Can you EVER concede and lower your MMR?

I know they ban unfairly. But it’s mainly because of bad management; in order to save costs they do cheat/bot-scanning automatically; the mass-banning which happens automatically does mistakes,

they COULD theoretically ban paying-customers on purpose in the hope to bait them but that’s not only illogical (at least partly) but also “occam’s razor”: it’s simpler they dun goofed with the automation.

Given the number of innocent players banned, I can assure you that you have 0 analysis, otherwise you will have much less, the truth is you take x report and that triggers the ban (it’s scandalous).

Just play a deck that frustrates your opponent to get banned for botting, who are we kidding?

Their automatic scanning for botting might be VERY bad. I’m not arguing here if it’s good or bad (I was just saying it’s unlikely they banned unfairly for a different reason than just “the automation of finding bots is bad”).

If you frustrate others you may be reported by others even with lies; I suspect that might trigger automatic suspensions; do you bait/troll others with emotes by any chance?

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Or by playing Reno? Or winning? lol

Sure, but I doubt that’s highly probable. I know personally that someone who emotes only when they win in order to express narcissism: is way more annoying than just getting the win without emoting at all.

This game is full of frustrated players and they can report very well.

At wow cataclysm I was ban def for bot while I was waiting for a rare Aeonaxx, angry farmers reported to me while I was waiting on the spot in hover.

Odd, i do the same practice for a completely different and polar opposite reason. lol. I dont emote all match because I find it annoying when others do it like every other move or combo so I just abstain until the very end, if I win, I say well played, if not, i still say well played but the game auto emotes when i concede as well. so i gotta be fast to get both in. But I dont want my opponent to think im a bad sport after going all match without any emote at all and they get demolished or more likely I got demolished lol.

well, that derailed quickly

I am sorry but that is not fully correct.
Matchmaking picks a player of your mmr as long as you’ve got a star bonus left!

When your starbonus is gone you are matched based on your rank floor bracket.

In legend it’s mostly mmr again.

In my case this means, I am allways matched by mmr except between d5 and legend. And I can cofirm that the system works, just by looking at those strangers in my friendlist. Nobody is ever below Diamond.

If you still have a star multiplier active, you are matched by your MMR. If you are typically a Legend player and are in Bronze 7 sitting on a 10 star multiplier, you’re going to be matched with another player of similar MMR, not a random (and possibly novice) B7 player.

Once the star multiplier has decayed down to 1, then you are matched by Rank. There are some situations where a high-MMR Diamond-ranked player might get matched with a Legend player, but those cases are quite rare.