How is solarian prime to 9 mana a murder?
You don’t think 8 would have been more fair?
Many players I have asked say 9 is too much.
Time will tell, of course. Perhaps the deck isn’t dead, but that is the
feedback I have gotten.
Win rates… across what ranks/skill levels? The same problem described above still happens.
Paladin for example has excellent win rates… but at the highest level it drops off as people who know what they’re doing can handle paladin.
Note that win rates also don’t reveal everything (no single metric does really), I mean, how would win rates answer a question like…
So; what do you think the answer is? I have said before that I don’t believe this game can ever be balanced in a way that satisfies everyone.
This expansion was balanced in terms of win rates and yet the tourney players complained until Mage had both Scholomance decks nerfed.
The only decks that leaves are old or not competitive at all.
Probably, but at this point, does it really matter?
The card is strong at 7-8-9 even 10 mana; if they are increasing the cost to 9 (idk why 9 and not 8) maybe there is a reason.
Like the “buff” to archwitch willow, from 9 mana to 8 mana, but also from 7/7 to a 5/5: wasn’t a 6/6 fair? Idk, they probably (don’t) know what they are doing and are just changing some stats/costs at random without proper testing
I would tend to agree with this. I believe the nerfs were knee jerks to appease the tourney players.
willow buff was a great idea we only need some 7+ mana demons to go with it
This isn’t about what I think. You guys (you, Wardrum, etc) are the ones who have strong positions on how you think things should be. I’m just asking questions. Gives everyone reading a chance to think deeper about those ideas.
So; you don’t have an opinion, yet you feel justified in criticizing others for theirs…
I myself feel that the nerfs will cause an exodus from mage.
It remains to be seen what will come in the future, but one thing is certain.
This forum will be polluted by people who have nothing to offer but criticisms of others’ ideas.
I’m not criticizing though. I’m just asking questions so that you can tell me/the forums more about your ideas.
Actual criticism would be something like this: you need to stop getting so easily offended. Not everything that isn’t in 100% agreement with you is an attack.
Not will it allready is , a true swamp.
I swear some people here must have a degree in politics ,they can pin point everyone elses faults with laser accuracy, sadly none of them own a mirror…
If you have no ideas on the changes then why are you here?
You certainly have lots to say about everybody else’s views.
It seems likely if you have nothing else to offer then
you are only here to stir drama.
I agree. I try to offer my own opinions on the topic every time I post.
A great many do not.
It’s mainly “absurd” because these 1k players are the ones that get all the attention and are constantly in the public eye and give the appearance of representing Hearthstone the most.
Top 1k players at legend might make up something like 90% of the viewers for streamers or some high percent, and this is really what Blizzard cares about the most. They don’t care about bronze players with zero viewers or diamond players with 20 viewers. They care what top streamers are doing. They always have.
So, yeah, it’s absurd, but that’s because the audience is who they cater to.
If 10k viewers are watching Kripp play BGs and Kripp says “X card is stupid OP” and is showing everyone how OP it is, it really makes a bigger difference than if you and I come on here and say “Hey this one card I’m playing with is stupid OP” and no one pays attention to us.
Bottom line is the people at the top have the bigger say.
It’s frustrating because it shows that their desire really isn’t about performative balanced anymore. Even if you aren’t playing a super obviously OP deck that you crafted, you might still wind up getting nerfed simply because enough other people decided to play the deck.
I really can’t agree more. I feel it’s been this way for awhile now.
This is one advantage of homebrewing. In reality, these kinds of things hurt new players more since they are the ones who craft the more popular decks as they don’t have the dust to homebrew.
For years, it meant that picking a viable T2/3 deck meant you were safe. No more, I suppose.
You can’t even be safe with a Tier 4 deck nowadays lol
So I crafted 3 decks, which were destroyed during the last 2 weeks. The dust cost for these 3 decks is above 20k and all we are getting back is the dust value of 2 epics and 2 legendaries…
Sure, every one makes mistakes. But literally destroying 3 decks in such a short time is too much. Wtf is blizzard doing when they are designing these cards??
I do have ideas, just not on this particular topic at the current time. In which case I ask people who do have ideas questions, trying to get them to talk more about their ideas.
Just because somebody doesn’t have strong ideas doesn’t mean they can’t be interested in a topic and want to see more discussion.
That shows I care about people
I want to know more about them, so I ask them questions about their ideas.
Upon being questions, people may make new discoveries about their ideas, or others may get inspiration and develop other ideas. That’s how discussion works.
Dude, I’ve already told you my reasons for asking questions. I say the one stirring up drama here is the guy who is trying to accuse others of starting drama instead of answering questions asked about his own ideas.