Class Balance; Do You Want People To Quit?

This deck absolutely needed its current new tools to function.
Without carving chisel this deck wouldn’t be able to output enough totems to keep pace with the faster decks. It’s also a weapon, which is so helpful slapping those 1/1s down.
Without stonewright you would still just be summoning a whole bunch of 0 attack sticks, which falls behind eventually.
Grand Totem gives us more buffs, which is honestly difficult to find time to play for 3 mana, but the fact that it buffs not only attack but health? This card allows your totems to survive a bloodboil against these DKs, which is basically your win condition right now to kill them on turn 6.
Thing From Below is…old, but it just rotated back into core. Wasn’t here last expansion.
Tour guide gives us either a turn 1 totem, or we can wait to pair it with anchored totem later.
Jive Insect gives us a finisher on turn 5 besides bloodlust.

The 11 other cards are old, but there’s enough in here that is new that you cannot call it an old deck.

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I can’t get out of bronze let alone getting to bloody legend.


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My most played class is Mage, followed by Priest, Then Hunter, Then warlock… Dk is my second least played class in the game.

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Whales will keep buying, your voice doesn’t matter.

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You can play a bad deck and lose or a good deck, neither is strictly unplayable.

Blizzard do not appear to play test, ie players are better at picking decks then their staff.

But some decks are easy to figure out and some take more time. They done want to only nerf the easy decks to figure out, furthermore while players have easy wins they frequently dont go looking for that OP new deck.

Now while I am not a fan on the whole pattern of expansion break decks, nerf break decks, mini-set break decks I do understand why they do things like they do.

At the end of the day, if you feel they are not doing a good enough job.

dont buy anything, dont play, eventually they will figure it out.

This is the biggest problem, really. They have money but lack brain power.

people having fun
spending money in something they like …is a “prooooooblem!”

that logic makes zero sense

so somehow you went vs pure paladin without new expansion cards…i find it hard to believe it

By your logic, there are over 1000 viable decks.

Find someone who claims the game isn’t rigged. Make a bet that you will predict the various supposedly random things happening. Knowing the pattern, repeatedly “guess” correctly. Profit.

No, you’re not the target market, the Target Market spends money. The target market is the group of players that keep the game alive. Those who constantly post and whine and complain are not the target market. While there may be at times some good suggestions from F2P players, those who complain are usually players who feel a sense of entitlement that they don’t have.

And you clearly did not read the post properly.

No one is forced to buy anything. You can still climb to legend as a F2P Player. 80% of cars in an expansion are useless. This illusion that you need to have all these cards to climb is simply not true.

Your statement about it being pay to win is also not true. Is it more challenging? Yes, but it’s not impossible to get legend as a f2p player. I became friends with someone on hearthstone discord and helped them put together a hunter deck from the cards they had and crafted a few I suggested. He didn’t put any money into the game and hit legend.

It’s all about your attitude and state of mind. So if you limit yourself and blame everything but your skill, you’ll never hit legend.

There is no point in arguing with you about that. You clearly don’t understand how that affects a game. Digital or otherwise. Especially when the underlying game is designed to entice people to buy more garbage for high prices.


it prevents it from being shut down like it happened to several card games in steam like solforge

Smol indie game developer need mony, plz halp.

Actiblizzard is still rolling in the dough from its diablo immortal garbage. Boycotting a DCCG like this wouldn’t hurt them for about two years. Please don’t compare these.

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I’m going to be honest. You are one of the players that would be a benefit to the game and this forum if you were to quit. You constantly complain about the game, constantly call for the firing of blizzard employees because you are UNHAPPY with how you were countered in a match. You make posts where you DEMAND a change be implemented, belittle developers, calling their intelligence into question by insinuating their inability to do math.

You are calling the kettle black by stating Blizzard is a toxic company when all you do is create toxic posts because you would rather complain about how the game is unbalanced instead of learning how to properly play it.

For someone who seems to hate this game so much, you seem to play a lot of it, as you complain excessively about it.

I would much rather see you engaged in meaningful dialogue with other players about ideas for changes rather that the toxic no-sense that developers won’t pay attention to.

i played around 160 games in the last 2 weeks, and i stoped 4 days ago… the balance is awful, went from 0 to diamond 7 and its a big wall of blood dks, those turn 5 thaddius lock (sometimes double Thaddius)and sometimes those imposible priests…

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Dude, you spend a lot of combined time complaining about complainers and attacking statements that criticize obvious problems with the game or the company. Do you work for the company or do you have some other reason for puckering up so much?

