Don’t you know?
Face decks never get nerfed.
Barely viable Mage decks gets nerf… those expansions its been nerfs to mage in all forms ,lets nerf Highlander ,lets nerf Dragoncaster ,lets nuke Turtle mage ( which I am ok with ) ,lets destroy evocation and so on.
Any viable mage decks? That can do well against agro decks?
Not allowed. Switch to DH ,Hunter or Rogue.
I’m really hoping some of these nerfs will let Warlock get some breathing room.
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This statement that aggressive decks don’t receive nerfs contradicts reality. If a deck is deemed too powerful, it will be nerfed. Demon Hunter dominated the meta upon release and was nerfed multiple times in the last expansion. Hunter’s Scavenger’s Ingenuity received a nerf in Ashes of Outland as well, which caused a decline in Face Hunter for the rest of that expansion. Rogue decks were nerfed earlier in this expansion with the nerf of Secret Passage.
According to the latest Vicious Syndicate report, Tempo Mage was one of the most powerful decks in the current format. It is unavoidable to nerf cards from one deck without weakening another. Guardian Animals allowed Druid to warp the meta around it, yet in Hunter the card never saw a significant amount of play.
Mage is naturally vulnerable against aggressive decks. When playing a deck, one should accept that it will have bad matchups. If they wish to perform better against a specific type of deck, they can either change decks or add tech cards.
Not to argue, but wasn’t it tier 2?
Cyclone Mage did make up 20% of all decks at legend per the latest VS report.
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The deck was tier 2, but it was one of the most played decks in all ranks of ladder, top 1000 legend, and Grandmasters.
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Nerfs are good. Pretty sick of playing against 3 evocations and 5 primes in a regular mage match. Way too much card availability for whatever they’re facing against. Evocation is still a pretty good card in an empty hand and discovering multiple copies of it like they already do with primes is just way over the top. Solarian will obviously still see play as well, don’t fool yourselves: its a better yogg saron with better body. I’d still play even if it was a 4/4 body simply because there’s always a chance of pyroblasts flying to the face.
Thank god! I actually might start playing some more again.
Now nerf sorc apprentice and we are solid.
After destroying Malygos and Survival Druid now you are destroying small spell Mage (being a tier 3 deck is nothing else).
Three deck archetypes that were totally balanced according to the statistics.
I’m done with these unreasonable meta changes.
Just look at the people that responed to me.
"You just gotta accept that your deck is weak against agro "
Yeah ,thats the problem ,when you can’t build a viable deck against agro.
I want to play Mage and clock others for 10 + multiple times a game and also heal myself at the same time.
Is that too much to ask for?
Also my taunts ,how good are they against that one card that ignores taunts? HMMMMMMMMM WHAT SHOULD I INCLUDE IN MY DECK TO STOP FACE DMG?? HMMMMM
Wait so small spell mage is a bottom tier 2 deck with a 50.2% winrate right??? why are you just nuking two of its core cards? there are much stronger decks, that are dominating the meta and pushing anything that doesnt have a super tempo oriented gameplan out of it. seems like a very weird and biased, if not totally unasked for, nerf.
Haven’t played and checked the forums in a while.
Looks like nothing really changed and they’re still after Mages, lmaoo.
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Because they’ve now decided that certain things shouldn’t happen in matches, at least not too early…
After designing several classes specifically around being competitive only because they’re capable of doing those things.
They are doing it to placate tourney players, which is where a great deal of their hype comes from. it wasn’t done for balance, it was done to
keep their top players happy.
In other words: For the sake of profits.
And now we see the friction created by a game that’s supposed to be based around crazy, vid-worthy, tell-stories-about-it “wow! moments” while simultaneously being taken seriously as a competitive esport that showcases player skill rather than riding uncontrollable waves.
Until Blizz picks a side (I actually prefer the latter) they’re just going to piss everyone off by leading players towards the first option, then giving everyone whiplash by knocking classes out and nerfing what goes against the second one.
Darkglare was too much, too early, but they often lost when they couldn’t pull it off.
Guardian animals was too much, too early, but they often lost when they couldn’t pull it off.
Solarian/Evo are evidently too much, too early, and while I have a bit more faith that Mage can maintain something somewhat playable, we saw the previous two classes get deleted from the meta for doing the only viable thing Team 5 gave them to do.
They weren’t even Tier 1, they just got deleted for being designed… uh… against their design philosophy?
Help a guy out here, Blizz.
If you ever want to know if a deck is going to get a nerf, it’s extremely easy to find out.
Go here:
Then you go to the table that shows only the top 1k legend players.
When one of those decks get to 20%+ play rate (as is the case with cyclone mage), then you can bet 100% that the dev team is eyeballing the heck out of it. Doesn’t matter if the deck is Tier 1 or Tier 5 at other ranks - what matters is what Tier and what play rate it is at in top 1k legend.
Look at this list every week. Whenever you see your deck on the top of that chart that is specifically 1k legend, know that your deck probably is going to get nerfed.
20% play rate for a deck is absolutely atrocious for a game. You see other decks hovering around 1-9% and the good decks in around 10-15%. 20%+ for 1 deck is not a healthy meta. They simply don’t like it and they do these changes to stop it.
Yeah, and it’s absolutely absurd.
Is there this weekly updated charts even for wild?
Compared to what?
Balancing around a lower % of players have always been met with “noobs need to L2P. At high levels things are fine!”. People have said this many a times when something that isn’t top tier gets complained about. (according to a certain mage player, that’s like every mage deck btw ;p)
Balancing around what’s the most “popular” would be even worse, since the most populous group of players are, to put it bluntly, not that good. Before the revamp, about half the players couldn’t break the rank that’s considered decent (around rank 15 IIRC). I don’t know what the rank is now post revamp but the distribution of the players probably hasn’t changed.
If we balance the game around the bottom 50%, we might be nerfing something like… murloc mage?
This certain mage player thinks that balancing around win rates and always being careful to “nerf” rather than “murder” is appropriate.