Classic Cards Should Get Full Dust Refund at Rotation

How so?

Edit: of course it’s going to have less of you combine basic and initiate, but you got those for free. You didn’t have to earn them.

I went on hsreplay sorted by set, counted 1/2x common,rare, epic and 1x legendary, I added this all up and then subtracted by the 235 we are receiving. It’s not hard to do my man.

There’s 240 cards in the classic set and 235 in the core set.

But there is 35 cards in initiates and 143 in basic.

That you paid how much for?

I paid in filthy filthy time playing this game grinding decks I didn’t want to play, I pay on other blizzard games so therefore I pay. I’m not asking for a refund, just saying my collection is being compromised as the f2p veteran who now has less card choice. I think overall it is worse for everyone who plans to play the game for more than 2 years.

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You don’t have to grind anything for basic cards, the majority of which where completely unplayable anyway.

As a “f2p veteran” you now permanently have access to free playable core cards every year, alongside every player new and old.

There are plenty of staples in basic, a third or half of the new classic pretty much comprised from the old basic, so where is your point?

It is not free if you take away x of my cards and give me y cards back and 150 less at that, then some people are trying to claim they are of superior quality and they are really not, there is pretty much same for same proportion of playable cards in there, just less cards overall, so vastly fewer playable cards.

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Out of 130-odd basic cards you’d struggle to find more then a quarter competitively viable in the last year.

The point is that the portion of basic in classic has been buffed to the point you can actually use them.

The only cards being “taken away” that you actually had to earn are the classic set, and to replace them you get 235 free cards.

I’ve used about half of them.

Good for you, 99% of the playerbase hasnt.

But the returning player base do. This game is not all about the new players, its an ageing game, I imagine just about everyone who is going to play this game already has at some point or another.

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Not even returning players, the basic set is so easily replaceable with even crappy pack filler commons. Unless the part of your screen that lets you craft cards is missing literally no one uses the vast majority of basic cards.

You’re under estimating the quality of the basic cards, open them up in a filtered list and go through them 1 by 1, think to yourself have I seen this in a deck, I did this myself and I could name a top meta deck for about half the cards.

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Wahh Blizzard is taking away my 300 garbage cards and giving me 235 cards that are all playable for free gimme Dust for my Garbage i never used anyway ever and never will use ever.

they are taking away about 450 cards to give to 235 cards and instead of 225 useful cards you’re going to have 150 useful cards.

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I tried to be as generous as possible and I got 40, and that’s counting all the fringe playable cards.

i’m a totally new player. tried to get into HS a while back but stopped playing. now i play every day. and a big part of that is because of my excitement for the changes. then i saw the new cards and have read threads and am even MORE excited. i could link you my wow armory that has over 150+ old school things that aren’t in right now and you’d see my hearthsteed FoS that happened a few months ago. so you can see how long i’ve actually played. if anyone wants to, i’ll post it. i am someone who has paid blizz for a long time and wasn’t initially interested in HS at all. hence i just recently got the hearthsteed FoS.

450 cards with more that 90% of them complete garbage.

this is a quantity vs quality debate. but the second blizz releases a new set with cards of the “quality” of the set they’re whining about, today, that costs money/gold to buy… you can imagine what would happen. even from these people who are like “muh 450 cards”