Card costs 4, summon two 8 cost minions. say what?

How do I beat this when someone plays it?
Any suggestions?
What were the developers thinking?
The name of the card is Azerite ox.


its nothing speciall i mean you can remove minions like you would remove any other summoned by any other card

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I don’t have anything in my deck to remove minions on turn 4. I mean if I am lucky I might have that sheep spell but out of 30 cards you can only have two of those so what should I do?

Well, it’s not a collectible card so it won’t start in their deck. The player has to excavate for it. You won’t see that card played that early since a warrior wouldn’t be able to have excavated 4 times before turn 4.

If you’re having trouble dealing with it in later turns consistently then you need to run more hard removal so you can draw into it sooner.


I mean, sometimes in Hearthstone, you “just lose” and there’s really nothing you could have done about it. If you face that card on turn 4 or 5, it’s a good bet you were already and always going to lose that game, just because of algorithm/fate/whatever else you want to attribute it to.

Like when I play Astral Communion against Mage and they run countrspell and objection and stuff, it’s GG from the start and there was really nothing to be done. Sometimes the game is like that. Just gotta accept it and move on. Hope you face the decks you ARE good against.

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do you really really believe he played a warrior who excavated 4 times between turns 1 and 3? hes probably lying


I didn’t say what turn he played it on. It was turn 6.
All I knew was the card was 4. I know nothing about excavation.

but thats exactly what you said

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Wait until you face against things like Reno and Dragon druid, lol. Excavate is the least of our worries, I think. Though it is pretty strong still

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And the pro company defense force line comes out swinging, with more coc violating trolling and harassment the mods will ignore.

Please, tell the entire forums that it’s IMPOSSIBLE for someone to excavate four times by turn 5.

Or admit you called someone a liar without proof and don’t know the game…and apologize to the op.

Don’t sweat it, you’ve been bot trolled. Best to engage with people who will actually discuss the topic rather than call you a liar because reasons.

Sorry you had to go through that.

Unfortunately, as super pointed out:

But it doesn’t mean you don’t have to go down without a fight.

What deck(s) are you running?

It would help to give you some suggestions.


oh, its you again. Thanks for stating the obvious.

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I know right? Can’t wait for the future installments, like:

Did you know that spells are non minion cards that can impact gameplay for you or your opponent?

Well…yeah. It’s not 2014, and we all played the tutorial.

It’s bad enough to face terrible bots in the game…but in the forums too? Yeesh.

hmmmm you sure about that?


Since everyone is going hyper pedantic to shift from the actual point:

No, he didn’t SAY anything. This is a text based forum. He wrote out the words and posted them.

If you are hearing voices, you either have text to speech turned on, tell whoever is in the room to stop distracting you while posting…or you should seek professional help.

Considering he first posted about the cost, which was 4, and his unfamiliarity with the excavate mechanic…I’m inclined to give him more slack.

Especially in light of some…err, “people” aren’t willing to admit that’s possible to excavate four times by turn 5. Especially especially those who love to swoop in on threads and pretend they know so much about the game, and troll and harass those who criticize it, or ask questions as liars from the outset. Especially especially especially new forum posters who are clearly new to the game, which seem to be its favorite target.

then what ? grab the card go back in time and play it on turn 4 to make it harder for OP to remove the minions ?

Then you either admit it’s possible and apologize for calling OP a liar, or you stick to calling it impossible and simultaneously claim you don’t know anything about the game.

Up to you.

It doesn’t just summon two and YES it is a discover two 8 mana legendary minions and summon them on the field!!
Much stronger than the mage!!
This game is rubbish in terms of balance!!

That’s insane how much you project yourself on others
You come on threads to contradict people, go pedantic on off-topic things, call people liars that do not answer you, claim they insult you, and correct them on irrelevant things
Yet you lie just as well if not better, are the one insulting people more often and for free, try to hide your ignorance behind tantrums and so on
You keep claiming that the bad mods will censor you for spreading the truth yet you’re still not banned. Guess the mods prefer to leave you wandering with a tinfoil hat, they might find it cute

Btw i really like how you jump on people about “texting is not saying” when you’re out of argument. Really helps to know when you are not worth listening to anymore which often comes fast
(I’m giving you the “listening” one for free so you can reply to this feeling accomplished because you pointed out something irrelevant)


NO it isn´t discover two 8 mana legendary minions. Just discover two 8 mana minions. Thats big difference…

Projection, the post.

Not sure how this has anything to do with the topic, but you do you.

Sure, but I’ve never had one of the choices NOT be a legendary. So either the coding is off (highly likely, given their track record on 1 + 1), or the pool is so small it might as well guarantee a summon.