Blood dk is dead

Blizz killed it.

Can’t survive aggro now
Why do they have no brains?

The entire point of blood dk is stalling till you can remove.

Now removal is even more limited for the late game and you can’t make it there anyways

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If you can’t see it was a problem, you are part of that problem.


If you think blood dk was overpowered, you’re bad at the game.


yea, sure thing buddy. keep believing in fairytales.
Its basically the entire class that is OP. Still is even after these “nerfs”.


If you can’t see it was the solution to aggro decks having endless juice now, then you’re the problem. Typical aggro player, thinks there should be no answers to aggro.


aww poor jimmies


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aggro player? Me? wth are you on about? I guess if lightshow is considered aggro.

Control priest answers aggro just fine. Play that instead.

Unless you really feel uncomfortable just because your max hp is 55 instead of 75 now as blood dk?


It’s still tier 1 maybe 2. What’s your basis on? TheoHS is destroying with it at high legend and druid dies to it. So umm yeah. Learn to play it? It needs more nerfs my dude. It was brain dead easy before. Now you have to actually use your removal when actually needed.

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Also you still have frost DK which is still the best deck in the game. This patch did literally nothing.


I play wild, Blood DK has never been good in that format. I play it sometimes but my main deck is Weasel Priest.

I run Awaken the Makers an double seance though. Double visions too. 55 HP? That’s kind of funny. :laughing:

Druid farms blood dk. Lmao

In what world with what data? You are factually incorrect. Therefore you’ve won this non-sensical argument because you don’t use data, facts, or I’m assuming actual game play experience.

Blood dk is beaten by combos, value and thief decks, sticky aggro decks and spell face decks.

Druid is combo and value.

How do you beat jailer+ deck theft?
How do you out value 6 attack 6 armor hero powers?

A lucky patchwerk?

By turn 7 you’re half dead, even if you stop the combo you’re gonna lose to fatigue or hero power

Hello, that’s a lie, DK blood has a lot of removal, a lot of life recovery, you can’t play aggro because it’s abusive!!!

Where are you even running into tony druid??? Watch meatman, pockettrain, any high legend streamer and they are running blood dk and in the top 5. I’m in diamond and it’s still everywhere.

I mean yeah you named ways that can beat the deck. But, like, yeah it can be beaten. But it still has a higher win rate than most decks. Top 3 at the moment. Someone get monkey (site) stats or hsreplay for high legend.

OK you win I’m done. You’re salty an insanely overpowered easy to play deck got, em, mildly inconvenienced from the nerfs. If that.

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Let’s be honest, Blood’s DK"s ability to gain over 100 hero health throughout the match was a little over the top.

Regular players of this game expected the Nerf to hit Blood Knights, espeically when they announced an overall nerf to the class.

The class is still playable, however, it just no longer has the ability to have infinite answers every turn like it use too. I personally don’t feel bad. So if one want’s to play Blood DK, they need to actually build decks that don’t rely 100% on out healing their opponent.

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You realize that’s the entire point of blood dk right? Healing.

So it has no point because the goal of the game isn’t “healing.”

Seriously, blood dk should have been nerfed MUCH harder.

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