Hello I have serious issues with connecting to Heartstone since few days.
About two weeks ago I bought new router and installled it, everything was ok until few days into Ashes of Outland expansion.
For about a week every timei try to launch game i kept getting message that “You were disconected from the Blizzard services. Please relaunch Heartstone to reconect” .
I also play World of Warcraft and it works fine.
This happens also on my Android phone when im connected to my home WiFi, but sometimes when I switch to cellurar data then the game launches and if i change back to WiFi after i go to menu it works fine. Same happens when i setup Hotspot on celluar data from phone and connect my laptop - sometimes game launches fine and then i can switch back to WiFi.
I didnt changed anything in my router settings, before Outland game worked ok now i cant connect through my home WiFi.
Please help coz its really annoying to start the game from phone hotspot.
I have the same issue as well. Different from you, however, is that I sometimes run into the netcachedcardvalue=1 or =2 error on the home wifi.
I tried to submit a ticket regarding this but I couldn’t do so (the submit button was greyed out for some reason). Hoping you will get a response there soon.
I also tried to send yesterday ticket to blizzard support, with whole pathpinging, routing and looking glass done , but always when i tried to send it i had errors.
Hope someone finally respond here maybe.
Hey, Svard! It sounds like there’s definitely some connection issues using the home network which is why the hotspot works. Let’s gather a WinMTR file until the problem occurs for 5 to 10 minutes. Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:
WinMTR Here
If you have issues pasting here, use Pastebin and post the end of the link. (ie. 123456 for pastebin.com/123456
Also, when submitting the ticket, what error was there? If you attach both the MSINFO and DxDiag files to the ticket are there any issues with submitting the ticket?
@jh4, For Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the issue has been confirmed. We’re tracking reports on this thread.
A post was merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] SEA & Oceanic - Unable to Connect or Game Time Out