Bots in ranked games

Those are blizzard bots mainly.

Here’s your mistake. By paying, you are saying you like what you are getting.


Like many others, I came here to see if I was the only one noticing this. Lots of names either in Kanji or just a few numbers/letters. Almost all playing DKs and very bot-like. All of them using the original Hearthstone card backs.

Is there a way to report them?


uh but to lose vs a blizzard bot youll have to concede or go afk thats how bad they are

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And again, the “git gud!” answer.
It’s not about being easy, it’s about paying a game to play it with people, not boring bots.


but you dont even need to be good to win vs bots they dont make hard to beat

Yeah but the problem was never the difficulty. People play a game to have fun, and playing against a terrible bot to get to the fun part is just a chore. If players have to do too many in-game chores before they get to have fun, they’ll move on to another game.


Right. It’s great that its been fairly easy to rank up. But if 60% of games are against bots, it starts to become boring. Grinding is boring. I could care less about my rank in a silly card game. Combine this with the meta of OTK decks and aggro-filled arena runs. The fun is slowly being drained from hearthstone. Feels like the game is just being designed to encourage micro-transactions.


Wow you are so strong.

The point is in Australia. You are in Sweden.


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Each loss = one bot.
I do not remember patch notes from blizzard communicating that “feature” to players. They just implemented it.
Months ago, you’d wait maybe one minute but the opponent was always human.

I agree and I’m happy to blame blizzard as much or more than individual players. If control can’t beat aggro then that is a balance failure at least.

That has not been my experience. Control priest dominates with constant board clears and unending value.

I’m not sure if it is worse, but I certainly don’t like the constant numbers of DKs around or having to face a bunch of frost dks again. Blizzard clearly isn’t doing enough.

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I don’t understand it… why are ppl complaning about bots so much lately… You get bots because your win rate is low… you need to learn how to defeat bots and then the game will give you real players… Do you think playing against real players would be more fun for you if you can’t even beat bots? No… it wouldn’t… :\ Just because you pay… the game won’t learn how to play instead of you… This is a card strategy game… not a platformer where all you need to do is jump and move in time… It is not enough to play cards… you need to figure out when to play them… only one mistake is enough to fail a match you know… mainly at higher ranks.

Literally no one is ever making the complaint “I can’t beat bots”. They’re all saying “I don’t want to face bots”. So to answer your question: yes, players with low win rates would generally still much prefer facing humans and losing than facing bots and winning.


I see but that’s not changin the fact… they get bots because they can’t win enough to face players… just enjoy free win and wait for players… Don’t need to panic… the game will give them a lot of players after managed to win enough. :smiley:

Ok troll, good bye and thanks.


Troll, lol… xD Ok, as you wish… whine then about the bots… don’t care… it’s your problem… Live happily ever after…

Yes, you are a troll trying to trigger us.
Noboid said the bots are strong. We just paid to play people, not bots.


I browsed the shop. There is no item to buy to “playing agains people”. Please, stop lying. Perhaps you expected to play against people, but you were certainly not sold a guarantee.

But knowing Blizzard, it wouldn’t surprise me to see an option like that to be available in the shop in the future. It is a modern trend in the gaming. First create artificial problem in the game only to sell the solution later. Something like:
Step 1) make bots to play against people on ladder
Step 2) make players pay to avoid playing against bots
Step 3) Profit

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Sure it doesn’t explicitly say in the game you’ll be queued into people, but that’s the kind of thing that goes without saying in a ccg. Selling people items for a ccg only to set matchmaking to queue them into bots instead of each other is like selling someone a bag of plastic oreos and saying “I never advertised them as edible oreos”. The only reason what blizzard’s doing is legal is because the bar is set incredibly low for what consumers are guaranteed when it comes to digital products associated with “games as a service”. They could permanently shut down the game tomorrow without any notice and it would be entirely legal.

the only reason to concede vs bot knowing winning will match vs players as good as you are is to avoid increasing your mmr