Cheating By stopping game

i just had this bug happening to me as well, was playing normally, and on turn 3, the opponent plays murloc holmes and apparently misses, but does absolutelly nothing but hover over elements on the screen. afters several minutes of nothing happening, my opponent suddently starts playing cards, skips about 6 turns of mine, and obviously kills me

opponent: kevin#38655

not a bug, you lost connection, it happens


It should not happen without very clear and concise indication, and the reconnection services should be much better than what they are… Its astonishing how many people come to this conclusion that the opponent is DDoS’ing them from the client because they TOO are streaming videos and not losing connection there but are losing it in Hearthstone…

I observed it for years.
Why does only the connection to the server is lost? Not to the opponent? So its more a server issue, than client.
It never happend on battlefield. It never happend on mercenaries. It never happens on casual.
But it happens on ranked and heroic duel.
Can you explain this?

Explain why this only happens to you? 99% of players with stable internet have never experienced this

Where did you get your numbers? The threats say, I am not alone.
And the official statement clearly says only the connection to server is lost. Please explain, why I should assume it is releated to my connection, when my connection to the other player is still working?

Complaint about the player GlennBoii. In one move, he managed to use all his 30 cards, swap decks with me and win by removing my health from fatigue. Fight 05/24/2023 at about 15.40 Moscow time.

Жалоба на игрока GlennBoii. За один ход успел применить все свои 30 карт, поменяться со мной колодами и победить сняв мое здоровье от усталости. Бой 24.05.2023 около 15.40 по мск.

Не баг. не запрещается меняться колодой и играть все карты за один ход.

and again, same pattern - enemy is losing. Disconnect. Next round. Same.

It never happens, when Iam losing. Only, if it is a close game and I have the upper hand.

this is a disconnect and it has nothing to do with the state of the match.

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Thanks for repeating your opinion.
How about answering my last question?
I need a connection to the other player and I need a connection to the server. Why should I assume its a connection issue on my side, if only the connection to the server is lost?

I see two options:

  1. the server is too busy → issue for blizzard
  2. something forced the connection loss → also issue for blizzard

If I check the pattern, then I would assume the opponent forced it. But you are right, its only my assumption.

Other games track the disconnects at the player (for player and opponent, just the numbers). If blizzard would do this too (which would be very easy), then they could easily see, if for some players the opponents disconnect more often then average.

in this case, your unstable Internet is to blame. Contact your ISP

your technical understanding is stunning

Because it apparently happens a lot to you, while it never or almost never happens to most other players. If it were an issue on Blizzard’s side, then you should also see constant disconnects when watching streamers. And then I would experience them all the time. Neither is the case.

I see a third. Your internet connection is unstable and suffers from short outages. Not all programs handle those outages equally well. The game client seems to be especially sensitive to them.
Is this a Blizzard issue? Your unstable connection isn’t. Their sensitivity is. I don’t know whether other online games suffer the same sensitivity. Do you also experience connection loss during long sessions of League of Legends, Dota, or other online games?

It isn’t about losing the connection to your opponent. That connection is used only for emotes, red outlines to show hovers, and arrows to show targeting. I’ve never seen complaints from people about losing that part while the game still functions.
Your issue is in the connection between your computer and the game server.

(Please check the post I linked to in the second post in this topic)

I am not convinced. About the data. I play a lot, also Ranked and Wild up to Legend. The disconnects happen very rarely. I work within the support of an IT company. And I find the pattern (the moment when the disconnect happens) suspicious. Also other games don’t disconnect.
And I don’t get it. My client has two connections - One with the bizzard server and one with the opponent. In such cases only the connection to the server get lost. Therefore - at my workplace I would assume - it’s a connection problem with the server, not with the client. Especially if I think about the amount of data – what data does the server need to transfer? Only an actually played card. Everything else is on client side (animation etc.) or from the opponents. As every movement of the opponent is transferred, there should be more data between opponent and me, than server and me.

stop lying. you don’t understand how games work

argumentum ad hominem