Bots and how our time is being wasted

There’s a difference when you play respectfully and legitimately and then there’s Cheating… there’s no in-between.

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I think it comes down to single and multi player formats.

Single player do what you like.
Multi player you have to consider both players.

You can make a game and ignore bots, but you will lose customers if the bots create a bad experience.

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sure but did you ever think 1 bots help players who always lose get wins 2 said player doesnt have the time to play but still wants to rank i dont see anything wrong with doing something to help a player progress who cant do it by playing at least in my exppeirance the past few weeks

I don’t think there are many players that want to play a bot for a free win.

If it was you and everyone else was a bot, would you play until you reached legend 1, and would you enjoy yourself.

Or would it be a massive chore.

You realize you’re posting about the justification of cheating.

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meh if something works for people it works let them do what they will

Sure, I mean thieves murderers etc use the same system and it works for them, so you’ve won me over.


wont let me post the image link but im 6-1 with my pally over the last hour so shrug

Awesome, hopefully it’s bots the whole way to legend 1.

oh im not looking for leg one i just want legand haha

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Guys, I think the plot’s been lost a bit. Let’s just tackle one problem at a time. I don’t care about bots that can actually play the game right now. The justification of “who cares how they play as long as they are winning” doesn’t work here because the main bot problem right now are troll bots that only use Hero Power every turn and never play a single card. They are everywhere right now and seriously need to be addressed. It’s less a of an issue of cheating and more an issue about trolls.

Oh nice thanks for letting me know. It might be a hassle the first time but if you bookmark everything i am sure it will be less trouble.

Hear that? You’re bad, therefore your point is … invalid? I mean, who wants to play against actual players? Talk about insanity.

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Right? If 10 games takes three hundred minutes playing against an AFK opponent what type of trash deck are you playing? The issue certainly isn’t the bots here.

Only relevant to people who are equally trash tier to have the same MMR as a clicky bot…

Scrub rank problems.

oh sorry mr hearthstone all star. When you were still play monopoloy i already made legend. I only play now because of the collection i have. Talk about a scrub that doesnt even understand that and want to tell me i am a scrub. 30 000 ranked wins a scrub. Lmao. This scrub makes you look like a guppy. Take your trolling back to discord Torn. And Yes i am more than willing to back up that figure guppy.

Lol you are pissed, dude.

you ask the wrong question,
if bot matched up with bot, one of them gonna win.

now all these bots are very active on certain time where there is less player and meet each other in a row.

they should have 50% win rate in the long run,

half of them gonna reach legend since real player also concede the match because it just plain boring and push their win rate above 50% rate.

let me send it back to you.
how bad do you have to be to never match up with bots, i wonder ?

ignore my sarcastic question above,
honestly asia server is bot infested on certain time.

The only bots i run into the endless turn use hero power. Then again i find players acting the same way out of spite.

I have just started playing HS again after a few years. I love the game still and am glad to be back, but I am still an intermediate to casual player. I don’t have all the time in the world to spend playing, nor do I have all the money to buy all the best cards right now. So I’m usually somewhere around silver rank, and I face about 3-4 bots per day. It makes the game experience feel really bad. Yes I get that I can just wait and get a free win, which is what I usually do, but given I only have so much time to play each day my time is valuable and I play the game to have fun, not be trolled. I understand why Blizzard doesn’t want a report feature in the game, as it would cause far more trouble than it’s worth, but if there were simply a way to flag players specifically for this issue - just for using a bot - that would be nice. But again I can see that people might just be reporting others out of spite of simply because they get mad when they lose. I think like every where, there’s always going to be some jerks that want to spoil the party, but the majority of players are here to enjoy themselves.