Class Balance; Do You Want People To Quit?

The current state of the game is precisely why I NEVER buy your pre-launch garbage. Your launch is NEVER balanced. Your team can either not do math or they are not given the time to properly balance (my vote is on the latter).

You seem like a toxic company that thinks time / output = money. No, QUALITY = money.

If the game had quality and had a balanced mindset, I would 100% pay for it. But as it stands with 2-3 classes constantly in the 40-45% win rate at a level that counts, no. You get nothing. I refuse to believe I am alone in that mindset.


You aren’t alone. Unfortunately the apologizers have a bigger voice.



Exactly the reason why this is the 3rd expansion in a row I didn’t pre-purchase…

Every launch games gets to unplayable state unless you want to “abuse” one or two broken decks.

And then of course we wait for nerfs for 2-3 weeks, then they buff something and then that is broken, another wait for nerfs, mini-set, broken again and waiting for expansion, expansion launch rinse repeat.

But now they will say “Hey, we did emergency nerfs 2 days after launch” but so what if they did absolutely nothing to the outliers.


Dude, all you do is complain and complain and complain. I hate to break to ya, but you’re not the target market for the game. And those of use who do pay for the game, don’t have all these issues that you seems to constantly post about.


I guess you haven’t tried to play standard only to run into the endless wall of DK’s with the occasional Paladin or DH thrown in. That’s it. That’s the game we have. And his numbers are right. It’s a valid complaint, and it’s all over the forums. I’ve played 16 games today. 70% DK. It’s pretty silly for them to have launched an expansion with tons of new cards like this.


DK is a fun class to play. They did an excellent job with this class.

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This game is 1000% rigged. I am in plat 5. Can’t advance. Constantly matched against blizzard ran bots who nut draw on curve. EVERY. Single. Game.

WTF is the point of even playing this garbage?!?


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Your entire post was conflicting. I am the target market even though I don’ pay? And the people that do pay cannot do basic math? I mean, I don’t doubt the people that pay cannot do basic math, because that in itself is a wild conflict.

Maybe if you started to use your brain you would have these issues. IDK, don’t just throw your wallet at something so you’ll ‘win’. Think about that. Mandate quality of money, request integrity for dollars spent. Maybe that’s a foreign concept to you, if it is I feel sorry for your and your immediate society.

This is exactly what is wrong with the economy right now. People do not demand quality for product.

Constantly get Diamond 5 - legend. Reconsider.


I’m 100% free to play and I’ve hit legend 2 months in a row now. Enjoy the game, don’t pay Blizzard any money, and log off when you’re tired of it.


this must be the most generic post ive seen here

so generic it couldve been posted in 2014 and wouldnt be able to tell if i couldnt see the date

doesnt even mention is about a card game …this post could be about any game with classes in it !

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says the DK player. tell me otherwise


DK is the only Class i don’t have in Gold, that’s the Reason i playing it the most, and thx to Blissard to make it easyer to reach that Goal! So do other People as well maybe?

There is another, more likely possibility: The launch is deliberately unbalanced in order to force players to buy more packs. There are always only a few OP decks you can win with. Everybody who wants climb the ladder, is forced to play these decks, is forced to buy more packs. In my opinion the dev team isn’t incompetent, this is the business model of Activision Blizzard they have to follow. Pay for win or suffer.

= Hearthstone is pay to win, as mentioned above.
If you don’t want to pay for the game, you don’t really have a chance to play at a competitive level. People who spend 100$ at every launch have obviously much more success than f2p players. That’s why complaining is futile. Pay for win or suffer.

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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It was really fun, right up to diamond… after that its all dks, or turn 5 thadius locks… the ocassional pure pally, 1 or 2 priests, the unbalanced DHs… all i can do now is wait for a balance patch…


The best decks atm are old decks.
If they would rly aim for p2w they had nerfed several things in advance.

They didnt… so if this nightmare is worth anyhting, it prooves the game is still not p2w.

I bought exactly 100 packs with gold, that I earned for free, I own the best decks that are around, without crafting anything yet.

who are you kidding? It’s the same way in gold. currently stuck at gold 10 because everything, aside from the rare, and broken, Druid, everything is a DK, bot or otherwise.

Are you joking with this? You have to be.

i didnt know, maybe i climbed early, but im not surprised that MORE people are playing the most broken decks.

Not at all.

Pure paladin, frost dk, blood dk, relic dh are pretty much the best decks out there.
A few cards got changed but they are still the same.

Undead priest, Imp warlock, Chad Warlock, Totem shamy, are also old decks that perform more or less well.
Yes totem shamy wasnt rly played but its still old stuff mostly.

Outcast is a new deck.
If you rly want we could call some of those decks changed but not rly new.

Anyways my main argument are the top performer and those are practically 90%+ old stuff.

Edit: those decks that changed to much rly struggle or aint working at all, for example big beast hunter and big spell mage both would qualify for beeing called new imo

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