Cheating By stopping game

Hi there,

I’m actually in game which is bugged I’m sure that my oppointement have a hand on that the game stopped on his turn , please find a solution for this cause in ranked it irritate, thanks


You provide very hardly any information but based on what little you do include it appears to be this issue: Endless turn, Card Stuck Hovering, and Never Roping

Read that link and you’ll see that your opponent has nothing to do with it. It’s a disconnect from your side.


I read the post about it being connection related but I have a different experience.

I saw the card hovering, but I could also see my opponents cards being highlighted as they viewed their other cards. I could also see my cards get highlighted as if they were viewing or hovering over my card as well. This leads me to believe I was still connected with my opponent. They also just happened to be losing, which is maybe a coincidence. Maybe not.

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Hearthstone has 3 distinct connections; Client to Server, Client to and Client to Client. Your game lost the Client to Server connection which does all the gameplay. You were still connected via Client to Client which handles targeting arrows, emotes and highlights.


This is happening to me too. I’m a player that started playing since GVG and TGT . Had a few opponents pulled the same thing as mentioned before. And it is happening to me more often now.

  • i was clearly winning
  • opponent’s turn to make a move, appears to be choosing a card
  • card hovers between his hand and his side of the field and just stays there
  • his turn doesn’t seem to end and the rope doesn’t appear
  • can tell opponent is making his move (making emotes, selecting cards etc)

The first time it happened I just thought it was my bad luck my connection went sour at such a crucial moment. But over the years I had experienced this a few times and they are all the same scenario as mentioned above. I quickly try to rectify this problem by restarting by HS and hoping to reconnect back. But I don’t remember it ever working and I lose a star. Even the " You lost your previous ranked game" pop up doesn’t appear when you relogin.

I am sure my connection is steady and I was puzzled when all the solutions provided for this situation are all related to the player’s connection. It is clearing a hack and I noticed some players are complaining about it as well.

It cannot be a coincidence. I think we need to compile a list of opponent’s names that we lose against due to this underhand method and finally hunt them down.


Just happened to me. I was not disconnected. Youtube running in background. Opponent hovering multiple different cards. Rope never appeared. When I restarted HS, I had lost the ranked match. I want compensation for this.

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Please read the explanation in the sticky posts. You can be disconnected from one server while still having a running connection on other sites.

You’ll have to go through Customer Support for that. But I suggest that you first read up on the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you created your account. They are absolutely not obliged to give compensation; they MIGHT decide to grant you something if they feel generous but it’s much more likely that you’ll get apologies only.


Thank you so much for your prompt response BigHugger. I could have used a big hug yesterday! I understand that I am not entitled to anything, but I imagine that customer support will be sympathetic. How do I report this to them? It seems that some people are cheating.

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So I had just been in a game where I suspect cheating as well. I was playing on an android galaxy s10 and the game was unresponsive but my opponent was still able to take turns. In the upper left corner of the game board it said “your turn” in lowercase and in teal colored letters. The only way to get back into the game was a hard reboot of hearthstone. Luckily I was able to get back in and finish my ranked match. But this needs to be looked into

@Razoram: There is a link in the top right corner of the screen that will take you to customer support. It may take a few tries to find the buttons to push to get to the form where you can open a ticket (many choices lead to canned answers).

@FireTiger: If you have serious evidence of hacking or cheating, then click below:

However, I think it’s more likely that something caused your client to bug out and stop responding properly. The fact that it went back to normal after a force quit and restart supports that theory.
If you have screenshots of the board state or an link, then share them as it might help to understand what caused your client to go rogue.

This is an issue that Blizzard should look into. Player should not be obliged to take care of connection to server, server should try to reconnect player as soon as connection is lost and should be aware that connection is lost.

Also, player should not be obliged to lose game, go to forums, then realize only way to correct this is by restarting game, nor should player be aware of these issues existing. Blizzard, you have enough money and manpower to come up with solution to disconnect issues (especially if they are only server to player related). Take your responsibilities towards your customers already.

In short this issue happened today as well in my game, so it seems you did nothing (or at least not enough) in more than 2 years.

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A guy called replicant playing druid in standard (around plat 1 now) is using this cheat. I ask to bann him if you want prove i have it recorded on my phone.

As has already been explained in the thread, there is no cheat and you simply had a connection issue. Look at the relevant stickied post:

Endless turn, Card Stuck Hovering, and Never Roping

i didn’t disconnect he wasn’t emoting for the whole time. It also was on the turn before he would have died i am almost sure he was using this as a cheat. I had perfect internet connection the whole time aswell.

Read the post I linked. The fact that you were able to see your opponent’s emotes means nothing in this case.

The reason there is a sticky post about this issue is because too many people mistakenly assume this exact issue is a case of cheating. Your opponent wasn’t cheating. If this happens in the future, you should immediately restart the game to reconnect when you notice the card hovering.

This has happened to me too many times to be coincidence; how is it a connection error that only occurs when I’m winning? I’m not a great player, but I’m not terrible. How can this happen double digit times when I’m winning, but never when I’m losing? Odds are it isn’t random…


Imagine they fixed it, instead of blaming it on the players not understanding why their game isn’t working and encouraging you to do the equivalent of “have you tried turning it on and off again?” I guess Hearthstone must make no money for Blizzard or something… /s


Yeah the same thing happened to me jut now, and yeah he was still moving cards around sometime and he also just happened to be loosing, in fact the only times this bug ever happened to me was when I was winning…
My opponent’s name was Oath.

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Ive just had it . Had it number of times over the years only happens when opponent is losing . Opponent Arehel.

just fix your pc, connection AND dont jump from heartstone to for example youtube, bc when disc usage is high HS like to bug/crash.