Bots in ranked games

Sadly, there are way too many bots right now. I think people over estimate the amount, but standard ladder has way more bots than it should as high as gold rank … when you get to D5 it’s much different. But having this many bots all the way up to cold is distressing.

Classic era is about 95% bots.

It’s a shame really, and Blizzard should be ashamed for not addressing and remedying the issue.

This is not a universal truth, especially right now because of Renethal.

Control decks are very draw dependent, and now they have to dig through 40 cards instead of 30. Non Renethal control decks just lose to everything at the moment, so they’re not viable.

Unholy DK can shred through Blood DK and Control Priest easily right now. I only mentioned those two control decks because they’re the only ones worth playing and even that’s a stretch.

I was shocked when I logged in today that there had been no balance changes. In fact, the most recent balance changes made the game worse tbh.

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INCREDIBLE amount of bots, this is becoming increasingly frustrating.
In Gold 4 at the moment.
Last minutes, I started FIVE consecutive games, all against bots with two RandomWords with the first letter capitalized.
Conceded all of them out of frustration.

I bought pass WITH REAL MONEY.

Will you put a stop on that?

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Another match started, another bot, another match conceded. Six.

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Another match started, another bot, another match conceded. Seven.


Another match started, another bot, another match conceded. Eight.

Ragequit, closing the game, bye bye Hearthstone until I read that a solutions is being implemented.

Sadly, I won’t get my money back.

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You’ll never stop facing bots if you don’t stop conceding. Blizzard thinks you suck at the game and need an easy opponent because you keep conceding. Just kill the bot and move on.

Why concede against bots? You can destroy them in a matter of minutes, just win and rank up, you’ll stop seeing them soon enough.

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You are right, but I concede out of frustration.
Like, I paid the season pass, I just want to play the game. For real.

Blizzard is doing nothing against this rain of bots.

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Blizzard is the one who puts the bots there in the first place. At least the ones that are named as you describe “RandomWords with the first letter capitalized”. You are seeing Blizzard bots because you concede too much.


i dont get it you want to play vs bots or not since you concede seems you havent decided yet

I concede because I do not want to play with bots.

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This is worse than I thought.

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You don’t have a choice, blizzard is giving you an ultimatum: play against bots and defeat them or you’ll just keep facing more bots.

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isnt something bad you dont need to win many games to avoid bots

so far whenever i win vs a blizzard bot my next opponent is always a player but thats probably because i never conceded

Very very sad.
Will never pay season pass anymore to play bots.
Less people is playing this game, so this is the solution?
I miss the times when we were waiting for an opponent!

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now that you know conceding makes you play vs more bots that means you were expecting to prey on low mmr players and are just mad blizzard wont let you do that with the bots

i know people who want to play vs new players with bad decks concede to tank their mmr so bots must be making things harder for those players and thats goood

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Waht? Dude, I want to play PEOPLE at the same rank as me. Gold 8 currently. why only 8? Because I have no interest in playing against the infinite number of DK bots. Hell, even if it was a real person playing DK, I’m conceding. F them and F blizzard.


No one wants to play a bot placed by blizz. This game is junk, move on as I did and be happier. Don’t bother replying to blizzards lackeys pretending to be players, all they seek to do is manipulate your frustration all the way to your wallet. They literally patented this approach into the mechanics of the game.

I just pop an emulator on and play some old, good games. Free too! Forget blizz.


You are a fool. Why would you concede against free wins? You’re facing bots cuz your mmr is in the gutter. Bots are like 80% win rate

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Let’s just ignore the smart guys whose only answer is “git gud!”.
I’m paying, guys. I must enjoy.

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I may just do that, methinks.

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