China will receive all 2023 golden cards, bonus bundles FREE

Please, feel free to add me to your ignore list.

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My thoughts on this…

if Horatio is just arguing to be confrontational, so what? Can you really look around you, take in all the discussions in this place, and say to yourself “these people do NOT enjoy arguing with each other?” Pretty much every time someone presses the Reply button, it’s because they want to criticize. I’m not immune either.

It’s just such a silly thing to disapprove of. We’re all guilty of it. Maybe we should care less about intent and more about the actual content of the arguments being made.

And although I have disagreed with Horatio fiercely and often, I haven’t found very much of his to be critical of in THIS thread. He isn’t wrong 100% of the time.

rest of the world should get all those cards for free. as well.

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If the US organizes then they should get it. If Europe organizes then they should get it. I encourage everyone to demand this. But if your region doesn’t want to speak up then I’m not going to cry about that region not getting anything.

I agree with Scrotie.

Delete the game from your device until further notice about promised rewards, just like China got. I’ve already deleted the game for other reasons, but I definitely don’t plan to redownload it when I see others getting stuff while I get nothing.

As for the virtue signalers in this thread, you all aren’t even worth my spit.


I don’t have anything to prove to either of you.

Never say never, and always be wary of always.

See above.

I never said he was.