China will receive all 2023 golden cards, bonus bundles FREE

Nathan announced the news of Hearthstone’s return to China at the chinajoy event. All cards from 2023 will be available for free!!! Include ALL Golden cards !!!

Increasing the overall feeling of player agency is our key focus with this patch: giving everything for free for China players while west world gets literally nothing?

How it is fair for the rest of the world?

-Loyal player and customer since 2004.

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The rest of the world did not lose access to their accounts.

They will recieve the cards from 2023 BUT all those cards have a dust value of 1 dust.

Don’t try to stir up drama where there is none.


point is that they getting free stuff + bundles, while west world gets zero or rest of the world.

I am happy for them, but what about us? I gladly get those cards for free too. This is not fair.

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It’s not.

All we get are corporate articles with their empty apologies, but never anything of actual value. And the HS folks, as you see, will just suck it up and commend Blizzard for their favoritism.

If you’re going to give stuff away, give some to everyone. With all your screw-ups lately, just make everyone happy by being fair.


They get a compansation because Chinese players were closed out of the game for a while as far as I know… there were somekind of problem and closed Chinese servers of the game so they couldn’t play.

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They should give something to rest of the world, like all 2023 cards except they are not golden.

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the server is worthless its all just bots anyway and always will be so the cards mean nothing as you will almost never play against a real human

Blizzard didn’t shut down access for chinese players in the first place, so why are they the ones giving “compensations” anyway?
This is one of the reasons why people view that as another meticulous brown-nosing.

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so we are getting 1 useless card that we already own, and 3 packs, while China are being poured with cards and gifts?


You lot are such a greedy bunch.
I get the rants about game state, i do them also but the whines coming about some other players getting free stuff after they’ve been denied service in China are just silly.
Whats next ? are you gonna complain about the people winning lotteries ? time to pull the scratch cards away from gas stations cause HS players dont feel entitled enough to win.


Sure am.

This is a video game; the only person who should matter to you is yourself. I don’t mind being labeled as greedy if it means fighting for rewards. Hiding behind magnanimity in this situation is a fool’s errand; you get nothing by being happy about this.

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Learned a new word today. Never heard of that one.

You also get nothing by being unhappy about this.

All those cards have an dust value of 1 dust. You can’t even craft a single legendary card if you disenchant all the cards they get for free.

Of course you do.

By showing Blizzard that you’re unhappy, you increase the likelihood of receiving rewards in the future.
A prime example is the rewards provided in the shop. Do you think this would have happened if it weren’t for people’s complaints?

And that embodies the current gen Z / millenials problem. Risk-Reward system is down in the dumpster. What exactly did you do to earn the reward ? What makes you feel entitled to any reward tbh, just the fact that you can push keyboard and mouse buttons ? :smiley:
damn son, with that mentality we would still be in the “me strong, me smash” prehistoric ages.

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by china itself not by blizzard. So blizzard brown nosing with free stuff while rest of the world gets nothing.

Please read more than just a title before commenting.

Bud you’re clearly not getting it.
For whatever reason Blizzard got HS service denied by the Chinese government, that doesn’t mean the players are to blame, im sure you can distinguish authority and its purpose, and im pretty sure it wasnt the players’’ choice to get the service denied.
As for “us”, what makes you think we are entitled to something ? were we denied service ? no, we actually got to play, we got a bunch of perks / cards during 2023 and im pretty sure we werent forced to move onto other servers and lose everything we had in the process.
Now, those being said, the “what about us ?” its just greed at its finest, and Blizzard would be stupid to abide to any of those whines because it would create a precedent, and no corporation wants that. DOH :wink:

P.S. The moment McDonalds started appologizing and introduced the salad, was the moment they indirectly admited being guilted into making people fat, even though its people sitting down and shoveling food down their throats that makes them fat.

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No. It’s you who doesn’t get it. Preferential treatment is preferential treatment no matter what.
Over the years, there were many players, who were denied service, and not their fault. Did they get whole golden collections as compensation? That’s right, they did not.

I don’t ever remember a full region denied of service ? do you ? or you just like talk about individuals ? cause if you compare regions with individuals, you should get yourself checked into Betty Ford.

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No, I am talking about a principle. But we already established you don’t get it.

Blatant violation of forum COC.

China? Free? How about the USA? Give us them all golden and free as well!