Class Balance; Do You Want People To Quit?

Even the old Timmy, Johnny, Spike model as once described in an article by Mark Rosewater is a huge oversimplification for the different kinds of players who are attracted to CCG strategy games, and it included at least three different types of players. MtG eventually went onto to develop and describe even more profiles or personalities to represent some common player types for players who bought their cards so that developers could satisfy a larger community of players with their products.

Most players who can hit Diamond Rank 5 with a deck have the skills needed to get to Legend, if they are willing to commit the time to grind out that goal. Any player that can come close to a 50 percent win rate can get to Legend given that they have an adequate amount of time available to do so.

Many players do not aspire to get to Legend, not because they canā€™t, but because they would burnout on HS from the process.

I think your attempt to shoot down the criticisms of players by implying that they are not good enough players to have a valid opinion is pretty much a toxic attitude. To use your logic, players better than you have talked about how badly balanced RNG undermines HS as a strategy game. This kind of criticism is not just the opinion of bad players.

Bad design exasperates some of the best players, contributing to their early burnout, and and exodus from the Esports seen.


Well my simple takeā€¦

Phen complains all the tiimeā€¦
Phen somehow triggers Aokiā€¦ . backlog (iā€™ve seen other threads)
Aoki overeacts with worded grr posts (triggered)


Great work. Sifu Zee :facepunch:

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Skill, you have to be joking. You can literally just grind legend and no one really cares about legend bud.

A child with a T1 deck and no experience could make a shot for legend and get it. Many do.

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Iā€™m not triggered. Iā€™m simply pointing out the obvious, and stating my opinion as are they.

The obvious :

  • Hating on haters, Pot calling kettle.

Thereā€™s a difference between spewing hatred and saying it like it is.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I see it because i react myself.

Looks like neat punctuated paragraphed spew posts to me :roll_eyes:
Your dissatisfaction is with someone posting on a public forum.

I do hope you know the developers personally, because OP is attacking the game and devs in general? but you are attacking the OP directly and others (with assumptions).

ā€˜Saying it like it isā€™ ?? LOL

Drama queen calling out the other queen.

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yes, because blizzard isnā€™t still printing money from WOW. Gimme a break.


This game dont require skill.


i just concede agains priestsā€¦ its sooo boring, 30 minutes games, they whirpool your best cardsā€¦ they use like 4 titansā€¦ its just veryā€¦ anticlimatic going from 10 min games and then a priestā€¦


iā€™m instant conceded to warlocks now. That curse is beyond idiotic.

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unironically posted.

double irony.

trifecta of irony!

Thisā€¦but they can be BOTH incompetent and greedy. Seems to be the new corporate meta.

Which would be fine if they finally admitted it as such. But they still pretend this is a f2p game, and that f2p players have a real chance against the paying players. Which hasnā€™t been true for a long time. Outliers exist, but exceptions donā€™t disprove the rule.

Iā€™d point out the metric ton of ā€œno true scotsmanā€ fallicies about who the real fans of the game are and legitimate feedback and all that, but itā€™s a tired tactic weā€™ve seen too often from those who would defend the company rather than admit they need to do better.

Yes and the issue is they just keep getting more and more greedy. That amount of money just aint enough for them no more lmao.

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Of course; papa kotick needs another yacht!

This 10000% gaming has became a greed industry and nothing more.

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This is why I have decided to quit altogether. Between the Pay2Win built into the game, and the overbalanced cards that give those Pay2Win people an unfair advantage over the people that donā€™t/canā€™t partake in the Pay2Win. It has finally reached a point that I consider it a waste of my time. Zero enjoyment. A huge disappointment as Hearthstone used to be my favorite Blizzard game.


They want you to quit. They want to give Microsoft a reason to buy the company and ā€œsaveā€ it.
Greed of investors. almost took down Unity.

They heavily rely on whales to carry them to finish line. they donā€™t give a sh!t about us because they know we will spend 300$ on new expansion.

Honestly if not for the ticket tavern, i would have stopped already.

I no longer see ā€œgood playersā€, only trash using cheated decks with OP cards.

Itā€™s simple: You canā€™t play and have fun if you donā€™t have them.
One iā€™m done with the pass, iā€™ll stay on the solo part of Hearthstoneā€¦maybe.

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Which expansion are you buying???