Bots and how our time is being wasted

You mean, that every other one of their games has? In this case, hearthstone is a very noticeable exception.

Ah, you sweet summer child, mercstone says hi. Also, time spent in game pads their metrics, which is how they tell their investors and the world at large their games are a “success,” not actual people subbed, playing. If they thought their own bots would pad the metrics, they would do it in a heartbeat.

This, but making the reporting process cumbersome discourages reporting, and they know it.

They did this in wow (“botters are paying for a sub too” was essentially the response) until the loss of income was bad enough the bot ban waves started. So anyone leaving hearthstone because of botters should drop them a line and tell them this. Anyone who tries hearthstone and doesn’t become a player because of this should drop them a line and tell them this. Eventually, lost revenue will force them to address botters.

As he already pointed out, it’s against TOS. If you don’t have the time to play, don’t waste ours by botting. By your logic, anyone who “doesn’t have time” is ok to break any law, do anything they want, that they “don’t have time” for.

And here you literally say it’s ok to do whatever you want if it “works for someone.” Whatever that “works for them” is.

When you have people defending bots should tell you something. A bit like politicians say campaign finance laws don’t need to be reformed, and loudly claim anyone who tries is messing with democracy as we know it.

… I’m not even gonna say it this time…

Currently I am matching against bots at least 50%, asia region , platinum 10.
The worst part is waiting on every turns that bot never click the end turn botton.
There are so many solutions to eliminate bots, why blizzard didn’t take actions?
For example:
If a real player doubt that opponent is bot, the real player should be able to raise a captcha request in-game, if the opponent fail to pass it, a captcha failure should be logged, if an account reach somekind captcha failures’ limit, it should be banned.

But there is something i dont understand.

If you are trying to complete your daily quest with a certain class, and you happen to concede before you are under 15 HP, your game will not count for your quest.

But if you do absolutely nothing during the whole game, you do not play a single card, you do not even hero power, you spend the whole game without taking any action of any kind… and it counts for the quest.

Why do the rule consider that an aggro deck that legitimately plays the game, but gets destroyed by a control deck and decides to concede is is not legit, but a player who does NOTHING is legit ?

It just does not make sense to me. Is it somehow technically impossible to create a rule that says “if you dont play anything during the whole game, you don’t get xp, you don’t validate your quests, you get nothing”…

Opponent XP = XP * your_turn _length


I keep playing vs one that’s a warrior and all it does is use it’s hero power. The players name is Maybeo. It’s super annoying.

I do achieves in wild bronze and I loooooove all the warrior bots that let me do stupid things without trying to kill me. Thank you, bots!

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How is a report button abuseable in a game like Hearthstone? Either a player is a bot, or they aren’t. Bot behaviour is easily distinguishable from player behaviour. And all chat is via text, so any abusive “friend” requests are a matter of written record.

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I returned to the game a couple months ago after being gone for almost a year, the number of bots I was facing as a returning player was a pretty terrible experience. But I wanted to get back into the game so I had to slog through it.

What does that have to do with my skill level?

Not that your answer matters, you’re really just trolling anyways.

Returning player problems.

I’ll never understand the free win complaints. If you don’t have time to waste playing games you need to find something else to do. If you can’t manage 20+ minutes a match then competitive card games aren’t for you. Find something better to jump in and out of.

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Those who fear in game reporting are like politicians who don’t want it illegal for politicians to get rich off investing. You just know something dirty is going on there that someone doesn’t want a light shined on.

Nah, it more like they know how the “community” is.
Its a VERY salty one. There would be so many false flags that 1 of 2 things would happen with in game reporting:

  1. More actions for false reporting would be handed out than for any other reason.
  2. It would be nothing more than a placebo. A button that does nothing other than satisfy the salty players spur of the moment fit of rage. Remember, Blizzard - rightly so - doesnt share any details with a person making a report. The most they do is acknowledge the report has been made.
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Sure. Then like a politician getting checked to see if their investments are shady, or a sober driver going through a drunk checkpoint…they have nothing to worry about. Abusing the report feature is a violation of TOS, and in other games it’s handled in a similar fashion. So This is just another line used (not saying you) be people who like to claim the “rampant abuse” justifies the flagrant violation of the TOS going on.

It doesn’t wash.

False reports, botters, cheaters, all TOS violators. Ban hammer for all, and let The Holy Light sort them out. Then the game will finally start to be ok from a player side. Then microsoft cleans house, and the game will start to be great all around!

Its not gonna happen precisely because there would be significantly more false reports than its worth to implement to catch the “crooked politicians”

Send your feedback there. The avenue to report exists, use it, instead of asking for a placebo button to be added.

Hate to burst your bubble, but they already said it was coming.

Your “muh e-mail” only proves the old mentality of making the report process more burdensome in literally the ONLY GAME in their roster to not have it is out of date thinking. Maybe you should post a number people could call using a rotary dial phone!

Youre not bursting my bubble at all. I do require a source of your claim though. They said A LOT of things were “coming soon™” in December and only gold card upgrades have been implemented so far.

They are focusing on what is profitable first, not something thats gonna cost 'em - like in game report will.

Meanwhile, if they do implement, just know it wont do what you think. You will still run in to ropers & bots. Its been 8 years and they still exist.

Have a cup of copium, and accept that players of blizzard games (all digital games, really) tend to be jerks.

Ah yes, such a “cost” to lose tos violators who are literally driving actual customers away.

I’ve said this many times, you can tell what kind of player someone is by where they stand on this issue: the louder and more irrationally they protest against a feature that is literally in every other actiblizz game, you know something fishy is going on.

Now THAT is copium!

The lead Dev himself is a proven cheater/ToS violator. You think he cares if others do?

Look at reality. Unless its profitable, its low priority. Even fixing literal game breaking bugs (hi Nessie) by simply banning the card until it can be patched properly is not a high priority for them.

The tos is a legal document. One person ignoring or breaking it does not make it ok for someone else to. If a president or judge commits murder in their front yard, you think it’s carte blanche in that country for murderers.

That’s how laughably farcical your comment is.