It’s great that you guys are banning bot accounts. However, it would be nice if you were to include exmaples of what to look out for when facing a potential bot to minimize false reports.
What??? They banned you? You’ve been active in the forums for such a long time and contribute to conversation regualarly.
Appeal it becuase it was clearly a mistake.
But also, there were tons of Rogue Mech bots that were on standard ladder, however, since the rotatation, some of the cards went wild and now they are all on the wild ladder.
They all have names like JadeStage, Mightyowl, all those lame blizzard names.
So the 50+ bots I have reported in the last 2 days (some which I have played against multiple times) are going to be banned? I get to play against the same deck 95% of my games now.
Any chance that you could get numbers on how many of those accounts had an Arena run where they actually played a game (as opposed to retiring immediately)?
Because any of the bans that already completed a proper Arena run don’t count.
Here’s an idea: block access of the country of origin of 99%of the bots. And we all know which country that is. Block them. Every. Single. One. Simple as that. Don’t allow names with funky characters to be made on North American and Europe servers. Simple as that.
Or second solution to the botting problem: Institute the authorization through the authenticator before each match. Simple. As. That. A few seconds to type in numbers isn’t that big of a deal. Anyone who says so is not only lazy, but probably botting as well.
This will probably get flagged and removed (lol) and I’ll probably get a forum vacation or “banned” again but much like Arnold Schwarzenegger; less than three hours, I’ll be back.
They banned me for botting and I have NEVER botted. Apparently player reporting is their defacto method of determining who is botting. Explains why so many innocent players are facing ban hammers. I wouldn’t recommend put any money into this game. One guy who got banned had put over $3000 into the game.
All of my yikes. Not only is this racist and wrong, it’d also achieve nothing. VPNs exist.
Each match? That’s completely insane. Very few would be willing to play under those conditions.
How about this for a better idea:
You can now buy a pack for an event ticket in the shop directly.
The ability to retire an Arena run is removed.
This wouldn’t prevent the bot life cycle, but it would make the process take more time. And if it takes more time then there is a chance that Blizzard might actually ban a bot account before it’s sold for real money.
That and they’re trying to ban faster and faster so that they can catch up to the bots. Trying to go too fast leads to worse quality control, with more false positives.