Bots and how our time is being wasted

Pointing out you violated coc is not a personal attack. Sorry if that offends you, but that is fact: your own claim that:

Shows your attitude in this matter.

I literally posted what you asked for above again. scroll up if you are remotely serious, and not just a troll.

No, post it here as ā€œactioning false reportsā€ when those reports will significantly outnumber legit reports is not worthwhile of implementation.

You clearly arent a regular here, despite the post count you are proud of. Just go through the last weeks worth of threads. Many of the OPā€™s would have used this report feature after losing a game. They are salty. They cant handle a loss. Multiply that by 10000, and you will see why its simply not worth it as anything other than a placebo ā€œdo nothingā€ button.

Iā€™m not going to spam the thread because you canā€™t be bothered to scroll up a few posts to see what was just reposted. Thatā€™s pure laziness on your part.

False report boogeyman.

You must be new here, because this is against TOS. See, someone else in the thread even pointed this out:

Your account gets flagged. It will be the same when this goes live.

I did scroll up. Your suggestion was to ban the false reports. That requires FAR more man power than you believe, I guarantee it.

If your account get flagge in WoW or Overwatch etc. for repeated abuse of report, you gotta buy a new copy of the game to regain access either p2p or sub + p2p. In HS? Just roll a new account, no biggie. Takes 5 mins to create and, sure, starting from scratch is painful, but the game is more F2P friendly than its ever been, so meh.

The discussion was about false reporting and actioning. Thatā€™s some bad dishonesty.

Yep, losing all your cards is ā€œno biggie.ā€ Sure thing. Then they perma ban you if you come back while trying to sneak in while temp banned. But ā€œno biggieā€ right? So much for all that ā€œreading the tosā€ you supposedly did.

There arenā€™t really any bots when you move up the ladder. It takes truly trash MMR to face bots as much as you describe.

It isnā€™t my fault that the game considers you to be equally skilled to click bot so it matches you to them.

Iā€™m sorry accurate information triggers you, but that doesnā€™t make anyone a troll.

So, everyone: git gud, otherwise the company doesnā€™t have to enforce the TOS.

Or they can just enforce the tos instead of making it p2w also.

Once again, I was a returning player. The bot problem did go away once I started climbing again. It still sucked to have face so many bots in my first couple of days back to the game.

Horrible experience for anyone coming back after a long break from playing.

There it is. Like I said.

Iā€™m happy you got away from them.

Free wins are bad?!

Free wins are boring. Boring is bad. Because free wins are boring, free wins are bad.

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I play this game for a year and i just noticed im playing alot agains bots like more then 20% of my games

butā€¦there is a report function