Bots in ranked games

Hey there,

I don’t usually post here so it might have been talked a lot already. But ive recently more and more bot in ranked (gold 1 to 5 mostly). You can tell the way they instantly play, making poor choice (like the algorythme think a card is to be casted on me to attack me, but it actually buff my cards and help me), etc.

Obviously, I always wins against those bots, but why is there so many cheating right now?


Game is dead so they need the bots to make sure people think it is going strong…


Tons of them. Dealing with an insane amount of DK bots. Currently running gold 10-5 and I can’t get past gold 7.

Patchwork is stupid, all of the DK cards are seriously OP with very very low mana gem usage.

These guys get 4-8 moves per turn!

Blizzard - I loved WOW, and left it because nobody is paying attention to game mechanics. I loved hearthstone when it first came out and guess what?! I’m about to leave it cuz nobody is paying attention to the game mechanics. Go get sued again and fire some higher ups!!!


Ridiculous amount of Bots, didn’t really notice it before now.
Most of them are DK and running the same deck and have names that are garbled junk like “wtdsd”


Sadly, I’ve encountered alot of bots recently as well. I took a break for the last 3 expansions. Came back this one and fired up and older Paladin deck I had. Made some adjustments and took it to ladder. I’ve encountered many bots during the climb.

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There are actual blizzard bots, they don’t appear in your recent opponent list, and are usually compound names made of two read words put together without spaces.

There could just be no opponents at those ranks, but I think they are also putting in some sort of match making floor for players so on losing streaks they encounter less real new players. I sometimes see players intentionally trying to kill themselves, either for rewards ladder experience, smurfing MMR lowering, or probably both.


Came here to see if anyone else had noticed, at low gold/high silver it seems every 2nd game is against a bot. Fairly easy to spot as well, as Everliving describes;

  • Instant plays
  • Poor choices
  • Can’t see name in recently played against
  • Playing odd cards, like “Priest of An’she” (Dont think i’ve ever seen that played in a ranked game till now)
  • Doesnt utilize syngeries

I understand you can set your status to “Appear offline”, but far as I recall it shows you as “unknown” or just “player” in game.
Might as well make a ranked pve ladder at this point…


Y exactly same.

i was like ok its only in low elo rankeds bcs ppls farms quest, golds or whatever… but now even in dia + …

Its just interesting that there is no such response to this from blizz.


hearthstone is a fantastic example of a game that doesn’t miss anything, bots, arbitrarily manipulated rng, unfair matchmaking, community that complains in at least 20% of posts… yet it sucks millions of dollars from the pockets of those who play… mysteries of the modern market


well it is a fun game and most people dont think blizzard hates them and is going to rigg the game agaisnt them…


It’s obvious that they are Blizzard’s bots as they don’t have the level of their ranks. Those bots should not be able to go over the bottom of Bronze. However half of by games in Gold are bots. I win 100% of them and it’s so boring. I would prefer to lose against real players. I think I’ll stop playing this game.


I don’t think they are Blizzard bots because some of the names i have seen many times over the years and recognize them but yeah a few seem like Blizzard employees.
These bots are using illegal cards which bothers me more and why i doubt are Blizzard bots because why would the HS team be allowing illegal cards in the game it would give the dev a huge black mark and very contradicting to just cheat in a game when cheating is not allowed.
However there is yet another problem …WHY is this not being fixed WHY is the game running with so many bots?
Well i think the answer to that question is they don’t want to smear their advertising campaign because in reality all they care about is money.


i went from bronze 10 to plat 5 with jut a handfull of losses in a few hours playing 99% deathknight bots. now i face constant aggro who have a full board by turn 5 and i cannot string a few wins together as im a control player . good job blizz


Control should be able to beat aggro. What class are you playing that doesn’t have enough removal?

You don’t always draw into removal and aggro decks draw like gods.

People farming xp rewards.

Yeah this is really messed up. My last game I even played a bot that was a shaman to portrait and hero power but it had a rogue deck. This is getting out of hand…

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Yeah, I just had the exact same encounter. The new musical themed Shaman avatar, could summon totems, but played the Jackpot Rogue deck (quite poorly).

At least if you just want to climb they’re good opponents. They also don’t concede so you can farm dailies/weeklies.

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Real players aren’t the problem. It’s all the DK bots that are screwing with matchmaking.

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I just came here to see if I was the only one to notice this. Glad I’m not.

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