Changes, changes, changes!

Well this has been the story of Priest dual class cards for awhile. Priest cards have been nerfed because of another class more than any other class that I can think of.

So I 100% expect this to happen.

That’s definitely going to enrage people. Priest card gets nerfed because DH found some broken combo.

I think the likely classes that get screwed here are the ones that have cards shared with a good class deck already. So think Hand Buff paladin getting Rogue cards nerfed, etc.


That sounds fun… Play cards from your companion class*

*Except cards 1,3 & 4 as they were too overpowered

Tourist cards could be fun if there was a distinct class flavor in the game. For say DK → shaman they could give a bunch of undead cards for DK as part of an undead handbuff package… but make them elementals too to give shaman a bump to an elemental deck.

But there isnt any distinct class flavor left in the game so what it will end up being with every class being an overlap of each other anyway is … add 2 extra board clears and 2 extra burn spells to your deck!


I love it, but I have my reservations.
On one hand, it feels like a natural evolution of Dual Class cards but without it being blatantly skewed in favor of one class over the other. Plus, you can’t use cards from the Core set or previous expansions to my knowledge, just the ones from this one, so it won’t be TOTALLY broken.

But at the same time, there are some REALLY dangerous potential combinations that come out of this. This expansion would have to be really low power level, which I doubt it will be, for it to not break SOMETHING. The Shaman + Death Knight combo is alredy looking to be disgusting


That’s an interesting take. IMO, class identities died when they decided to crank power creep to 11 and keep it there. Every class got access to everything; most notably, every class got ways to draw through their entire deck in less than 10 turns.

Need a all-powerful AoE? No problem, just put Reno in your deck. Need 5 card draw after you blow your hand over committing? No problem, here’s magatha. Etc, etc


Well, they’re even more dead now

And there’s still room left to die

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I love dual class stuff so I am pretty pumped for this expansion.


I’m ready to play Genn and Baku in standard, wondering what’s going to be good and/or fun. Thinking maybe even hunter and odd warrior could work

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I bet we find out how power crept this game has become with this change. Baku and Genn see little play because we’ve power crept so hard that they have little impact.

However, the most wrong I’ve ever been on here is saying Genn and Baku would suck so…


Yeah, I’m worried neither will actually see play, like when the Death Knight hero cards came back to standard for a month. Genn is probably more likely if there are enough cards for a class to have an even aggro deck, as he still sees some play in wild, but Baku isn’t really in any wild deck at the moment

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The only change priest needs is to make it an efficient killer. Short, fast, top performing decks is what the class should be given.

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Where were you during Zarimi era xDD

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Genn and Baku are some of the hardest cards to evaluate, mostly because hero powers in this game are far from equal.

For example, priest has the worst hero power in the game, but if you convert it to shadow through various means over the years it’s definitely one of the best.

Warlock has indisputably the best hero power and indeed it was probably the first deck that utilized the one mana hero power effectively.

Usually hero powers are relevant under two conditions:

  1. Crazy synergies interact to buff the hero power, for example Raz priest, or the wildfire mage pyroblasts.

  2. The meta is very tempo heavy where draw is not that likely and so often players can run out of actions and so an upgraded hero power is actually very strong. Think tempo rogue that dominated for a while with 2/2 daggers, or more recently the shadow priest killing ppl by turn 5.

Those two meta states are far more frequent than most people think, especially the latter one.


The strangest thing to me is that this new ability/keyword setup for the set is self contained. It has absolutely ZERO legacy potential. Why not just make duel class cards? Is this some way to limit duel class card power? If that’s the goal why even do it? If it’s a hit it will dictate the meta and if it misses it’s a complete waste of time. I feel like this could have been developed out a little more.

I’m not worried about Genn and Baku to be honest. It’s not the same game when they first existed and were extremely meta warping. There’s literally a dozen plus cards that exist at any time in standard that can warp the entire meta.


goofy is pretty much HS is known for

Even the shill will run out of ways to support the company at some point.


The star ranking stopped making sense many years ago. They should just do away with it entirely and show your current MMR like they do with battlegrounds. Bake the monthly rewards in elsewhere.


So they gave up balancing the current releases for standard. What makes them think this was a good idea for dual classes?

This team is completely disconnected from what will improve this game.

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No one cares what you think go back to the swamp lmao.


unless they were leaked i dont know of any class PIP cards…so what are you complaining about specifically ?

2 Tourist cards were revealed.
Now you know at least 2 PIP class cards.

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