Cannot claim level 100 Hero Skin

Having the same problem.

I thought it was just me, but apparently, this issue seems rather widespread, been trying to claim my level 100 skin for several days now, but it hasn’t been fixed yet.

Same issue here on an iPad

Yup, still a problem. iOS and PC for me.

Same bug, huh. Typically blizzard bug…

+1, experiencing the same issue.

Same here on mobile and pc

Same question here on mobile and pc


20 characters are needed.

I can’t claim the new hero skin either. It is very frustrating. I have tried to select different heroes when confirming my selection doesn’t work. It doesn’t seem to matter, it just won’t work. I’ve logged out, used different devices, deleted and redownloaded the game, tried to run a bug fix. Literally nothing works. It’s extremely irritating. Especially when I play against someone who was able to claim their new skin.

Same problem, I’m not able to claim my 100 lvl hero skin, it’s been 3 days I thought it was a bag for everyone but my friends managed to claim the reward. How can it be fixed and when?

Same issue - been a week for me. This is incredibly frustrating

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i am also stuck. unable to play the game on my computer or mobile.

A week for me as well. My bug tickets left unanswered…

Same issue here, cannot claim it neither in mobile nor pc :frowning:

just got lvl 100 on the rewards track and when i click claim on the hero skin nothing happens

Bumping as I am also not able to claim the skin at lvl 100.

bumping again for same issue - unable to claim skin at lvl 100 on both PC & mobile

Still locked out of the game entirely.

This is not a case of manually going into the journal/rewards track and trying to claim the hero skin.

There is a pop up that tells you “You forgot a reward”, you cannot close this pop up, and it appears immediately after logging in - meaning the game is completely soft-locked, and has been for over a week now with zero response.

I can’t imagine it is difficult to simply disable this feature until there is a fix ready. I think most people would rather be able to play the game. Pretty atrocious treatment from Blizzard, probably too busy trying to book their next cosby suite.

same issue - kinda worried that this isnt gonna be patched out before the next expansion