Celestalon re-iterates Hearthstone is not rigged

Define ‘we’, please. :grinning: I mean, I would agree with you, of course, but not so sure about the rest.

Don’t listen to those ‘pundits’, they know nothing of ‘SaMpLe SiZeS’.

But as for your point — I’d say that’s not really true:

In other words, with many games the role of skill will eventually drown in random fluctuations (provided they are indeed random, of course, which is very questionable).

It’s not necessarily about venting or ‘feel’. Gonna do yet another round of copy-pasting the same thing over and over:

Yeah, definitely yourself (“‘you’ problem” again, yeah) and not the casino. :smirk:

Oh, really, I’d say, but that’s too rhetoric. :rofl:

Banana phlegm, farthing flymumagain (I think I have pointed it out somewhere too, but can’t find the post, which is typical for these forums, btw).

What was it about those who insist on repeating their mistakes? :rofl:

Why do I bother, but anyway: go on, show me that magical ‘MMR’ algorithm for at least a game of roulette — for the sake of simplicity… mind you, I’m not even requesting one for a rigged roulette or a crazy rigged roulette with EXCITING :crazy_face: bells and whistles that HS is… and then demonstrate how it would indeed do so.

Of course, you will not, you can produce only stock drivelling chiches and nonsense for that sorry ersatz replies of yours.

Maybe they should have beaten you up more — perhaps they’d have clouted at least some sense into you then. :rofl: