I’m having the same problem. I’m using a galaxy a10. I can’t login no matter what I do.
Galaxy A11 thank you hang in there
Wow- had to look up the lawsuit after you said this. Women being suppressed from getting promotions can be hard to prove, but if the sexual harassment allegations are true, that is a BIG problem.
Samsung Galaxy J7 refined…
Samsung galaxy j7 crown is also affected
Motorola phone android cox wifi
Samsung Galaxy Tab A on Spectrum cable WiFi
Same problem here.
O hopefull this Will fixed soon.
Galaxy A11 thank you I hope you can do it quickly I could use a hearthstone fix
Same problem same tablet.
Same here.
Samsung Galaxy A6 plus
Samsung A01 straighttalk.
Also thank you for the response.
I was planning on grinding out to diamond for the extra stormwind packs and star bonus and literally can not log in to the game. We really should be compensated for this. It’s disgraceful!
Nope this has happened before they can’t compensate us without giving gold/packs\whatever to everyone. I wouldn’t mind other mobile games actually do that but not blizzard.
hey peops, a woman developer just found the fix. Unfortunately the men told her to go sit in a corner and look pretty because the men have this handled.
Same here Galaxy A51
Same issue freezes at log in. Using a galaxy Tab!
Galaxy Tab A , Xfinity wifi
Same here. I just tried to create a new account and made it past the last act and if froze upon the create a new account bit.
Galaxy tab a aswell😡