Bring back classic please

This mode is all me and my friend play. I love the format and the nostalgia of it and it is all I really care about when it comes to hearthstone.

I have been crafting golden cards exclusively for it as well, and it is really not fair to just remove it at this point.

I would have liked to see classic expanded with an arena mode, with the mode removed there is no reason for me to play anymore.

My opinion probably does not matter much, but for what it is worth, please bring it back.


Agree. I enjoyed classic. Like yeah its just bot infested, and hyper aggro is all you see before high legend.

But it sure was nice playing a mode where I didn’t discover so many cards that I am overflowing cards in hand because every single card in the format adds more cards to hand.


Yes sure there are a lot of bots(which might be fixable), but it is possible to challenge a friend to the format as well, and reach high legend too.

I dont even really mind the aggro decks as there are plenty of ways to deal with them.

To me it stays interesting even after all this time and should be a badge of honor for hearthstone to wear rather than something that gets cut, I was able to introduce a friend to the game via classic and she has had a lot of fun with it.


I kind of liked it, too. I didn’t play it much, but when I did, I enjoyed it. I don’t play Wild and I always dust my obsolete cards at rotation, so I have no interest in Twist whatsoever. I would have preferred if Twist had replaced Wild instead of Classic. I guess now I can go ahead and dust my Classic cards. Oh well. :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging: :confused:


Yeah that is the other thing, the dust system is not really fair if they can just remove all the cards you created with your dust…


Save it is my suggestion u never know if they reverse the decisions they do listen to feedback.


Hey! Sorry to hear that the mode you enjoyed has been removed. If you still want to play with your friend, you can still go for it by playing wild and filtering the card sets. Only problem will probably be the cards that have been nerfed/buffed/changed in the recent years.

I know it’s a small band-aid to the problem… hope at some point the mode will come back so you can still enjoy it!


Hey thanks! Yeah we would do that if it wasnt for the cards having changed, might still try it idk.

@Aerthis, yeah I will save the cards just in case, it is not like I use them for anything else :slight_smile:


Does anyone know if Twist was the planned WILD shakeup per their schedule? Or is it simply a new mode?

AGREE. Back CLASSIC !!! I don’t need hearthstone without classic .


Twist thus far has felt like I’m playing wild. It will be interesting to see which is more popular going forward…twist or wild.

I’ve been playing Hearthstone since day one, and so far there is no other deck that is more enjoyable than Classic Handlock. It was the very first deck I ever crafted, and have reached Legend with it multiple times. For me playing Handlock is peak Hearthstone. Now that’s all gone, along with my (very expensive) Control Warrior deck I eventually saved up for.

Maybe I’m not remembering correctly, but I could’ve sworn that Blizzard stated that one of the reasons for introducing Classic mode was because they wanted players to always feel like their cards have value. Well now I have quite a few legendary cards that are basically worthless.


Being completely fair for a moment: They are still worth Dust. If this was, say, MTGA, then those cards are indeed 0 value. But dust has value, even if only 1/4 value.

That out of the way, removing classic is basically a moment to begin a riot.

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They mentioned kind of in passing that classic is probably not dead forever. They’ll either bring it back entirely or include it as a twist mode.

Well, all classic cards can be used in wild as their legacy versions so they’re not completely worthless.

Kind of weird to remove peoples ability to use their cards, and remove their decks for something that is temporary, but one can hope.

Yeah it is just for someone like me, the whole point of getting the cards was to play classic, that is all I will play.


I too would like Classic to come back. I was enjoying it a lot. I was hoping to reach legend with all 9 original classes in there, and I had already gotten to 5.


You loved it.

But the numbers show that sentiment was not shared by many other players.
The mode was mainly used by botting players to grind up an easy path to legend and the monthly rewards/experience rewards.

So the mode attracted/retained few players, while costing them potential sales from botting players. Not a wonder the mode was removed. Not different from any recreational activity that fails to achieve at least modest success.

I never played classic but I agree, they shouldn’t have replaced it.

What they should’ve done is create a “custom games” mode with a lobby system that included some immutable rulesets like Classic, Highlander and 40 hp/40 cards decks, coupled with other custom ones made either by devs (current Twist mode) or streamers/pro players that rotate monthly. Not too many to not overwhelm or dilute the playerbase. The modes available could be selected from polls on HS website.

It would be a win-win for everybody. And some of them could include leaderboards and ladder and stuff.


I am saying keep it for the players who do enjoy it, if not for the game and those players then at least not to remove cards people have aquired to play that format. Preventing people from botting should be a separate issue.

This is a cool idea, I would like to keep a “ladder” for classic, but at least still being able to play against friends would be better than nothing.


Not last year it wasn’t. Because I tried to play classic. And the queue was so long, I gave up trying.

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