Changes Incoming for Evocation & Solarian Prime

The logic is that excessive scam is unhealthy for ladder and pro environment.

They made it more expensive, thankfully.

Haha thats hillarious a card that never had a deck breaking 50% win rate forced you to tech.
Mozaki lmao thanks i realy needed a good laugh it was worth the forum visit.

“Haha” it forced Hunterace to tech his Druid deck when Mozaki was popular in top legend.

A world champion player.

You are killing me lmao.
Im with you nerf Mozaki i need my dust back lol.

Figured you wouldn’t know. You never played in high legend. I do.

But you could always watch streams at least. Yes Hunterace teched his Druid deck with dragonbreath just because he was facing a lot of Mozaki in top legend, that was back when Druid was at its expansion peak too.

Come on man thats not fair going to piss myself soon , you realy should do stand up.
I would pay good money to watch you.

Top legend is a very small subset of players. In suckh small scale, decks can suceed not because of their particular power, but because there isn’t enough counters to them.

As soon as the meta settled Mozaki decks collapsed under their own weight because it’s far too hard using a combo deck that needs to regularly use it’s combo pieces to stay afloat.

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Along with Patches, they also said the nerf to Raza was done FOR wild iirc.

I mentioned it right away. And actually it’s the opposite as well. In high legend it’s easier to tech against particular decks because the pool is smaller.

So yes, people including the world champion started just teching against Mozaki when it became popular in high legend. I teched against it too.

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IF you teched vs mozaki mage at any point in your career you should uninstall hearthstone and move on to tic tac toe


So many people running their mouth and laughing are failing massively in their comprehension of how the statement I quoted here is the key to understanding why there was tech involved for an otherwise unhelpful deck.

Anywhere else on the ladder it made no sense, but in that little bitty pool of players it was a common enough deal that it mattered.

That top legend meta looks nothing like the rest of the ladder.

You killed 2 winnable decks for mages in a short period of time. First is turtle mage and now is tempo mage. Mages aren’t even at the top of meta.

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I tried Exodia a few times in scholomance meta - managed to pull it off once. You have to survive until you get the pieces and with the meta being very fast, it is hard.

One time I had all pieces in my hand and Priest cast Mindrender Illucia - instant rage quit.

Back to the nerfs - I was surprised by these. Most of the time Evocation gives you crappy spells or none that can be cast due to lack of mana.

Solarion Prime should have gone to 8 rather than 9 imo.

Hopefully Mage will get some love come next expansion.

I’m top 300 legend. And while I have indeed been scammed by Mozaki once, it’s absolutely not been an effective deck nor ever worth teching against. I nearly beat it despite being Paladin, which gets dunked on by mage.

Personally I’m fine with the Solarian change; harsh but the card was so out of line it’s probably still strong.

I don’t like the Evocation one. They specifically cited it being too smooth with Apprentice, but making it clunkier feels bad. It SHOULD be a big power play. I’d rather it just not be so easy to generate.

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It was a nonsense change

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No more easy cheesy wins for you pal.

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Also Libram of Wisdom should have some change. Like after reusing that spell next one cost 1 mana.

First, let me disclose that I don’t have a Mage deck and don’t really care for Mage. So my comments are from the perspective of a Mage opponent.

I like this. It is still an extremely strong card, but the extra mana limits what can be cast in the follow up to playing the card. That’s where I think the card was getting out of control.

This is fine, too. But in this case, it’s not because there’s less room for follow up play in the same turn, but rather it keeps the card from being played on turn 7, which can often just end games (or nearly end them) right there. That said, I think a bigger problem is the ability for Mages to generate multiple copies of Astromancer Solarian and thus shuffle multiple Primes into the deck. So while this nerf delays the ability to play the Prime on curve, the opportunity to acquire it is still (imho) a bit to high.

what about annoying paladin annoying dh and hunter will you ever nerf face hunter?