Can you EVER concede and lower your MMR?

I’m asking because more and more, there are pathetic, sadistic losers who want to grind out games to 20 or 30 turns.

Every so often your deck misfires or Blizz queues you into the perfect counter deck. Usually, I get to turn 6 and after MULTIPLE board clears I only have 1 card or an empty hand and are facing down a full board of 6+ attack minions.

This is where the issues begin. The opponent starts spamming emotes, NOT attacking beyond killing the 1 minion/card you played and they’re letting the rope burn. I’d just concede and move onto the next game in the OLD DAYS. Now, with Blizz doing matches based on fuzzy & manipulated mysterious MMR instead of RANK (which is 100% obvious), if you simply concede you’re going to be matched right back up with ridiculous and overpowered BS decks.

I’ve even set my phone down and went to the bathroom, got more coffee and when I came back my opponent STILL hadn’t killed me.

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Report them as bots. Bl;izzard picks actual players over real bots when banning, so it should work great!

But they’re most likely REAL people. I doubt bots are programmed to be THIS obnoxious.

If you are not in Legend or at the top of Diamond: MMR is completely meaningless. It’s officially confirmed that if no Legend player is involved: MMR IS COMPLETELY IGNORED and the match-maker goes by the Rating only (e.g. you will ALWAYS get Diamond ~3 players in Diamond ~3 unless an oddball Legend player dropped down there).

If you ask me RANK FLOORS ARE BAD together with any star bonuses too. They should have pure free-floating ranks (or a pure MMR only (same thing in this context)) because then we’ll know what a rank really means for a player having it.

nowhere near legend. I’d LOVE to see an official note from Blizzard on this.

The HS wiki on ‘Matchmaking’, links an official Blizzard source, next to “MMRs are used for the following types of matchmaking: Ranked matches involving at least one player at Legend rank” [which directly implies that in Standard/Wild/Twist unless you are at Legend(or at Diamond ~1 getting rarely an oddball bottomLegend): MMR is totally ignored].

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Blizzard doesn’t care about bots. The more bots, the more Monthly Active Users and that makes it appear the game has more “players”. So, Shareholders are happy.

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That would be fraud, and it’s massively illegal.

I concede often especially when the game very obviously decides I was going to lose regardless (via matchup/mulligan/draw, etc). No point playing when the result has already been decided and is out of my control.

1,000 “thank you” for your reply. If that’s true, I wonder why they don’t display your opponent’s rank anymore?


Especially since conceding for blizzard = prohibited therefore banned. This is what the real face of blizzard is, an illegal company that unfairly bans players, I invite you to no longer spend a single $ on this game since you can be banned at any time.

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I don’t know (I didn’t even know they did in the past (I started playing more actively very recently)))

My initial impression is “they probably don’t want to reveal that much information about others”.

PS they are almost always the same rank below Legend(I have friended a lot right after games)

Do you have any proof, other than semi-anonymous people saying it?

Unless you mean conceding 999 times in a row which is lame.

[Besides: it’s EXPLICITLY ALLOWED since the button is officially there in-game so the only way this is bannable is if it’s either a billion concessions in a row or a reversible mistake they do temporarily]

Even if he concedes X number of times and is banned, the ban is illegal, we live in a democracy and everyone is free to leave the game whenever they want (we are not in a dictatorship).

When you play, you play with a sword above your head and it can fall at any time (to ban you).

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Nonsense. They have a ToS (Terms of Service) and it allows them to ban people from their game.

The “LAW” does protect you in terms of basic human rights but VIDEO GAMING VIRTUAL WORLDS are not considered real life by the law maybe because THEY ARE NOT.

Do you know about unfair clauses?

Another video game company was convicted in an English court for this reason.

Tos must respect the law of the player’s country and the ban on conceding. I don’t think this is compliant because a player is free to leave the match or the game whenever he wants (we are not in a dictatorship).

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They must not violate the laws of the countries they do business in. That is where the bar is, not that they must respect the law or whatever your idea is you;d like to be the case.

Respecting and Not Violating can and do share a lot in common, however they are not the same thing. Not Violating the Speed Limit is driving at the speed limit, respecting the speed limit would be to drive 5 under the limit. Both dont violate the law, but they dont both respect it. There is a clear and distinct difference despite how much they can overlap.

An unfair clause would be to require a paid monthly subscription every month and then not allowing them to unsubscribe once they have been banned. (talking one month at a time sub, not multimonth prepaid subs). That would be an unfair clause, one that would not be upheld if taken to court over it. However I dont know of anyone willing to pay the 2k for a lawyer and then to file the suit for over a couple hundred and the court costs for well over a couple hundred just to get the chance to be in front of a judge over a singular month’s subscription cost. The uber rich doing it over principle for sure, or a class action suit that has many many people all affected, sure. But average folk? Doubtful. The uphill cost involved alone is deterrent enough.

Not an unfair clause would be if their system has flagged you for violating their TOS in some way and they took action on it because you agreed to the TOS when you installed it, continued to agree to it anytime it was updated by accepting the update patches, etc. You not reading the contract isnt a good defense to complaining about it. It;d be pretty unfair to everyone in any contract if all they had to do was say they never read it despite agreeing to it.

So they can ban whoever they want without proof, like a player who spends $100 then we ban him immediately so that he creates a new account so that he can spend again?

It’s a scam, you ban someone with solid proof of cheating and not with a reporting system (of players) then we ban automatically (by taking the players at their word).

You can say whatever you want but these are illegal practices.

In a court of law, Blizzard would be condemned, you can say whatever you want, I am right and you are wrong.

Your theory is nonsense, because you imply it’s profitable to do that.

It’s probably very NOT profitable to ban paying customers.

So you find it normal that Blizzard bans innocent people, today you just need to come across angry people who report you as a bot and you get a permanent ban, I hope that doesn’t happen to you because you will come here to cry.

Blizzard loses 100% in court.