Changes, changes, changes!

Matchmaking Update

Previously, matchmaking on the ranked ladder was based on your internal rating (commonly called “MMR”) while you had bonus stars and based on ladder rank after you ran out of bonus stars. Now, matchmaking will continue to be based on your internal rating even after you run out of bonus stars. This change should reduce matchmaking complexity and result in more consistent and fairer matches throughout the ladder.

Genn and Baku Return to Core

With Patch 29.6, until the launch of Perils in Paradise on July 23, Genn and Baku will be added to the free Core Set! That means they will be playable in Standard and Wild for everyone during that time. Years ago, these two iconic cards were so powerful they were sent to Wild early! Now they’re back to celebrate Hearthstone’s history—and for a bit of revenge. What Odd creations will you Even come up with?

New Keyword: Tourist

The Marin is Azeroth’s hottest new Tourist attraction! Each class gets one Legendary Tourist card that lets them vacation to another class during deckbuilding. Put your Tourist into your deck and their destination class’s Perils in Paradise cards get instantly added to the deckbuilding interface, letting you put them into your deck like your main class cards—except for the destination class’s Tourist card; just one vacation at a time.


P.S. New Legendary by logging in apparently. Marin the Manager.

its gonna be utter dogwater filled with 1 turn kills and solitair decks these guys are clowns BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP HONK HONK


wow the dev team must be very confident in their ability to keep the game balanced and address all the fundamental power creep issues, because if they think its a good idea to give classes access to other classes card pools, well, lets just say the game hasn’t been remotely as broken yet.

And some of us feel the game is basically unfixable without far reaching changes to nearly every card.


The matchmaking update I find ridiculous. So, you’ll be always matched based on MMR. A change that will force the 50% win rate on you even more heavily.

How do you even rank up now? The matchmaker is forcing that 50% win rate down your throat.

Genn and Baku I don’t care, since I won’t be playing. Still, I find it ludicrous. Doesn’t make me want to play but rather solidifies my choice to not play.

The Tourist keyword is another joke. You’ll be able to pick cards from 2 classes while deck building as I am understanding, as long as this Tourist card is included? Literally, why! They can’t balance one class and they want to juggle with two???


Almost nothing here makes me want to go back to play this game. I am intrigued by that tourist mechanic, but I am not even sure I understand what it does exactly. Dual-class decks? Is this for real?

The theme tho… Jesus lord why do they keep pushing this goofy childish slop. This is a card game based on the fantasy lore of warcraft. These are American teenage slice of life beats. Everything in there looks dumb and cringe I hate it.


There seems to be a restriction on the pool of cards allowed.
I think you can add only this expansion’s cards from the second class except the Tourist card of the second class.

No idea how they plan to balance that.


So Blizzard’s response to dual-class cards being a balance nightmare is…

To make entire dual-class sets. What the heck?

I do think that actively re-opening locations is just a worse version of what we already have. Again, will be harder to balance. Maybe more elegant, but harder.

EDIT: every opinion I’m seeing on Tourists is the same. Nobody is thinking this is a good idea.


At this point do we even think they care about that anymore?


So let me get this straight marin lets you draw 3 cards and set them to 0… and these tourist cards let you add other class cards to your deck… so warrior could add druid ramp or something?

Fun times.


The tourist cards ONLY let you use cards from another class of THIS expansion, so it will add 9 cards to each classes pool if they use their tourist card. Also the classes dont get to choose what class they get a tourist for


Is this a joke because of all the complaining about rogues and class identities?

Nah man


Get ready for your class cards to get nerfed because they are broken on your Tourist class. xD


This is just dual class cards with an extra step.

From that text, you don’t pick the class - it’s already on the tourist card for your class.

That said, it will be interesting for sure to see what classes are paired up for this.

I’m not understanding the need to change it or to change it like this.

I didn’t feel like it was complex before, but it seems like this change makes everyone’s path not the same.

People at the top of the ladder are going to have an entirely different grind at this point.


You can see them.
It’s under the Tourist keyword explanation.

For those unbothered to look it up.
Paladin → Rogue
Rogue → Warlock
Warlock → DK
DK → Shaman
Shaman → DH
DH → Priest
Priest → Hunter
Hunter → Warrior
Warrior → Druid
Druid → Mage
Mage → Paladin

*first class gets access to a specific pool of cards from the second class



Awesome. We can now shadowstep buff battlecrys and leroys and what not.

Is this a joke? Really going to be awesome to get all those hand buffs for no minion mage.



Your are missing the funnier part where a class get nerfed because they were too overpowered when combined with the second class.

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You cant put shadowstep in it, its ONLY rogue cards from this expansion that can be added


Fortunately, Paladin will only be able to use Rogue cards from the new expansion.


specific cards made to be played with the Tourist card.

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