The Game is Mostly Luck, But Skill is Still Important

I’m sorry but you keep saying this and it doesn’t make much sense.

Randomness is not a game. Depending on what you mean by randomness, if you mean to refer to randomness as a random variable as defined in probability theory in mathematics.

Abuse of notation is a common thing in math, if you want to convey a meaning quickly you might use a technicality incorrect term to describe something just because it’s more concise or relates to your audience better. This is not the case here, the thing you are referring to is very different.

A zero sum game can be thought of as a linear program, in fact it’s an equivalent definition. In the sense that if you have a zero sum game you can map it to an equivalent linear program and vice versa. Furthermore, the linear program that a general zero sum game maps to is general enough to represent all linear programs, therefore the two are interchangeable.

Linear programs are much simpler to consider and think about so this is a really important equivalence.

In any case, linear programs or zero sum games have nothing to do with probability or randomness.

I believe what you are trying to say is that randomness in Hearthstone is zero mean, meaning it’s unbiased and shouldn’t favor one opponent or another, barring a bugs or a poor implementation.