I said I wouldn’t do this, but I feel insulted. Congratulations, I am baited.
Let’s say someone says “I make $200k a year, I’m in the top 1%.” Such a person is making more money than average, but it’s just a plain old statistical fact that they are NOT in the top 1%. They’re just kinda barely in the top 10%. Better than me, no doubt, but performance follows a certain distribution and it would probably help if people understood that distribution. It’s not “bullying” to point this out.
I do routinely point out to people that they’re not these magical hotshots because they made Legend. This is based on VS report data from the end of recent months, data that shows that, among players with the tracker installed, about a third of them make Legend, and more than half end the month Diamond 5 or higher. That’s facts, that’s data.
But do I go around saying that Diamond players don’t count? No I don’t. Where do I think balance decisions should be focused? On the median long-term player, that 50th percentile, so Diamond 4-1. I’ve repeated this stance many times.
Personally, I’ve proven T1KL skills in past, I understand a bit how the knowledge trickles down over time, but I’m NOT the guy telling everyone that Diamond balance doesn’t matter and that we should only look to T1KL to make balance decisions. I only look to T1KL as a forecasting tool for D4-1, and the post you’re complaining about of mine is quite literally a rant about how even that is increasingly NOT the case because its utility in forecasting seems to be decreasing over time.
If you’re a struggling player, or if anyone reading this is, I don’t really care how good you are at piloting Hearthstone decks. If you’re below median, that’s cool. But if you’re going to get all upset about being called below median when you factually are, that’s on you. And if you think that the game should be balanced around you when your experience is far from the median experience, that’s selfish. Not trying to be mean, that’s just the way it is.
So in conclusion, I am not being narcissistic, I am not bullying, I am not elitist, and I’m only gaslighting you if you consider challenging self-serving perceptions with arguments from empirical evidence to be gaslighting.