Changes, changes, changes!

This is going to be a very weird expansion.

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Ive only seen a little of marin in play a few times but its clearly going to be a mana cheat high roll clownfiesta. Can they just stop with all the ‘make x card = 0 mana’ non sense for just one expansion



They learned refueled golem is junk so they actually printed a decent card this time.

One thing is powercreeping things that see play. Other completely different is powercreep stuff that don’t.

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this feels like they spit on mage, yet again.


So, the devs have been replaced by monkeys since the powercreeping hasnt been stopped. No issues from the current expansion were adressed, player agency is at a historical low, and the print machine is a gift that keeps on giving.
Might as well hang up the shingle and become mouse clickers as we are meant to be.



It’s like a spit to everyone.
It’s just deplorable all-around.


It’s really impossible to say until we know the cards the Mage gets access to. IT could end up being bonkers.

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maybe pally secrets would be good…

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Well if you gonna hold people’s hands, maybe add an edit to say that tourist only allows for cards from PIP expansion to be used. So it’s not a free for all.

I’m gonna edit my earlier post about Brann. Looks like wouldn’t be allowed.

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Looks like tourist only cards from the upcoming expansion will be allowed.

Very unlikely they’ll give pallies secrets, but so as of this writing, we have very little info to go on.

Thinking about it, this means tourist is really a variation on dual class.

The upcoming expansion’s cards are all effectively dual class cards, though instead of bi-directional it’s a cycle.


I learned a long time ago to expect nothing from this Team 5.


Speaking of that how does it feel to have an expansion with a focus on class bleed???

Thought off you when i saw the announcement lmao.


I’m sure you can guess my feelings:)


Its like they track your posts and go for everything you hate in this game( solid evidence they read this forums still).

You must be at Bingo on everything you despise on this game now lmao.


Pretty much. I swear they mop my discord too sometimes, lol.

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I am really looking forward to see how this will work out, I always got much more fair matches until my bonus stars held out so I have hopes for this change.

I am not mad when lose match… I am mad when I lose a match where I had no chance to win at all… and then get 2-3 more of it in one row… THAT is the only thing which is making me mad. Many times I couldn’t reach Legend with my own deck because it has given always impossible matches at D1 star 2-3… there was always just a little to get it… but never could because it was just impossible to beat enough of the most OP broken decks.

Yeah, that might be right… but if I am not mistaken… Rogue is a class which can discover cards from any class… if Paladin gets Rogue cards, what will make it blocked to not get Shadowstep or any old cards by discovery? Probably Rogue will get such cards for this expansion too…

I think they corrected it and tourist cards will ONLY share class cards from the tourist expansion, so no full entire collections, just the expac.

I was a little worried tbh but it does seem like a throttle.

As a rpgue i enjoy the preist matchup too. There are some really crazy back and forths xD

Ah yes, all those dominant Reno decks like: Insanity Warlock, Aggro Paladin, Secret Hunter, Painlock and Nostalgia Shaman.