Bots and how our time is being wasted

Can someone please tell me why there is no report function in the game and why after so many years bots are allowed to roam around freely in the game wasting peoples time. ive faced about ten bots only in the last week. that is 300 mins i lost this week because this games designers are incompetant.


How bad do you have to be to match up to bots, I wonder?

I haven’t seen a ranked bot in years.

Free wins must be nice, though. Maybe start working on the hard achieves since your opponent is just hanging out letting you do whatever?


Blizzard uses bots to fluff their own player numbers so they will never crack down on them.


Same reasons there’s never been a report function in game; because people would abuse it even worse than the ability to friend someone just to cuss them out.

Blizzard cracks down on bots intermittently in waves because botting is basically an arms race between Blizzard detecting them, and the bot-makers figuring out how Blizzard detected them and then patching around that.


you do know that even shaman bots were hitting legend right?

making fun of someone for trying to help the community seems pretty rude.


Are you telling me its blizzard purposely wasting my time. I dont think so. If they did use bots to fluff out then they wont make the bots wait an entire turn every turn. These are players using bots.

is xp rewarded for time spent, or plays made? i would be okay with facing bots if they would push the end turn button


Time spent. As far as I know the number of cards played per game has no baring on the amount of XP earned at the end of a game.


If Blizzard used bots to get any reasonable number added, we would be matched up with them WAY more frequently

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So there actually is a way to report them, you have to email their anti-hacking team. Whether or not they actually do something is an entirely different matter. But to everyone who’s saying it’s not actually that big of a problem, I’ve been matched with 5 in the last week. It’s a problem.


I play wild memes sometimes, and bots are rampant at least up to gold ranks. Sometimes you’ll get 5+ in a row, and depending on your deck they can eat up to 10 mins each.

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Speaking from personal experience, removing incentives is the best way to stop botting. Enforcement is way too much overhead.

So how would one remove incentives for botting?

Helps to have access to data, but off the top of my head experience earned only for time spent by your opponent, experience only for wins, no experience if you lose 2 (or X) games in a row, experience for mana spent.

That approach knocks out a lot of the more annoying bots (which are more like macros)

Ok, I like the concept. Now if only there was a way to get Blizzard to listen.

You can report them, you just have to send an e-mail, which is a bit cumbersome. I do agree that they should have some type of system within the game to report botters.


i see nothing wrong with it free xp and ranks for new players or people who cant actuallly play but want to progress

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You think that hacking to get xp is acceptable?

Using a third party application to play for you is Cheating, it also violates TOS and is bannable offense.


It’s not a good experience, it’s like playing tennis against people who can’t hit the ball back. Boring.

Ranking up is not fun if there’s no competition.

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shrug to each their own people can play how they wish