He plays the game and he is providing an opinion and feedback as to why he will not spend money on the game, along with conditions for what might cause him to start paying to support the game.

I used to spend money on the game, and I stopped because of bad balance and design issues. The devs can continue to march to the beat their own drums, while continuing to create more ways to squeeze more money out of a shrinking pool of players or they can work on making the game better to help improve and grow the player-base once again to get more people to spend money on the game.

Phen is going to get more upvotes than you. Do you think the majority of those votes will come from F2P or P2P players?

Any of you paying players have a problem with the constant heaps of bad balance that get served up these days?

This ^ exactly what I think about fanboys or shills whose mindless rhetoric only serves to enable more bad design.

We can again go over all the news threads that I have posted in the past to understand why Activision Blizzard has a reputation for being a toxic company these days, and it’s got nothing to do with players who are right to point bad design and a lack of adequate play-testing for the reasons why Hearthstones is not nearly as good of a game as it should be.



And I was providing my opinion and feedback. Goes both ways. You don’t have to agree with my opinion, however, I am certainly entitled to state mine as are you and everyone else on this forum.

The only upvotes Phen is going to get is the accumulation of all the bitter players that swear on their life that they can’t climb to legend because it’s everything BUT their skill. Refusing to learn how to overcome and figure out what works to get to the rank they want.

There is a certain ways to objectively and respectfully address concerns regarding game balance. Trashing the developers and calling for their termination and trashing the game, is not going to get anyone to take you seriously. The pity party isn’t going to get anyone to legend.

Are there things about this game that I dislike, oh yes, there are plenty of things that I’m not a fan of. However, I"m not going to write a post and can foul stomping up and down DEMANDING that cards get fixed to my liking so that I don’t get countered by them.

like I said, if someone hates the game that much, and it brings them that much displeasure, go find another game to play. Because clearly some players are just not mature enough to handle a teen rated game that requires skill. I’m not saying this to be mean, it’s the truth.

Take accountability for your rank and stop blaming everything else and assuming that your skill isn’t the issue.

Oh, and btw, This isn’t a popularity contest.

Way to try to gate-keep, while insulting most of the player-base, since the only officially released data from 2014 and 2019, indicated that less the 1 percent of players went to Legend each month. Most players play to have fun while playing a card-based strategy game (it’s not Chess), and the majority are not trying to grind their way to legend each month. Bad balance and non-interactive gameplay are a bigger concern for most players than getting to Legend.

Bad balance and poor design do not make the game more fun or more of a game of skill. Bad balance diminishes skill and strategy—and fun!

If a game’s quality constantly deteriorates over time there are only two main sources to blame, the game’s developers and those that hired them and whose responsibility it was to manage them.

What?! Is this ^ some kind of oxymoron? Lawl!

Oh, so you think that he will get more votes because he has a more winning personality than you, and not because he is right or that what he says will resonate with more players as compared to what you have to say?


What you want is your cake and eat it to. Trust me, I understand all the frustrations that come along with this game. Every single person who has reached legend has lost countless games, has faced RNG that can at times feel rigged. But the reality is there are two types of players in hearthstone, those who play to win, and those who play for fun. If you can find a deck that can give you a little bit of both, then climbing your way up the ranks will not only be easier, it will be more enjoyable.

However, with that being said, people who play and hit legend have a different skill set than those in lower ranks. I’m not saying this to be mean, it’s just fact. I use to be a broonze/silver player. I use to always blame everything but my skill, until the day I took accountability for the way I played the game. I watched streamers, learned the meta, practiced, practiced and praticed some more, until I developed the habbit of knowing when to go face and when to make trades.

There use to be a time when I would play a card and not fully think through the move, without asking “is this the best move? If I play this now, what will I be playing next turn?” “How might my opponent respond if I play this now?” these are questions that I constantly ask myself now when I play.

So no, I have no pitty for you or anyone who complains about the game being unfair, unbalance, and blah blah blah. We are all playing the same game, we all face the same meme decks, the same meta decks. However, if your attitude is always deflecting accountability and not asking yourself “what could I have done differently, to get the desired result” than chances are, you’re not going to have fun, and you might be better off finding another game that will provide you with the satisfaction that hearthstone is not providing you. This game is not for everyone.

I strongly believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, if your attitude is toxic, and you’d rather moan and groan and bash the company, than you lose all creditably because mature people don’t take tantrums when something doesn’t go their way. They focus on what they can control, what is within their power to change.

Noone is going to listen to a bunch of toxic players who bash the developers and trash talk the game. If you want someone to actually take you seriously rethink how you approach your feedback and suggestions.