Bots and how our time is being wasted

If the person breaching it is an employee, high ranking at that, who ALSO retains his job after the fact, yeah.

Take off the blinders and get back to reality.

As entertaining as this red herring is, it’s time your took your own advice. Stop defending the indefensible, and make sure whatever tos breaking stuff you’re doing is done before in game reporting comes online. You and your little friends’ joy ride at everyone else’s expense is coming to an end.

Im not defending it. Show me where I have defended the behaviour?

I am simply stating thats unless its financially beneficial, its low priority to Acti-Blizz.

Nothing you have shown says otherwise.

Oh, now youre really mad. Over such a simple discussion which YOU are making many assumptions on my character over…

Maybe dont assume anything about me when at the time of Iksar exploiting a bug:

You have no clue about me. Dont try.

I am against cheating etc. But I also am not so dense as to see how an in game report feature really wont achieve anything. They arent gonna dedicate the resources necessary to man it given its an F2P game, with a large salty player base.

They might add a button, but dont expect it to go anywhere outside of your head.

Oh no…you just are strangely anti reporting. Like a politician who doesn’t want financial reform. Nothing strange about that. Not one bit!

Ah the classic “UMAD.” The last resort of someone with zero argument.

You’ve revealed plenty in this thread.

Or what? Threats are against coc, internet tough guy.

If I wanted to threaten you, I would threaten you.
“You know nothing about me. Dont try”
is, by NO means, under any definition, a threat.

Its a piece of advice given. You dont know me, that much is for sure. So dont pretend that you have me pegged into whatever pigeonhole you have me in.

You are welcome to try and psycho-analyse me, but you clearly havent been here anywhere near long enough to learn anything about me.

You are yet to show where they said in game reporting was coming btw.

Is a threat, under any definition. Nice try with the “advice” garbage. You are exactly the kind of person this feature is needed for. Trying to pass off threatens as “advice,” the kind of “friendly advice” tough guy macho types pass around before they start something.

In your case, over an internet discussion.

(emphasis added)
I ordinally don’t give too much weight to typos, but Freudian slip is way too telling here, and a bit of a self own about your whole demeanor in the last couple posts.

Ok, for someone so hell bent on the CoC/EULA/ToS, lets reflect a bit, shall we?!?


Unfounded accusations - see harassment.


You really want to dance, young padawan?

Lets go. You are violating the very text you are holding others to.
Cant have your cake and eat it too.

E: LOL and thats before even considering your manner in your “debate” with BEE in a different thread. Those who live in glass houses…

You should check into an ER, because you have muscle damage from reaching that hard.

Then say you don’t oppose in game reporting, and you don’t violate the TOS in game, on penalty of perjury.

Fact, based on:

Same tough guy threatening language.

Another insult.

I never said I oppose it, just that its not gonna work due to the reason I have already outlined.

Another insult.

Seriously, give it up.

If you expect others to follow the ToS the the letter, then do so yourself.
Otherwise you surrender your right to use it in any discussion you have, period.

Let’s see, from the author of:

Looks like you should

You are yet to explain why it is fine for you to repeatedly breach the ToS, while others must be penalised for doing so.

Yes, the payer base IS salty. Blizzard would/will get far more false reports than legit reports with an in game report feature. In a game with millions of games played every day. Its simply not gonna work, logistically speaking. they would have to hire an army just to filter out the false reports alone made by the salty players who lost a game.

looks like 2 bots fighting on the forums again
Oh Lawdy

1 Like

Already addressed. above, which people like you ignore. Nice try.

Clearly it can and does work in their other games just fine, and the hysteria that people like you try to drum up and claim the world will end will be proven false when it goes live.

Not addressed above.

You mean the P2P or sub-based games? Sure, because people HAVE to pay just to access them. They cant risk multiple actions for false flagging. HS is not the same.

And now I prove you a liar with great joy:

And the best part? You literally confirm you know it too:

Check. Mate.
By The Holy Light, that felt good!

And no, not just the pay games.


yes, cos I have actually read the EULA & CoC… Unlike you, who cant even see your OWN violations of it.

Fact: you claimed it wasn’t addresed, and it was. Ergo, you lied, which makes you a liar.

Thanks for confirming you knowingly lied about the false reporting above.
Check. Mate.

The refresh my memory. I dont remember it being addressed, so repeat yourself.

Harassment again. You really cant see your own violations? Calling people a liar is very much banworthy on these forums, so maybe, dont push it. THAT is a threat, if you really want one. A threat that I will start reporting you for harassment if you continue down this road.

I literally just did above. Try reading.

Then everything you have done is harassment. In spades. Including stalking me into another thread. Congrats, you’re a hypocrite who threatens people and tried browbeating me into submission and stop posting here because I disagreed with you on in game reporting.

The difference between us is I’m not afraid of your opinion, but do care about how you conduct yourself. One of us tried having a reasoned debate, and the other made threats, and tried to shut the discussion down entirely using all manner of lame excuses, and flimsy rationale.

That person is you.


Reporting someone for your own threats. that’s a new one.

Welp, tried to warn ya.

You are yet to reaffirm your stance as requested and, yet again, resorted to personal attacks.

So, if you are even remotely serious and not just a troll, kindly refresh my memory, as I requested.

Actioning false reports, sure. But considering they would take an eon to filter out is not feasible in a game like HS, so how do you filter them without human interaction?

Maybe they could hire the army of chimps that write Shakespeare to filter the reports? Eventually they will get it right.