China will receive all 2023 golden cards, bonus bundles FREE

Those who don’t remember history are doomed to repeat it … since it’s irrelevant.
Also, you need a sarcasm / question mark detector since it’s obvious you’re taking things out of context just like a 10 year old.
Keep up the good work, im sure someday those scratch cards will become handy.

yea, because they couldn’t work their way around that or anything. Plenty of Account with Chinese usernames showed up after that.

I said “irrelevant” to your “I don’t remember”. It is there for everyone to see.
Or do you see anything about history in my post? Hmm? Which brings me to…

You mean like me talking about your memory, and you shifting it to history? Oh, wait, that was you, not me.

Here’s a free advice. If you can’t keep up, just ignore me.

seems no other regions was ever kicked out of the game going by this “no answer”

well, russia was turned off service I believe I read on the forums, some people were complaining about that, maybe ukraine too accidentally for a time I don’t know if they fixed that, and various countries have bad store sale prices now due to not being adjusted for their local economy or whatnot or something I don’t really know I’m not an economist but it would be nice if everyone could afford to play this pointless game but I guess that’s not in the global elite’s interest


It shouldn’t matter where someone is located. Games should NOT be region locked or denied for any reason. ITs a hobby and up to the individual whether or not they want to partake.

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Bud, if you don’t want to glean from the context what im talking about, its ok, im sure you’ll grow into it.
Deviating attention from the actual topic to satisfy your ego can be used for 10 y.o. and im pretty sure it worked for you in elementary school and maybe even in highschool.
Now, if you got something ontopic to say let me know and do save your free advice for someone that needs diaper advice.

Players are divided in regions, afaik, due to connectivity issues, lags, server placements, etc. Games are not locked by region due to a choice, but by actual physical / economic reasons.
That being said, those who were actually denied service are entitled to compensation, not those that kept playing, kept their accounts and enjoyed a full 2023 of perks and service.

At this point I say we should lean into the skid and give literally every single person in the entire world EVERY SINGLE CARD absolutely free, except Mistikas. Because nobody likes crybabies.

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Speaking from experience, I see.

I did. Twice. Not my problem you chose to ignore it. Twice. So here, for the 3rd time: Preferential treatment is preferential treatment no matter how you spin it.

Completly irrelevant to what I said.

False. They are entitled to nothing in this regard, no matter how much you desire it.

By the same token, you’re not entitled to anything either. Doesn’t matter if you live here, there, or if the freebies are only given out every other Tuesday to people wearing shorts. They can do what they want, and you can try to find a lawyer to fight it if you want to.

But methinks it’s easier just to mald on a forums than to walk the walk.

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Do you see me asking for golden cards? That I should get them? Well? Do you?
I am just pointing out the blatant preferential treatment.

I have been telling this on the forums for years.
Doesn’t change the fact it is a preferential treatment, though.

Newsflash, it isn’t illegal. Just preferential treatment.

So what actions, instead just talk, did you take? Please, enlighten me, or admit you are a hipocrite.

I see you whining on the forums about something other players got, that you didn’t. The logical conclusion that literally everyone who reads this topic with a modicum of common sense will draw from this, is that you wish for equality.

Which means either YOU get the freebies as well, in equal measure, or NOBODY gets freebies PERIOD, in equal measure.

If the former, pot to kettle. If the latter, Merry Christmas Mr. Scrooge.

I’m not the one who has a problem with China getting preferential treatment in a video game that I don’t make money from playing. So there’s little action for me to take.

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Pointing out preferential treatment is not whinning.

I already have full collection. And even if I didn’t, it’s not the point. THe point is - preferential treatment.

No. Not me. Everyone. It is not about me. How selfish you have to be to come the conclusion it’s about me, and not everyone else? You are literally uneble to understand this is not about me.
I would even go so far as to say, that I would gladly forfit ME getting it, if it means everyone else gets it.

That’s not action. That’s just opinion.

Here’s the bottom line: Blizzard has looked at the China market and decided that they can make a reasonable profit there, selling packs at China prices, even while they give every Chinese player the entire 2023 collection.

I don’t know personally what differences there are in the costs to maintain servers in China, versus maintaining them in the US or in Europe. I intend to educate myself on this topic and report back later.

But assuming no drastic differences in overhead, what players in the rest of the world should be thinking is: if these conditions are profitable for Blizzard there, then those same conditions would be profitable for Blizzard here. And if Blizzard can make a profit despite basically giving the Wild format to players for free, then it’s a reasonable negotiating position for us to DEMAND that they do so for us as well.

It’s truly pathetic the way that some people in this thread have been antagonistic towards players getting a better deal for themselves. And thanks to the OP for raising awareness of this issue.


I did a little light research and it seems that for all practical purposes, China servers are MORE expensive.

  • China: ~$64,000 upfront, then ~$400-$800 per year
  • US: ~$1000-$4000 per year

The upfront cost is mainly for foreign businesses. Technically the CCP doesn’t charge any fees, but the requirements they impose on the tedious application process all but require a foreign business to partner with a company native to mainland China. $64,000 is about what these businesses charge to apply on the foreign business’ behalf.

The point is, with these numbers it would take more than 15 years for a US server to cost more than a China server. And if US servers are cheaper than China servers, then Blizzard is making a higher profit margin off of US customers than they’re making off China customers. There’s no reason why they can’t give us everything that they’re giving them.

Demand the full 2023 set.

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It’s my opinion you’re just arguing to be confrontational. Cool story bro

Sure there is. You just don’t like the reason, because it works against you. That’s not big corpo’s fault. You’re “demanding” from a position of weakness.

Literally. You have no power here, Gandalf the grey.

Organize something. Get a boycott going, or create a product of your own that directly competes. Or just stop caring so much. Any of those would potentially create a result closer to what would make you happier in this context.


If you’re reading this, uninstall the Hearthstone app. Come back when we have promises.

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China deserves something and it’s not free cards.

Health? Happiness? Hugs?