Bring back classic please

You shall not argue with ridiculous Blizzard fan boys here. Some of them will defend any Blizzard actions.
And some just have a habit of making ridiculous arguments to belittle fellow players finding extreme enjoyment that they cannot from the game.


Ridiculous take. Why is mercenaries available to play, then? They just stopped adding content. Guess what? They never even needed to do upkeep for classic. We just wanted them not to get rid of it, and they couldn’t even do that.

The incompetence is real, stop defending Blizzard.


What classic HS are we talking about, the one before Naxxramas where everyone was playing the same cards?

This post has been up for almost 3 weeks and has only 19 likes… If only there actually was a community that played Classic, one big enough to warrant the mode, but there isn’t. SO buh bye Classic and HELLO TWIST!!!:slight_smile:

this is unreasonable.
empathy is lacking

if you don’t speak up for your fellow gamers, they will come for you eventually.


What happened to all the classic cards I paid so much more with money and enchantment dust. WHATS UP!!!


Yes I am speaking up for the majority of the fellow hearthstone gamers… GET RIDE OF CLASSIC…and our prayers were answered.

@Blizzard a response?


yes please, bring it back.


Yes, bring it back. As a player who started in 2.018 or thereabouts, i liked classic and slow paced games very much.


Please bring back Classic. I miss playing old school Handlock. : (


Keep pushing. Blizzard needs to reply and refund.


It’s a shame that Blizzard didn’t bring back Classic, at least for the duration that the Twist mode that replaced it will be down.

Heck, maybe I’ll enjoy Twist when it launches, but since it isn’t even currently up and running it seems like they deleted Classic way too early just to milk a little extra gold before the new expansion launched.


Yes, I put a lot of money into classic. I think I speak for everyone when I say bring it back or refund it. At least let me look at my cards. I liked the simplicity and other ways of thinking during gameplay. Bring back classic!


I’m glad it’s dead and it isn’t going to return unless it’s a one off format in twist.

It was unplayed, bot filled, and the cost of maintaining it was more than the revenues it was generating or it would still be here.

You are literally denying your fellow players’ time and money into this mode when the one above you specifically told you that he paid and played.

It’s not okay to satisfy your concern about Blizzard’s expense to take away other player’s investment without compensation


Read the ToS and you will find that they can unilaterally shut the whole thing down at any time and don’t owe you anything.

Classic was a dead mode. The seven people who loved it should quit HS in protest and we can all sing songs of their glory.

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It was played, the bots are in every mode and I see complaints on this forum about it in standard even, and there was actually no maintenance - it stayed the exact same format and set of cards.

None of your arguments make any sense for removing it. Mercenaries is still here, why didn’t they shut that down completely? Because they can leave it alone and it requires no effort, and people may still spend money on it. Same thing with classic.

The “seven” people that you claim played it seem to have quite a few accounts on these forums alone that want it back. Crazy


Where do you draw the line, if not 7 people?

Maybe 70 players’ account spendings have been taken, you will start to care.
Or 700?

Name a number.


I actually don’t care. At all.

The mode was a bot infested hellscape and it’s death was expected and welcomed.

Right before they closed it someone posted about getting legend there for the achievement and said they played like all their games and it was only bots the whole climb from bronze to legend without starts.

Not even close to how bad it was in classic, and much of it was player bots farming XP with script accounts to farm and sell arena tickets. It was baaaad and needed to go.

Because it’s not as easily exploitable as classic was is my guess.