Changes, changes, changes!

Warlock DK and Shaman DH make no sense to me

Mage + paladin is great, mage could finally get some board control now


The whole situation is weird.
Take the revealed Tourist card for Paladin as an example.

It reads: Your spells that cost (2) or less cast twice. 5 mana 2/6.

Does that in any way translate to a Paladin card?

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It reads like a bad card

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Looking at Reverb, Inquisitive Creation, Blizzard, Malfunction, the multiple freezes with upsides, Void Scripture.


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They showed one “support” card.

Petty Theft
2 mana Spell
Get two random 1-Cost spells from other classes.

It possibly plays to a combo deck. Didn’t we just get that Holy spell that discounts to 1 that deals 4 damage Lifesteal? Perhaps something like that.

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Librams in new core set, you heard it here first.


That’s much better than the card it was meant to support

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It has potential.
Just the fact it gives you more choices for cards to include in your deck justifies its existence.


Class identities are officially dead.


Why did you have to say it.

I was ready to go on about how this is the sign of everything molding together to completely annihilate class identity.


Upon reading the description it seems like you put your legendary tourist card in your deck and you get access to the 9 or whatever class cards from the ‘companion’ class. As has been echoed in this thread that seems like a very bad precedent and why even bother to have classes at all anymore.

Also how good it ends up being is how many overpowered cards are released for your ‘companion’ class and it also leads to the same situation with the past dual class cards where a combo in one class is overtuned and gets nerfed and makes the card completely unplayable in the original class.


I find weird solely the fact the Tourist cards even have abilities that come with.
Like, we had Renathal or ETC. Both cards that manipulate deck building restrictions and both of them are “vanilla” when played.

But these Tourist cards are strong on their own. So, you include them, get access to more cards to deck build, and they are impactful to the game when played as well? Crazy.

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At least you can nerf Tourists before the smaller cards since they are the bottleneck for deckbuilding. But it’s not like there’s anything special about playing the cards once they’re in your deck…


that isnt a PIP card isnt it ?


Enough with your code talk Boreas just tell us what you know. :face_exhaling:

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its written on this thread OP

Each class gets one Legendary Tourist card that lets them vacation to another class during deckbuilding. Put your Tourist into your deck and their destination class’s Perils in Paradise cards get instantly added to the deckbuilding interface,

as far as know shadowstep wont be a card from this new expansion

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Maybe this is the expansion where Bounce Around will be playable.

How has that card not been meta yet?


Because Shadowstep exists…


Super mega hot take:

I’m excited.

I love having more cards to play with. I get to have access to hunter cards as a priest. Sounds fun! I get to play paladin with rogue cards? Sign me the hell up!

Will it be broken? Almost certainly. But let’s go. I’m tired of this meta. This should drastically change a lot.


I hear the excitement.
What I don’t hear is their handling of overpowered combinations of classes.

What will happen when one class gets nerfed because it’s good on the other Tourist class? That’s the problem imo.