Changes Incoming for Evocation & Solarian Prime

I could swear I remember a post on media somewhere when Scholo.
released where one of the designers was talking about how pleased they were to finally be giving mage something new.
Well, if Cyclone is dead, then they effectively gave mages nothing…
Just sayin’

To tilt the opponent and swing games lmao. Box is riskier than Prime for sure but it’s still a potential reset or win button for mage so it’s been run in Highlander in any meta and used in tournaments. Last GM season Silvername, using HL mage with Box, went from nearly dropping out of GM to winning GM and getting a ticket to World’s. Box single-handedly carried him in the finals. This season he’s relegated lmao.

I do remember a post about the possible return of Exodia Mage to Standard via Potion of Illusion. Maybe that’s what you’re remembering?

Maybe. I don’t play either deck, so it really doesn’t affect me, but this has to be hard on other mage players. Back to the same old jank (Reno/Puzzle Box)

Watch next release mage will get nothing but hunter and demon hunter will to push more aggro like it been doing. Blizzard hate control and mid-rang/tempo decks in the meta.

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Silvername won with Yogg Box in June.

That was during the AoO meta.

You know, the only meta when Box was actually competitive on its on power.

This is exactly why Yogg was nerfed back in the day.

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It got powercreeped out of the meta by tempo mage in the expansion. Just like initially by far the best Druid deck was GA with Kael’thas so Mountseller was meh. But the moment Kael’thas was changed, Mountseller came back immediately and became the Druid meta deck (competitively) actually.

Tempo mage is getting changed. HL mage with Box and whatnot will resurface, on ladder at least.

Isn’t it the same old deck that Mage has had for years?
Seems like everything that Team 5 gave Mage that was “new” has been ruined.
With most other classes still having Scholo decks I will be amazed if HL is even viable.

No, there’s also no minions mage.

As for Scholomance, Mage reminds me a bit of the Pure Paladin situation. Paladin received the librams an expansion ago but the deck felt incomplete. Then Paladin got a bunch of good class cards in the following expansion, and the deck is now playable. Mage received a solid spell damage package this expansion. Maybe in the next expansion you will see some kind of spell damage mage deck.


Dragoncaster is still nerfed. That was an important part of Yogg Box’s decline in power as well.

Maybe. Is No minion competitive on tiers?
I almost never play Standard so I am genuinely asking.

Still, Dragoncaster is cheaper than Prime now.

Well, if DC isn’t viable then it doesn’t seem like Prime would be.
Three decks dead in mage and they gave them nothing to compensate.

It’s more of a fun deck. All the mage decks in standard right now are completely overshadowed by “tempo” scam mage.

Oh there was also a combo mage (Mozaki Mage) in Scholomance. Slightly similar to freeze mage. It was competitive for a brief period but it’s counterable with anti-freeze techs and can be targeted by aggro, so it was obviously pushed out of ranks where it’s easier to track meta and adjust to it (like high legend).

Well I rarely play Standard, but it will be interesting to see if any Mage deck makes tier after this.

Mozaki mage is countered with just cards. If you put cards in your deck you beat mozaki mage except for highlander priest. Only favorable matchup for mozaki.


Actually Druids at their peak were forced to put a freaking dragonbreath into their decks to stand a chance against Mozaki. So Priest wasn’t the only good matchup. And Priest was also at its peak then.

Paladin is also bad against Mozaki. Pure can’t even run techs lmao. But nobody played Paladin in high legend back then.

So; it sounds like mage won’t have a tier deck.
I don’t see the logic of both nerfs right now unless something else is coming for mage.

You have to draw Astromancer, then have it shuffle in, then draw the Prime. No way is that a reliable turn 7 play.