448 out of them. which other than buying the $5 newbie bundle i’ve gotten from opening free packs i’ve gotten from doing the brawl things. i have only played for a few months, off and on, and have about half the set. i imagine someone who played for 6 months or so continuously has even more than that. so i’ve paid $5 in total and have about half of the cards.

i read it wrong. i have 288. so more than half.

So you are losing 325 cards Mr Scorched and you’re getting 235 back.

Though you might come out on top because you don’t have a lot of epics or legendaries.

as a f2p player you’ve gotten FOR FREE according to yourself… x amount of cards. i showed you the amount of cards i’ve gotten in a short amount of time, also almost entirely for free. you know what i’m not doing though? whining about getting different cards for free. the cards i got for free then vs now are free. some of the cards i’ve gotten i’ve paid for though. so i am not whining about losing free cards and getting different free cards in return. i could have gotten 3000 trash cards for free and it wouldn’t change that a lot of the free cards we’re getting are better. and you have only mentioned a couple of ones you think are “better” and not a ton of them. so even by your own standards of what you feel is important enough to mention there’s only a handful of really useful cards.

Well technically I paid for it through filthy filthy time. I can see you’re new to the game, you’ve probably been playing for about a year, but you’ll soon get sick of your collection and when you stop playing for a bit and you’ll have to grind to get back to where you were, it’s tedious my man. It’s not just about the economy for the person who plays each day and clears all his quests, people have a life. You are in fact getting less with this change.

no, not even a year. i bought some cards and used my gold to buy different things. and de different trash legendaries and epics to make more useful wild cards. and when i came back from my break i did the rewards track and got a ton of gold and packs. and now you see what i have.

for some reason my hearthsteed achievement is showing up for 2014 and i most certainly did not play at all back then. the heck?

you can search my posts. the first post i made was around when i started playing. it says september 3 2020. the last post before my break was september 19 2020. the next post i made when i came back was feb 1 2021.

i have so few posts you can scroll through them and see for yourself. i post on the forums of games i’m actively playing. when i’m not playing, i’m not posting.

Well I’m not concerned with how long you have been playing for but if you can achieve more value in classic set than they are giving for free after playing for 3 months then that really just proves my point that they are giving less across the board. It also reminds me that a lot of the rewards are front loaded and tied into achievements that you can only achieve one time, so your progress in collecting really starts to slow down after that point.

I’ve never disenchanted any legendary aside from like 2 that got nerfed and I’m barely just at 100 legendaries at 4 years of playing and you have a quarter as much as me for instance.

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that’s not what it’s “proving” at all. the crap you talking about? i am on 35 on the rewards track right now after having not played for most of it’s existence. anyone can be at that range in the time frame. i’ll probably hit 50 before it resets (though i didn’t think i would be, but i shot up a lot recently) and i have had access to the same thing in the same time that you have. if i had played all along i’d be around 150ish the way my wife is and have 3947593487593475345g. which is what a lot of f2p players are saying they have. like 10k gold and x amount of dust.

NO ONE is getting less value from the new cards vs the old cards that are going away. that’s why even long time players are telling you the things they are. all you’ve done is attack my cards (and you haven’t shown yours) accused me of playing longer than i actually have. and then tried to iwin yourself with an obvious fallacy.

if you spend 100g on a pack it’s not any better or different than someone that spent money on a pack. and even if you bought both of the new pre order bundles you would not get every single legendary, despite paying. you don’t get more good cards at a greater frequency vs people who buy packs with gold.

Your standard collection actually probably is better than mine, my cards are mostly from wild sets.

https :// /collection /1/128376332/

Actually most people on the forums just have their own agenda, like mada likes to come on and defend any negative blizzard thread. If you look through my posts I both praise blizzard and slap them when they are good or bad.

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i’ve gotten it from doing the win 1 brawl thing. then de literally useless (according to google) legendary cards and epics and then spent that dust crafting some of the core set along with it cuz i assumed they’d be usable in standard. (which my wife plays and i am trying to get a decent collection for that so i can play with her) but what i WANT to mostly play is wild. which isn’t affected by these changes. and i just dusted cards that the forums and card rate guides that are useless so i don’t feel it’s some big loss.

edit: it’s saying you have 8 copies of shadowstep? why aren’t you dusting the extras? you could get a lot of new cards from dusting things that you’ve collected that are just sitting there that aren’t even usable. ???

But it does affect you if you play wild, that’s what I’m trying to say, I’m a wild player that likes to occasionally play standard to break it up. So I don’t have a very vast collection of standard, but I still need it to compete in wild. So this effectively locks me out of standard, because I already have fewer cards than the bulk of the standard players. I too have to use these classic and basic cards where I am missing the optimal choice cards and mostly they do just fine until you hit platinum or diamond where they feel a bit terrible to use, but imagine not having them and the cards you have to replace those replacement cards with.

lol no, my rise of shadows goes to wild too, if you want to play the cards that are rotating out, go wild

those cards will still be usable in wild though unless they delete them from the game. if you want to have access to standard cards use your gold to buy them? whatever you don’t want to use, dust. you apparently don’t dust anything. you could probably get a ton of good standard cards right now if you’d hit your mass de button.

But they don’t compete with my wild collection most of the time, but I do have to use and rely on them in standard. My point of view is simply from my viability playability in standard solely.

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every single card that has ever existed can be played in wild. not in standard. you can buy standard packs with your gold or create standard cards with your dust if you de useless copies. then you’re building a standard collection while also making cards that are usable in wild and will always be. do you not understand why wild cards are wild? they are all originally standard cards that have rotated.

But not at the standard that I play, would you play cards that are below your standard? The current basic/classic cards in standard allow me to reach platinum or diamond (I have even reached legend with dragon hunter a few months back with several basic and classic cards), but you’ll see I started collecting less standard packs when they changed the ranked rewards system because I don’t want an over surplus of rares.

You’ll find that wild will brutalize your collection, you should stick to standard for now.

Your argument seems to be that you want to compete using basic cards and never dust or use gold to buy things to let you play standard cuz you don’t want to dust anything ever. ???

I don’t really need to dust anything, I’m sitting on a stockpile of dust, I could almost play every deck in wild I wanted to, but I am a mile away from being able to play standard tier 1 decks. I’m not saying I need to play standard at the top level, I just enjoy playing it a bit with my collection and with 15% LESS cards I don’t think that is fun anymore.

You will find that even your weirdest of cards can be useful in duels mode, and sometimes they even see buffs, so don’t discard them so easily, you only get 25% back from them as it is.

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you don’t need a tier 1 deck to reach legend. either in wild, or standard. if you “want” one then do what you need to get it. but realize it’s rotating eventually. if that’s an issue for you then don’t do it. but don’t pretend like you need 6 legendaries in a deck to reach legend in standard. even totally basic card hunter face decks without any legendaries at all and a few rares and 1 or 2 epics have reached legendary in standard. you’ve not just moved the goal post with your most recent response. you’ve essentially yeeted it into the sun.

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